Complex of exercises for the eyes to improve vision with myopia

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1 What is the benefit of eye therapy?

Degrees of myopia or how to deal with the disease

Myopia is divided into several stages that can be succumbed or can not be treated with myopia:

  1. This stage can be quickly cured. There are small changes in the visual system. A person with such a disease often has a headache. The doctor offers as a treatment to use palming, frequent blinking, as well as working with tables.
  2. Difficult to treat. At this stage, a person develops glaucoma, strabismus, or cataract. You can treat such diseases with the help of intensive training and exercise complexes.
  3. Can be partially cured. This is a neglected stage of the disease, which needs to be treated as a gymnasium, and is treated by a doctor. Sometimes only the operation helps.

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Where does the disease come from, and how to treat it?

Myopia can be both acquired and hereditary disease. If parents suffer from myopia, then there is a high risk of the disease in children, and at an early age.

At a later age, a person may appear to work, affecting vision loss( corrector or editor).For such people, there is a special set of exercises for restoring vision.

There are several methods for correcting myopia. These include the occupation in glasses with concave lenses. In them, the focus of the object is combined with the retina of the eye, so the objects can be clearly distinguished. Such glasses compensate for the defect of the eyes, but with their help vision can not be cured. If myopia progresses, then glasses are prescribed to a person with a large number of diopters.

Timely prevention of myopia together with methods of alternative medicine will stop the development of myopia and help restore visual acuity. It includes gymnastics for the eyes with myopia. To get a positive result, you need to perform it regularly. Now there are complexes developed by several authors.

2 A set of exercises to improve vision for myopia

Exercises to restore vision.

All exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the eyes, relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation. Charge for eyes with myopia is a good way to restore vision at the initial stage of myopia.

Features of performing gymnastics for the eyes.

Exercises for eyes with myopia are suitable for all adults, children and those who spend a lot of time at the computer.

Children and elderly people are at risk.

Lessons need to be done regularly. More useful will bring regular classes even at low intensity. Exercise should be done gradually. Begin with 2-3 exercises, increasing the number to 30-40 times. Classes are held after meals. The first results will be observed after the month of the gymnastics. A positive effect is provided by regular training with facial, eyelid and neck massage.

3 Learning to relax the eyes

There are several ways to keep your eyesight. One and them is the right relaxation. Special exercises are carried out throughout the day at any convenient time:

  1. First eyes screw up. You need to do this until trembling. At this point, the muscles will begin to strain. It is the right relaxation to relieve tension. Therefore, the eyes relax, and squint left the same. If you look at a distant object, the tremor will stop.
  2. Stop looking at the wall and imagine that there are two black dots there. One should be on top of the other at a distance of 50 cm. The view very slowly moves from one point to another, as if a person is drawing a line. Repeat the exercise for 40-50 seconds.
  3. The following exercise will help to relax the eye muscles. Eyes are closed with palms, crossing them on the bridge of the nose. The palms covered by the eyes are opened. Hands are held so that light does not get through. In this position, rest for 5 minutes. Then you should blink and take your hands off several times.


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Simple exercises for myopia:

  1. The look needs to be moved down and fixed, then raise your eyes up. Stop for a few seconds.
  2. Raise your eyes up, look at the bridge of your nose, move your eyes to the tip of your nose.
  3. Draw a diamond through the eyes. In this case, stop at each point for 2 seconds to focus.
  4. Look out the window and find in the distance an object that you liked. Translate a look into the room at the object you like. Do the exercise for 1 minute.

