The main symptoms and treatment of viral conjunctivitis

2 Signs of the disease

At least once every person has a viral conjunctivitis. Symptoms are known to almost every person. After infection, the infection can spread at different rates in each person. Herpetic conjunctivitis usually manifests itself in children. The process will be lengthy and slow. First, infection of the conjunctiva occurs on one eye. Then through time the infection spreads to the second eye. At the catarrhal form there is an edema, reddening of mucous layers. There is a small amount of mucus and pus. When the follicular form appears rash in the form of graafovyh bubbles, which are located on the roller of the eyelid and on the conjunctiva of the eye.

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Vesicular ulcer conjunctivitis and herpetic conjunctivitis are characterized by the presence of erosions and ulcers, which constantly recur. They are located on the century and are covered with a thin film. On the upper layers of the sclera, one can see bubbles of a watery nature. There may be a rash of another type on the eyelids, and then go to the nose.

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Patient signs of conjunctival fever eventually develop. Most often it starts with a common cold. Then you can notice that the temperature of the body then rises, then decreases. The eye conjunctiva becomes inflamed on one eye, and the second will be affected already within 3 days. Viral conjunctivitis in children and adults is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes. In addition, the susceptibility of the stratum corneum decreases. The latent period can last no more than a week. If the patient has a catarrhal form, the cornea will not be damaged. However, mucus, pus, exudate is released from the eyes, and the connective layers swell and become inflamed. Usually the disease lasts no longer than a week. If the patient manifests a follicular form of the disease, the main feature is the appearance on the transitional folds of the century of various follicles, which are gelatinous in nature. The conjunctiva is sometimes covered with a grayish thin film, and under it are hidden bleeding.

There are signs of ECG and keratoconjunctivitis. The peculiarity of the latter is that it arises usually with very weakened immunity. The latent period lasts a week, after which the first symptoms appear. At the child they can appear earlier. The disease is very acute. Sometimes it stretches for 2 months. After the acute period ends, a week later, other characteristic signs appear. These are multipoint infiltrates of a subepithelial nature that occur on the stratum corneum of the eye. This is the main sign of keratitis.


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A distinctive feature of the hemorrhagic form of the disease of a viral origin is that the latent period is very short. Usually it lasts from 12 hours, but not more than 2 days. In addition to the usual common symptoms, others appear. For example, the most striking symptom is the presence of bleeding in the conjunctiva. A person always thinks that there is a rubble in his eyes, because of this, they feel a sharp pain. The susceptibility decreases. Infiltrates form in the cornea. A person feels a general weakness.

Separately there is a conjunctivitis, which is caused by a virus of a filtering type - molluscum contagiosum. This form is characterized by the formation of nodules on the eyelid. Nodules shine and have a waxy surface. Their funnel is located in the center. She's embroiled. In addition, a large amount of mucus is released, follicular formations appear on the eyelid for a century. If the disease is delayed, it can cause keratitis, because of what the cornea will surely grow turbid.

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1 Causes and types of the disease

Conjunctivitis of viral origin has many forms. First, they distinguish the epidemic form. It is known as keratoconjunctivitis. Secondly, there is an ECG.This is a hemorrhagic appearance. Thirdly, the disease is isolated into a separate form, which is caused by infection with molluscum contagiosum. In addition, the herpetic conjunctivitis is isolated. It has separate varieties: follicular, catarrhal and ulcerative-vesicular. A separate form is considered pharyngoconjunctival fever, which implies an adenoviral variety. This form also has subtypes: follicular, catarrhal and film.

The causes of the appearance of conjunctivitis of a viral origin converge to a single one - it is infection with a viral infection. However, viruses can be completely different. For example, this concerns different strains that cause ARVI.Adenovirus infection, which causes conjunctival fever and keratoconjunctivitis, should also be considered. Picornaviruses can also become agents of an epidemic or hemorrhagic form of the disease. Very often, the activation of the herpes virus also causes this disease( this applies only to the first two varieties of the virus).The virus of molluscum contagiosum also causes follicular type conjunctivitis. A person can get infected through food, water, and also by airborne droplets.

3 Treatment measures

Than to treat a viral conjunctivitis, the doctor should tell to the patient. It is better not to engage in self-medication, since it is almost impossible to determine the origin of the disease: viral, bacterial or allergic. Only after the diagnosis is prescribed therapy.

Usually prescribed drugs for external use. They have antiviral, antihistaminic and immunostimulating properties. Despite the presence of a viral infection, it is necessary to protect the eyes from bacterial infection, so drugs with antibacterial properties are prescribed. To treat conjunctivitis in adults, eye drops are used, the basis of which are interferon and enzymatic substances of hydrolysis type. They contribute to the liquefaction of mucus and pus, and also delay the development of various viruses.

Ointments with antiviral properties are very useful. For example, Bonafon Ointment is suitable. It actively affects the reproduction of the virus. Still suitable Florenal ointment. This drug neutralizes viruses. A separate group consists of ointments and preparations that contain acyclovir as the main active ingredient. This substance adversely affects the herpes virus and blocks the transmission of its DNA.If you treat a child, then preparations based on interferon can not be used.

During the treatment of conjunctivitis, which is caused by a virus of the filtering type, destruction of the affected areas is carried out with the help of surgical manipulations. You can use cryotherapy, laser treatment or conventional excision. To maintain the immunity of the patient, it is required to take multivitamin complexes.

  • Treatment of adenoviral conjunctivitis.

Treatment of adenoviral type conjunctivitis should be complex. It is necessary to take into account the patient's condition and anatomical features. Albucid is usually prescribed. These are drops with antimicrobial properties. You can use Floxal. In addition, Tebrofen, Interferon or Florenal are required. All these substances neutralize the activity of viruses. Sometimes appointed Poludan. This drug is an interferon stimulant.

  • Treatment of epidemic conjunctivitis.

For conjunctivitis of the epidemic type, it is imperative to rinse the eyes. You can use the solution of potassium permanganate, but it should be with a very low concentration. Also suitable and 2% solution of boric acid. Flushing should be done every 3 hours. After this, it is required to drip the eyes with sodium sulfacil, levomycetin or penicillin. The course of treatment is on average 1-1,5 weeks. Before going to sleep, you can put synthomycin or sulfadimezin ointment under the eyelid. For internal use, sulfanilamide is suitable. The course of admission is no more than 4 days.

  • Treatment of herpetic conjunctivitis.

With the activity of the herpetic virus, the main goal of therapy is to suppress its ability to reproduce.

This is best suited to Riodoxol, Vidarabine, Acyclovir. It is necessary to wash the eyes with solutions with antiseptic properties. In addition, you need to use antibacterial ointments and take immunomodulators.

4 Useful recommendations

Symptoms and treatment of viral conjunctivitis are inextricably linked. Therapy should not only eliminate the viral infection, but also remove all the symptoms of the disease. In addition, the treatment is prescribed precisely according to the symptoms of the disease.

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