Thrombophlebitis of lower extremities

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is an inflammation of the vein with the formation of a blood clot that slows the blood flow. The disease has very serious consequences, leading in some cases to death.

Thrombophlebitis creeps quietly and imperceptibly, disguising itself under minor foot problems( moderate pain, small swelling, redness).In many cases, the onset of the disease remains without due attention, it is the frivolous attitude towards one's own health that leads to sad results.

In this article we will tell you about thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities( see photo), its first symptoms, and also the actual treatment regimens.

Reasons for

Why does lower limb thrombophlebitis occur, and what is it? One of the most common causes of thrombophlebitis is the effects of varicose veins( this is another obvious proof of the need for timely treatment of varicose veins).

In addition to varicose veins, a number of diseases can provoke thrombus formation - common flu, tuberculosis, erysipelas, tonsillitis, pneumonia, caries, scarlet fever, diseases that cause a decrease in immunity and inflammation of any site. Also a threat poses a prolonged bed rest, and heart pathologies.

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The probability of developing thrombophlebitis increases after surgery, trauma, pregnancy, childbirth. Particular attention I would like to draw on the damage to blood vessels caused by the placement of droppers - this is an important risk factor.

Risk Factors of

There are three main factors that cause the formation of a thrombus in the blood vessel:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • slowing of blood flow;
  • the course of inflammatory processes in the vascular wall.

The presence of at least one of these factors seriously increases the risk of developing thrombophlebitis.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis

The disease begins suddenly, against a background of well-being. The increase in symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities occurs quickly:

  1. Constant pain of blunt character with a load on the leg is increasing.
  2. Limb flow.
  3. Redness of the skin in the area of ​​formation of a thrombus.
  4. Increased body temperature to 37.5 - 38 degrees.
  5. The areas of formation of the thrombus become visibly noticeable - the skin changes its color( either reddens or turns brown depending on the location of the vessel under the skin or deep in the leg).
  6. It hurts to stand and walk.

The patient's condition at first is satisfactory. But as the inflammation spreads, the symptoms of thrombophlebitis are amplified: the process passes to the subcutaneous tissue, the skin turns red, thickens, soldered with inflamed vessels. Her temperature rises.

Further increase in the inflammatory process leads to the appearance of headaches, chills, sweating, a rise in body temperature above +39 оС.The site of the inflamed vein becomes hot, acutely painful, the lymph nodes in the groin increase so much that when walking it causes pain. If you do not apply to the doctor at this stage of the disease, then further deterioration of the patient's condition, up to a lethal outcome, is possible.

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities: Photo

As the thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities looks, we offer detailed photos of clinical manifestations.

How is the diagnosis?

Diagnosis of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is performed by instrumental minimally invasive or non-invasive method, among which the leading position is occupied by ultrasound, specifically, duplex angioscanning of the lower extremities with color mapping of the blood flow.

The application of this method allows you to see a clear picture of the state of the venous lumen, see a thrombus in the veins of the lower extremities( if any), its location, and you can also clearly see the direction of the blood flow and its speed.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities

If symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs are detected, it is important to prevent the spread of the disease to the deep veins, to exclude the thromboembolism of the LA, to reduce inflammation and prevent relapse.

With the existing pathology of the dilated veins without affecting the deep-seated, treatment can be carried out even outpatient. But if there is a threat of PE formation and a pronounced inflammation process, treatment should be performed in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

The main treatment is aimed at eliminating local and inflammatory thrombotic processes. In the first days, when treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities is administered and the inflammatory phenomena are maximally expressed, it is desirable to form a bandage with the help of elastic bandages. As the manifestations subside, you can go to medical knitwear - tights, stockings or socks of the 2-3rd compression class.

Also, the treatment regimen includes the taking of certain drugs:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - in the form of Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, etc.
  2. Venotonizing drugs - Troxerutin, Detralix, etc.
  3. Drugs that reduce thrombosis - Aspirin, Plavix, Trental, etc.
  4. Purpose of systemic enzyme therapy - Wobenzima or Flogenzima.
  5. Spasmolity in the form of No-shpa, Papaverina, etc.
  6. Desensitizing drugs - Tavegila, Suprastina, etc.
  7. Hirudotherapy, reducing viscosity and coagulability of blood.
  8. Anticoagulants that block thrombus formation.
  9. Antibiotics for purulent processes.