Complex of exercises to improve vision:

  1. It is necessary to sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Open them and quickly blink 10 seconds. Rest with your eyes closed. Do at least 3 times.
  2. Leave your eyes closed for 5-7 seconds. Open for a few seconds, as wide as possible. You can not blink.
  3. With your fingers, starting from the little finger, lightly press on the upper part of the eyes, which should be closed at the same time.
  4. The skin around the eyebrows gently lifts the skin with your fingers. And at this point you need to try to close your eyes.
  5. Fingers are located at 3 points of the eye: inside( near the bridge of the nose), in the middle( above the upper eyelid) and in the corner. It is necessary to stretch the skin gently with your fingers for a few seconds.
  6. The next exercise is performed on a chair. The head is straight and does not move. You need to drive your eyes from the object on the ceiling to objects on the floor.
  7. Hold the index finger of the right hand at eye level from right to left. Repeat the same move with your left hand. The head remains motionless.
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4 Chinese gymnastics with myopia

An ancient method of such gymnastics is based on only 4 exercises that are done at certain points:

  1. The Qing-min point is at the intersection of the eyebrows. Do massage points with your fingers 35 times.
  2. The Syb-ai point is located in the middle of the cheeks. It is stimulated 35 times in a circular motion. Use for index finger massage.
  3. The Tai-Yang point is located between the edge of the eyebrow and eye. Gently push the point 36 times with your fingers.
  4. The next exercise is a smooth transition with a massage from the upper eyelid to the lower one.

Complex of effective exercises for vision recovery:

  1. Blink your eyes at a fast pace for 60 seconds. Relax and repeat the exercise.
  2. To occupy a comfortable position, tightly squint and count to 10. The eyes are wide open to count to 10. You can repeat this exercise 4-6 times.
  3. Stand up, stretch out your arm forward. Stop looking at your fingertips until they begin to double. They rest their eyes for 10 seconds. Do the exercise 6 times.
  4. Present the drawing of the eyes with circles in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
  5. Enjoy the energy of the sun. On a clear day, go to the window and face the sun. Stand in this position for 10 minutes.
  6. You need to sit on a chair exactly. Look at the ceiling for 30 seconds. Then head down and look at your knees too for 30 seconds.
  7. On the glass you need to attach a circle the size of a match head. To translate a sight from a circle on the liked object behind a window. It must be in line with the circle. This exercise is done 2 times a day for a month. You need to start from 3 minutes. By the end of the month, the time is 8 minutes.

5 Bates Treatment

A unique method by which to improve vision, American Bates developed. This is a charging for the eyes with myopia, which consists of 5 basic exercises that you can do any time of the day:

  1. Open the book and put it away for a comfortable distance. Look at the picture. Close your eyes and try to recreate it. The picture itself can be dark, but the outlines are bright and well visible.
  2. In the next exercise, you need to represent the brightest colors for 1 second. Exercise lasts no less than 4-7 minutes. If possible, repeat it several times during the day.
  3. One must imagine that there is a flower in the distance. Start looking at its parts. Each petal, stem, leaves. You can imagine and see a drop of water or an insect that sits on it. Consider it.
  4. The eyes should be closed. In memory, draw letters or numbers. You can alternately. First they must be large, and then become smaller.

6 Spotting gymnastics for children

Children need to watch for eye health. Especially for those with congenital problems or spoiled vision of heredity. Children also need to do exercises for the eyes. Children's gymnastics for the eyes with myopia can be in the form of a game minute or passing through the visual simulators.

There are several methods for the child to switch on the accommodative device. For example, charging for the eyes in verse.

Method "Gymnastics on the steps."The technique of execution is not difficult. It is necessary to do special exercises for the eyes with myopia:

  1. Become at a distance of 1 m from the window.
  2. Hold the hand in front of you and consider all the lines on the palm.
  3. Look at the window frame. Consider all small parts and cracks.
  4. Look out the window. Find your favorite tree and carefully consider all the branches and leaves.
  5. Translate a look at a long distance and consider the house and all its components.
  6. Raise your head and look at the sky for a few seconds.
  7. Return in reverse order. That is, look at the house, the tree, the window frame and the lines on the palm. There is a kind of staircase. At each step, stay for 5 seconds.

7 Improvement of blood circulation in the eyeballs in a child

Exercises for myopia for good blood circulation in the eyeballs for children:

  • movement from left to right and vice versa;
  • movement of the eyes up and down;
  • drawing with the eyes of a circle;
  • quickly squeeze and unclench eyes;
  • draw with eyes diagonal;
  • look at the tip of the nose.

Each exercise should be performed 5 times in each direction.

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