Causes of itching and burning in the vagina

Almost every woman encounters in their life with such an unpleasant symptom as itching in the vagina with or without secretions. But not everyone knows that the reasons for this discomfort can have a different etiology, often requiring timely and professional treatment.

In the case when a woman starts to burn, itch in the vagina, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist.

Many girls start using traditional methods of treatment, thereby aggravating the situation. Remember! Only a gynecologist can make a diagnosis on the basis of the results of the examination.

Causes of itching in the vagina

It is worthwhile to divide the causes of itching in the vagina into those that are caused and not caused by the presence of any disease. Diseases accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area include:

  • vulvovaginitis;
  • vulva vulgaris( frequent cause of itching during menopause);
  • colpitis( various etiologies, often fungal);
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • allergy;
  • cervicitis and endocervicitis;Genital warts
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  • ;
  • genital herpes;
  • thrush;
  • venereal diseases( chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • tumor diseases of the cervix and vagina;
  • cancer of the vulva;
  • urogenital fistula;
  • prolapse of genital organs;
  • diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism;
  • senile atrophy of the vulva and vaginal mucosa.

Itching in the vagina, of unknown origin, accompanied by secretions, burning, pain - good reasons to apply for a comprehensive examination to a specialist. Self-treatment, without revealing the true cause of discomfort, can lead to secondary infection and a change in the clinical picture of the disease.

Physiological causes of

Among the reasons not related to any pathology of the female reproductive system:

  1. Improper hygiene of the genitals, including the use of unsuitable means - soaps, gels, bath foam.
  2. Use of some types of contraception. For example, many women are allergic to latex, lubricants, etc.
  3. Permanent wearing of synthetic underwear.
  4. Consequence of stress.

As a rule, physiological causes provoke a moderate, short-lived genital itching, which lasts no more than three days.

Symptoms of

Usually itching in the vagina can be accompanied by additional manifestations:

  • itching in the labia and perineum,
  • secretions of a different nature from the genital tract,
  • by rashes on the skin of the large labia or on mucous,
  • sensation of foreign body in the area,
  • appearance of unpleasantodor,
  • with abdominal pain and in the crotch area,
  • dryness in the vaginal area,
  • with spotting or spotting.

The intensity of the itch may be mild, to which the woman pays attention only at rest or at bedtime, or may be intolerable, disrupting life. It can be periodic and permanent, associated with menstruation or ovulation.

Sperm allergy

Sometimes in married women who have only a single partner, there is itching in the vagina after unprotected sexual intercourse due to an allergic reaction to the husband's sperm. It happens rarely enough and is manifested by burning, redness, itching of the external genital organs after sexual contact.

Allergy to sperm, as well as the incompatibility of the microflora of the husband and wife can be a serious problem for the couple, as it causes discomfort in a woman, suspicion of treason, sexually transmitted diseases from each other. However, as an irritant component, there may be the sperm protein itself, and possible foods, medicines that the beloved man takes.

To clarify this cause of itching, you should give special allergic tests to your husband's sperm.

Inflammation of the mucosa

Due to the development of opportunistic microflora - the most common cause of itching in the vagina.

This includes: gardnerellez;candidiasis( thrush), which is caused by yeast Candida and is accompanied by redness and swelling, thick white curdled discharge without odor. Bacteriological vaginosis often develops as a consequence of intestinal dysbacteriosis, its sign is brown or yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.


In older women, itching in the vagina and vulva is associated with dystrophic processes in the genital tissues on the background of the extinction of the hormonal function of the ovaries. There is dryness, itching in the vagina, and its entrance. Atrophy of tissues during this period promotes the development of inflammatory processes.

A decrease in the level of estrogen provokes a change in the vaginal microflora as the number of lactobacilli decreases and the pH( acidity) of the medium increases. In addition, the elderly age in healthy women in itself can be the cause of skin itching( senile itching).

Venereal diseases

The most common cause of pruritus in the vagina is considered to be sexually transmitted infections:

  1. Chlamydia - in addition to irritation, there is an appearance of secretions from the genital tract with the smell of fish, the disease often recurs;
  2. Trichomoniasis - burning in the vaginal area and frothy greenish discharge;
  3. Genital herpes - except that itchy itch, rash appears;
  4. Ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis - itching is one of the first signs of the presence of the disease;
  5. Genital warts or genital warts - the disease develops against the backdrop of HPV activity, in addition to itching, there is an appearance in the genital area of ​​skin outgrowths or condylomas;
  6. Syphilis - in addition to itching, there is an appearance on the external genitalia, cervix and mucous membrane of the vulva of a solid chancre with a dense base, even margins and a brownish-red bottom.
  7. Gonorrhea - itching is one of the signals of the presence of the disease in an acute form, besides it there are purulent discharge from the vagina, swelling, reddening of the mucous genitalia, burning, painful urination and frequent desires, intermenstrual bleeding, abdominal pain.

If the sexually transmitted disease is not treated in a timely manner, everything can become complicated:

  1. Urethritis is an inflammatory process in the urethra. In this situation, the woman, in addition to itching, is worried by severe burning and painful sensations when urinating.
  2. Endometritis - inflammation of the uterus, which is characterized by a constant itching in the vagina.
  3. Cervicitis is an inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa.

Each of these ailments is accompanied by itching in the vulva.

Severe itching in the vagina

The intense itching of the external genitalia in women basically indicates the presence of infection. In this case, the patient has the following symptoms:

  • copious discharge of white, yellow or green with a pungent odor;
  • redness of the vaginal mucosa, the appearance of plaque on it, less often - small erosions and sores;
  • pain during sexual contact;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • burning sensation when urinating.

The last two signs indicate a rapid progression of the disease and the spread of the inflammatory process to various organs of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of itching in the vagina

As can be seen, the causes of itching in the vagina can be different, and therefore the treatment will be different. In some cases, it is sufficient to eliminate the irritating factor( start wearing comfortable linen from natural fabrics), while in others, the use of medicines is required.

The procedure for further treatment of will depend on the diagnosis of :

  1. The infectious origin of pruritus requires the use of local antimicrobial therapy.
  2. Fungus in the vagina is treated with antifungal agents.
  3. In the allergic nature of irritation, antihistamines are used.
  4. With hormonal disorders, the hormones are corrected.

If there is no opportunity to go to the hospital at once, then to ease the condition, you can:

  1. It is often washed up by adding antiseptics - chlorhexidine or a bit of furacilin( but not manganese or iodine) to the water;
  2. To adhere to hypoallergenic diet, excluding spicy, pickled and sweet food, to consume more sour-milk products;
  3. Use only cotton, "breathable" laundry;
  4. Avoid physical activity and sexual intercourse.

After the examination by a gynecologist, depending on the diagnosis of itching in the vagina, treatment will be prescribed accordingly.

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