Symptoms of the disease, medical treatment and possible complications after the frontitis

1 How to determine the disease

Understand what a front is easy enough. With this disease, frontal sinuses become inflamed, which gives the patient a lot of unpleasant sensations. It is quite easy to recognize the symptoms of the frontitis. The body temperature rises. It can rise up to 40 ° C and even higher. The patient complains of severe pain in the nose. There are abundant discharge from the nose, which eventually acquire a greenish color. Because of this, it becomes more difficult to breathe. The general state of health of the patient starts to deteriorate. He feels strong weakness and gets tired literally even after simple movements. Constantly there is a headache.

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Local symptoms of the frontitis are expressed in every person in different ways. It can be as easy discomfort in the bridge of the nose, and strong, sharp pain. Sometimes it acquires a pulsating character. The most pain is manifested in the morning. Soreness over the bridge of the nose will be felt on palpation, especially if you strongly press in this area. In more severe cases, swelling and redness can be seen. If it is wrong to treat the frontitis, then it will pass from the acute form to the chronic one, which in the future will provoke the appearance of complications.

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The frontitis, the symptoms of which are easily confused with the signs of other diseases, are hard to recognize, especially in the early stages. This should be done only by the doctor and after a complete diagnosis. One of the first symptoms, which is manifested in the patient, is a headache, and it becomes more intense. Quite often, patients have a fear of light and a sharp pain in their eyes. As for body temperature, sometimes it does not rise to an extremely high level, but remains subfebrile. Discharge from the nose will be purulent, get a dull green color. Near the medial angle of the eye, soft tissues swell. Mucous layers are hyperemic. Working capacity is sharply reduced. A person constantly feels drowsiness, apathy, his appetite worsens.

All these symptoms of the frontitis will be less pronounced when the disease passes from acute to chronic form. The clinical picture is much weaker. Symptoms of the disease sometimes appear, and then disappear. Headache has a pressing character, sometimes becomes aching or pulsating. In some periods, it may be completely absent. Usually when chronic form the headache manifests when the patient lies. Pain is felt in the place where the sinuses are affected.

When the pressure rises, the pain also increases. By the way, the frontitis in adults on symptoms is practically no different from the manifestations of this disease in children. Especially sharp it becomes, if you press on the inner corner of the eye. In chronic form, the patient has an unpleasant odor of discharge from the nose. Usually, in acute form, such symptoms do not appear. Particularly intensive discharge in the morning. In addition, at the same time, the patient often coughs up phlegm. This is due to the fact that when he sleeps, the discharge gradually drains to the nasopharynx. Because of this, it is with chronic form that the patient often complains of severe coughing attacks at night.

2 Medication Therapy

Frontline in the early stages is successfully treated with medications. All medicines are designed to eliminate infection from the sinuses and stop the inflammatory processes. It is required to reduce the edema to improve sinus ventilation. It is necessary to withdraw purulent masses.

Treatment is performed by such means:

  • Antibacterial medicines.

Antibiotics are always prescribed at the front. They are applied as topically( injected into the sinuses and nasal cavity), and systemically( orally).But, before using them, you need to make sure that the infection really does not have a viral but a bacterial nature. This is due to the fact that antibiotics will help only with bacterial infection, but with viruses there will be no sense.


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Very often with prolonged use of antibiotics, the person becomes addictive, as a result of which the drug no longer acts on the infection, so it will be necessary to select a new remedy. In this case, there may be a dysbacteriosis or an allergic reaction. Before taking antibiotics at front, it is required to check the susceptibility of bacteria to them. If we talk about antibiotics, we select funds from groups of penicillins, macrolides and cephalosporins. They can be either a system action or a local one.

  • Vasoconstrictors.

Vasodilators refer to symptomatic therapy. They help to get rid of excessive puffiness, so that the sinuses are gradually restored. The nasal congestion takes place, and it becomes much easier to breathe. For example, you can use Fantizinom, Vibrotsilom, Galazolinom or Nazivinom. These are preparations for topical use. They are allowed to use no more than a week. They are available in the form of a spray or drops.

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  • Antipyretic drugs.

Means with antipyretic properties also refer to symptomatic therapy. They need to be taken only if the body temperature rises strongly - more than 38 ° C.Many drugs with antipyretic properties additionally have an anti-inflammatory effect, and also well anesthetize. If the temperature of the body does not rise above 38 ° C, then use such a means is impractical. However, if the patient's state of health has worsened, then they can be used. For example, it concerns a strong chill, weakness, headaches. Usually, drugs that are based on paracetamol are used. For example, Tylenol, Panadol and Efferalgan are suitable. Used funds based on ibuprofen. This applies to Ibufen or Nurofen. Such drugs are prohibited for use for longer than 3 days without the permission of the doctor.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.

