Porridge with gastric ulcer: manna, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal

Porridges cooked on water or whole milk with gastric ulcer are one of the main components of the patient's nutritional diet.

Nutritionists consider universal meal cereals for gastroenterological pathology. Porridges with peptic ulcer:

  • Do not require a long chewing;
  • Quickly digested, relieving the stomach;
  • Do not provoke increased secretion and do not irritate the mucous walls of the organ;
  • Cereals, the main component of dietary foods - a source of useful carbohydrates, vegetable protein, vitamin B1, capable of reducing acidity;

What kind of cereal is most useful for cooking with stomach disease?

Oatmeal porridge

An irreplaceable dietary dish - oatmeal from the first days of illness is introduced into the therapeutic diet.

In the acute phase of the disease, the gastric mucosa especially needs maximum protection from mechanical, chemical and thermal factors.

Liquid oatmeal, boiled on water and mashed to a slimy broth, is able to cope with this task. The starch-protein mucus, released during cooking, envelops the walls of the stomach, providing an additional barrier to negative factors.

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In the future, when the acute phase of the disease is left behind, oatmeal in the stomach ulcer is prepared on whole milk with the addition of butter, raisins or dried apricots.

Useful for the gastrointestinal tract dish contains choline, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium and many other useful substances. It is not for nothing that oatmeal with gastric ulcer is recommended by dietitians as a dish that can restore the defenses of the body.

Gruel porridge

Manka is made from crushed wheat. Dishes from semolina are quickly boiled, contain a minimum amount of fiber, are easily and quickly absorbed by the body, contain vitamins, including PP and B1.

Manna porridge with gastric ulcer is an excellent solution for a therapeutic diet especially during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Liquid porridge, cooked on water, will reduce pain and relieve spasms when the disease worsens.

A dairy dish, refilled with oil, will regain strength, relieve the fatigue syndrome during the recovery period.

A low concentration of minerals in the croup, compensates for gluten, which contains amino acids that are irreplaceable for the body.

Crushed wheat( semolina) digests the lower intestine. Manna porridge with an ulcer, clears the intestines of mucus, removes fats and slags from the body.


With a stomach ulcer, buckwheat porridge is included in the list of dietary meals that are allowed both during an exacerbation of the disease and during the recovery period.

In the acute phase of the disease, liquid buckwheat is prepared only on water with minimal salt use. Groats are cooked to a semi-viscous consistency, and then wiped.

During remission, buckwheat in case of stomach ulcer is also cooked on water, but then whole cow milk, butter, sweet-fruit puree without skin is added to the porridge.

In buckwheat contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, mineral salts.

Buckwheat porridge with milk is similar in its amino acid composition to meat, only it is easier and more quickly absorbed by the stomach.

Rice and perlovka with ulcer

Rice with gastric ulcer is used for cooking porridges, side dishes, meat and fish souffles, meatballs.

In rice cereal, in addition to a variety of nutrients and vitamins, protein and starch are released during digestion. Mucous mashed porridges on the water, enveloping the stomach, do not increase gastric secretion, so they are shown in dietary nutrition when exacerbated.

Rice with an ulcer is better to take white, ground. Although this variety contains fewer vitamins than black, red and brown varieties, , but it boils well, is quickly digested, does not stay long in the stomach, does not irritate the damaged walls.

Pearl barley is a groat made of their refined, polished and ground barley. Perlova with gastric ulcer has a high nutritional value. Used in highly boiled form as mashed mucous porridges cooked on water or milk, no more than three times a week.

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