Multiple diverticula( diverticulosis) of the intestine

Patients aged on the walls of the digestive organs often develop pathological protrusions in which the inflammatory process can develop. One or two negative pockets are rare, most often it is that the person develops multiple intestinal diverticulosis. It is in the case when bag-shaped formations are presented in large numbers that various complications provoked by them can arise. This is due to the fact that in them a large number accumulates and retains the contents of the digestive organs. Solid stool masses accumulated in multiple diverticula begin to rot, therefore, pathogenic microorganisms appear in them, which provoke the development of inflammation.

The disease caused by the appearance in a variety of pathological protrusions of the inflammatory process is called diverticulitis. Its progression can contribute to such factors as exposure to toxic and chemical substances, as well as local impairment of blood circulation in the walls of the intestine.

This pathology can occur in acute and chronic forms, which by their basic characteristics are similar to each other and therefore difficult to distinguish without special diagnostic studies. In either case, multiple diverticula can also cause a fibroplastic or purulent process, which results in partial or complete obstruction of the intestine. The main alarming signs that indicate a patient's development of this disease are:

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  • Pain in the abdomen that does not last a long time, despite the taking of medications. They are most often localized in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen;
  • Constant or often transient constipation, which is accompanied by flatulence, and in some cases can alternate with diarrhea, is also characteristic of the onset of the inflammatory process in multiple diverticula;
  • Appearance of false urge to defecate, which are accompanied by pain syndrome;
  • After the act of defecation there is no feeling of complete emptying;
  • In fecal masses there are pathological impurities, such as blood, pus or mucus.

Multiple diverticula of the intestine can lead to stagnation in it of the contents and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which threatens the violation of the absorption function of the digestive organ. In the risk group for the development of this pathology are people over 40 years of age who have bad habits, obesity or overweight, and who use insufficient fiber.

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