At front, prescribe and drugs that have anti-inflammatory properties.

For example, Fenspiride( known as Erespal) is actively used. This agent affects the synthesis of active substances that cause inflammation, so that they gradually pass. In addition, sputum and mucus from the sinuses improve. Developed anti-inflammatory drugs that are applied topically. They are usually produced on the basis of glucocorticoids. Examples are Fliksonase and Nazonex. Well cope with inflammatory processes Propol. It is prepared on the basis of bee products. You can use an aqueous solution of Protargol, which is made on the basis of silver.

3 Other methods of treatment

Treatment of the frontitis can be carried out and not with medicines. Sometimes they are simply not enough for this. In this case, prescribe an auxiliary therapy with procedures: inhalation, rinsing of the nose and sinuses, punctures. Surgical methods may also be used:

  • Rinsing of the nose.

How to cure the frontitis, everyone should know. For example, you can use the procedure of washing the sinuses. In the people this procedure is known as the "Cuckoo" because it is necessary to pronounce "ku-ku" sounds during washing. By the way, this method of treatment is completely safe, so that it is prescribed even for children. During the procedure, it is recommended to lie on your back. Then the washing solution will not enter the nasopharynx. The medicine must be poured through one nostril, and then use a special suction to pump it through the second half of the nose. If the patient has a medium-sized front, then it is recommended to rinse the YAMIK catheter, which is placed in the sine. This is achieved due to the difference in pressure in the nasal cavity, sinuses. If you perform the procedure at home, it is recommended that you use Dolphin.

  • Puncture and surgical techniques.

It is possible to cure the frontitis( severe form) of the disease, only by resorting to Trepanopuncture. This is a procedure in which a sinus puncture is made to provide an outflow of purulent masses that have accumulated there. The hole is made up to the frontal sinus through the frontal bone. Such treatment of the frontitis is prescribed only with the appearance of complications and with a very serious form of the disease. Through this hole, rinsing should be done 2 times a day. For this, a solution with antiseptic properties is used. However, the puncture has not only a therapeutic effect, but is also used in diagnosis. Only in this way can we estimate the amount of pus in the sinuses and its character.

In addition to the puncture to surgical methods of treating the frontitis is a radical operation, which is performed on the frontal sinus. It is carried out through external access and through the nasal cavity. An endoscope is used. The frontal sinus is required to be opened, then cleaned of purulent masses, to ensure communication with the nasal cavity. This option is used only in the most severe cases, when there is a constant relapse.

4 Inhalation and folk remedies for combating the disease

In the presence of frontitis in adults, folk remedies are also used. Inhalation is used to moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinuses. In this case, mucus and sputum will be relieved. In addition, some drugs so easily penetrate into the sinuses. To do this, inhalers are used compression or ultrasonic type, as well as conventional ones, which look like funnels and special containers.

In the treatment at home, inhalation with steam is actively used. To do this, you need to boil a few potatoes, but do not need to cut the skin. Then over a pot of potatoes you need to cover with a thick large towel and inhale the vapors. Doctors recommend making a mixture based on apple cider vinegar and garlic. Also a decoction of bay leaves.

There are other recipes of traditional medicine that help fight the front. For example, various medicinal plants are used to prepare decoctions and infusions, which are then taken or used for applications, ointments, compresses. For example, Vishnevsky's ointment is effective. You can prepare the ointment, mixing in equal proportions juice of onion, aloe, cyclamen root and honey. It is recommended to add a little Vishnevsky ointment to enhance the effect.

Well cope with the pain and inflammation of the juice from the radish, it is necessary to choose only the black variety. This juice is used as a drop for the nose. There are many effective remedies based on chamomile, calendula, horse chestnut, geranium. Such funds should not be used as an independent treatment for the frontitis in adults. They are suitable only as an auxiliary therapy, so do not forget about medications and surgical intervention.

5 Useful recommendations

Treatment of the frontal ganglion will be correct if the medicines are correctly selected. Usually inflammatory processes in the frontal sinuses are explained by several reasons, so that they need to be correctly identified, and then act on them. The correct variant of combination of different methods of treatment should be selected by an otolaryngologist. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, otherwise the situation will only worsen.

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