The most important thing you need to know about thrombophlebitis treatment is not to try to cure yourself or somehow improve your condition yourself at home. Only a specialist is able to conduct a full-fledged diagnosis and on its basis to select drugs, procedures or prescribe an operation.


Medical gymnastics performed at home from simple exercises will help reduce the risk of further development of the disease:

  1. A simple exercise "bike".Lie on your back with your feet for 5-6 minutes.
  2. Standing on the floor perform side flaps with legs 6-10 times each leg.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your legs vertically for 1 minute, hold the position, gently lower it.
  4. Perform lifting of legs in bent and straightened positions 5-6 times.
  5. Make alternate attacks with your legs forward and sideways 5 times.

Folk remedies

Prevention of thrombophlebitis and prevention of complications can be addressed by timely following the advice of traditional medicine.

  • Good results in the treatment of thrombophlebitis gives a tincture of the Adam's root or thymus of the ordinary .Adams root - 10 g. Boiling water - 50 g. Insist for half an hour, strain, take 1 tablespoon three times a day for 15 minutes.before meals. The best results are obtained by taking the Adam's root in combination with Sophora Japanese and chestnut.
  • Tincture of beeswax .The life of bees is short. And by spring, the old specimens that worked the summer die. Young bees carry them to the flight board. This is called a sub-measure. They must be collected and poured with vodka( a handful of podmoroda for 0.5 liters of vodka).Insist for two weeks, drain. Use as a compress, which is superimposed on a sore spot for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Folk remedy for thrombophlebitis: 1 glass of onion juice, 1 glass of honey mixed and keep mixture for 3 days at room temperature, and then cleaned in a refrigerator for 10 days. Drink this tool for 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. This recipe really helped, after 2 months the patient could not only walk freely, but also run. Since then, thrombosis has not bothered her, although she is now 61 years old. The composition still takes for prevention - every 3 years.
  • Infusion of lemon and garlic is able to dissolve blood clots in the veins, as well as cleanse the vessels of cholesterol, this infusion treats joints and intestines, increases immunity. To make it, you need to take 4 large heads of garlic, 4 large lemons and 3 liters of water. Garlic and lemons to pass through a meat grinder, add the resulting gruel into a three-liter jar and pour cool boiled water to the top. Insist in a dark place for 5 days, shaking daily. Strain, should be about 2.5 liters of infusion. Take in the morning on an empty stomach. For 30 minutes before taking infusion, drink 1 glass of hot water. Then after half an hour to drink 50-100 g of infusion. This is a very useful tool, you can drink it all year without rest with great benefit to the body.
  • As medicines in the treatment of thrombophlebitis use essential oils from the flowers of St. John's wort, sandalwood, rosemary and arnica .Their use is advisable in the early stages of the disease. To enhance the effect of any oil mixed with 0.5 cider vinegar. The mixture is rubbed with massage movements in the area of ​​venous seals.
  • Honey compress .For this, honey in pure form is applied to a linen cloth, and is applied to the site with the affected vein. For a compress, honey can be mixed with a crushed Kalanchoe leaf, or applied to a cabbage leaf. These two plants only increase the strength of honey.

Self-treatment of acute thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities by folk remedies without resorting to a doctor is unacceptable, such treatment can lead to disability of the patient and even to death.

Prevention of

If the patient has already suffered thrombophlebitis, then the doctor's task is to prevent his relapse. In the complex of treatment, in addition to elastic compression and phleboprotectors, it is advisable to include physiotherapeutic measures - alternating magnetic fields, sinusoidal modulated currents.

The main principle of thrombophlebitis prophylaxis is timely and adequate treatment of chronic diseases of veins. This includes, first of all, surgical treatment of early( uncomplicated) stages of varicose veins.

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