Superficial duodenitis chronic gastritis of the stomach, bulbitis: symptoms, treatment, diet

Superficial duodenitis - this disease is one of the forms of chronic duodenitis, which inflames the mucous walls of the duodenum. Also, with it there is a condensation of the folds of the mucous wall and a small swelling of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This ailment very rarely appears on its own. It is usually associated with other diseases of the digestive organs, such as a stomach ulcer, gastritis, bulbitis, inflammation of the small intestine and others.

Surface duodenitis occurs as a result of inflammation of the duodenum, which is caused by irregular and irregular eating, abuse of alcoholic products, sharp or salty foods. It is also promoted by poisoning with toxic substances, ignoring chronic duodenitis.

In superficial duodenitis, there are two periods:

  1. The phase of exacerbation. It is characterized by the following symptoms: acute pain in the abdomen, especially at night. The patient may complain of headaches, general weakness, nervous breakdown, and abnormalities of the stomach.
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  3. Phase of remission or attenuation. At this time, the symptoms of the disease recede, the pain sensations decrease.

Symptoms of superficial duodenitis

The following symptoms are typical for the disease:

  • burning pain in the navel area, pain sensations when feeling the abdominal region;
  • nausea and copious vomiting;
  • general weakness of the body, dizziness, fast fatigue;
  • increased human body temperature.

Often superficial duodenitis due to similar manifestations is confused with gastritis or bulbitis. Therefore, to find out the correct diagnosis and not to confuse different diseases, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination with a gastroenterologist.

Treatment of superficial duodenitis

After detecting the above symptoms of the disease, it is first necessary to visit a doctor. He must determine what kind of disease the patient suffers. Because of similar signs, not infrequently an ailment is confused with chronic gastritis, bulbitis or with other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the most effective result, treatment is recommended to be performed in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

It is important to note that the treatment of superficial duodenitis consists of three parts: medicamentous, dietary and phytotherapeutic.

When treating with the help of medicines, various vitamins of group B, folic and ascorbic acid are used. In the treatment of the first form of the disease, medications are recommended, as in case of gastric ulcer. These are anti-inflammatory, antacid and enveloping agents. If the secondary form is concerned, you need to remove the cause - the original disease.

A prerequisite for treating superficial or even chronic duodenitis is adherence to a special diet. The diet is developed only by a doctor. In the first few days it is required to completely abandon any products, drink only water. After that, you should start a diet that should last about four weeks. During this period, you can eat vegetable soups and broths, meat and fish, steamed, low-fat dairy products, various vegetables and fruits, mashed into a puree-like mass. It is inadmissible to eat fatty, sharp, salty dishes;carbonated and alcoholic beverages, coffee.

Also effective therapy of superficial duodenitis involves the reception of various useful herbal decoctions. So, widely spread in diseases of ZhGT infusions of chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort and other herbs.

For example, a decoction of St. John's wort is prepared as follows. Dry grass of the plant( about 50 g.) Is brewed by a glass of boiling water. The liquid is put on a small small fire, where the broth is boiled for half an hour. After cooking, the tea is infused, cooled and filtered. This drug is recommended to drink on an empty stomach, three times a day. It will help get rid of superficial duodenitis, chronic gastritis and prevent the development of bulbits.

Another effective tool can be made with flax. To prepare a single dose you need to take 10 gr.seeds and brew a glass of boiling water. Such a solution should be infused for about half an hour. After these procedures, you can drink the drug in small sips one hour before a meal. Take tea in the morning, for thirty days. He will save you from a dangerous illness.

It is important to know that before taking any medication, you need to consult a doctor. Self-treatment of superficial duodenitis can often only provoke the appearance of additional diseases, for example, bulbitis or gastritis.

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