Penetration of stomach ulcers and treatment of disease

The medical term for ulcer penetration is interpreted as the penetration of defects in the gastric mucosa into adjacent organs and adjacent tissues.

In medical practice, a penetrative ulcer is rare. This is approximately 10% of the total number of patients with erosive lesions of the mucosal epithelium of the stomach, and, as a rule, these are men over 40 who have a long history of pathology.

The reasons why the penetration of gastric ulcer develops are generally known - this is the progression of an acute inflammatory process against the background of a neglected form of the disease and in the absence of adequate treatment. Pathological changes within the abdominal cavity depend on the degree of damage to adjacent organs. The complication has 4 stages of irradiation:

  1. Penetrating ulcer of the stomach of the first degree partially destroys the walls of the digestive organ, the patient suffers constant pain regardless of food intake. On the outside of the stomach adjacent organs loosely attached;
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  3. In the second stage of penetration, a deep partial destruction of the walls of the digestive organ begins. Between the hollow digestive organ and the adjacent tissues, fusions are formed which, during the spread of the inflammatory necrotic process, will form a through hole. Painful sensations acquire a shingling character;
  4. The third stage is characterized by a complete disruption of the integrity of all layers of the epithelium that make up the walls of the stomach. Erosive foci are localized on adjacent organs in the form of superficial plaques. At the same time, a destructive pathological stage begins in the tissue structure. The epithelium is compacted and locally sclerosed. Intensive pain begins without relief gaps;
  5. The fourth stage is the heaviest and is fatal. Adjacent organs are affected by deep perforation, which is regenerated into tumor neoplasms.

Treatment of penetrating peptic ulcer

Because conservative therapies are not effective in the diagnosis of ulcer penetration, treatment is performed only by surgery. Even the first stage of the defeat of the walls of the digestive organ is difficult to treat complex medical effects. Pathological processes at the 3rd and 4th stages of the lesion are irreversible, the perforations are not cicatrized.

Patients at all stages of penetration of peptic ulcer are mainly prescribed resection, that is, removal of the unhealthy area. At stages 3 and 4, excision of 2/3 of the stomach occurs. Sometimes at the first stage, surgery - stem vagotomy, but with mandatory washing - can be effective. The same variant is permissible for a large inflammatory necrotic process and formed infiltrates between adjacent organs, the separation of which is dangerous for life.

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