What to drink in colitis, can I have coffee?

Colitis of the intestine requires the patient to be very attentive to the diet, as it occurs against the background of a strong inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and, accordingly, a violation of its functional activity. In this regard, almost all patients diagnosed with this disease are not only interested in what can be eaten with it, but also what it is allowed to drink.

Since this pathology is accompanied by disorders of the stool, which are often expressed by constipation, it is necessary to observe the correct drinking regimen, which contributes to the normalization of fecal matter departure. For this, patients with colitis need at least 2.5 liters of fluid during the day.

The most recommended specialists for this disease are vitamin teas and infusions from dried fruits. In addition, drinking with colitis is necessary not only after eating, but also immediately for half an hour before it. Also, when colitis is useful every morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of water in which 2 or 3 tablespoons of lemon juice is dissolved. This contributes to the preparation of an inflamed digestive organ for the forthcoming work.

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Can I drink coffee in colitis?

Due to the fact that among the patients who first diagnosed this pathology of the digestive organs, there are many coffeemakers, it is often possible to hear the question of whether this beverage can be given in this disease. Here, you should immediately upset all its lovers. When colitis is forbidden to drink not only strong black coffee, but also its variant with milk. The harm that this drink can bring to the damaged intestine is very large:

  • This drink does not allow the absorption of minerals, especially the iron, the necessary organism in case of gastrointestinal disease;
  • Promotes the production of the stress hormone - one of the root causes of inflammatory bowel pathologies;
  • This drink stimulates intestinal peristalsis and aggravates diarrhea accompanying colitis;
  • Many of the compounds contained in it irritate the mucosa of the digestive organs, so if you drink this drink with inflammation of the intestine, it will lead to increased ulceration on the damaged surface.

In addition, the drink contains acrylamide in large quantities. This substance is a carcinogen, which is formed during the frying of grains and causes a person to strengthen the formation of cancer cells. All this requires the patients to completely abandon coffee in colitis.

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