Milk for diarrhea, can I drink sour milk products and eat butter for diarrhea?

Among the questions about nutrition during diarrhea and the products most frequently asked by patients for stomach disorders, one often hears the following: "Is milk possible with diarrhea?"It is set by people not in vain, because it is still controversial. But from a medical point of view, those who believe that it is permissible to drink milk for diarrhea in a fresh form are still wrong. Exceptions are only a few sour-milk products and butter in limited quantities. The reasons for this prohibition are the following:

  • This favorite drink is the nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria, which always increases diarrhea;
  • Milk itself can often be the root cause of diarrhea. This condition occurs when a person has lactose intolerance, milk sugar, which is broken down by lactase. If a person's enzyme does not work properly, or is in the body in insufficient quantities, there is a high risk of indigestion and diarrhea. You can achieve the termination of symptoms only if you stop drinking this drink. And it is not recommended in either fresh or sour. With the cessation of the use of lactose, the symptoms disappear completely.
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But there are exceptions that are acceptable when drinking milk with diarrhea. It can be added to ready-made soups, mashed potatoes or porridges. The only caveat in this case is that it must first be diluted. Its mass share in the diluted form should not exceed one third. Derivatives of this drink are allowed for food with almost no restrictions. You can also use the soybean variant. Often questions are asked about what is the use of soy milk for diarrhea? It is a liquid of vegetable origin, similar in some respects to the cow analogue. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by lactose deficiency, experts recommend using this product as a substitute. Its useful qualities are as follows:

  • Diets during diarrhea should contain an increased amount of protein, which is just found in soy milk;
  • It can safely be drunk to people with lactose deficiency, as this enzyme is not available in it;
  • The fat content of this drink is also very low, so when diarrhea soy milk can be used undiluted and it will not overload the intestines.

Dairy products with diarrhea

Their use is recommended by dieticians to patients with diarrhea only if they are made on a sour basis. An exception is butter, which is made from fresh cream. It contains essential fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the composition of butter includes a large number of useful organic substances and vitamins. But to use this derivative of milk with diarrhea follows in limited quantities. A safe daily dose of butter with diarrhea is about 10 g. Such an amount will nourish the body with the necessary trace elements and vitamins, leaving it harmless.

Many patients are interested in the question of which dairy products with diarrhea can be consumed without fear. Specialists on these restrictions for patients are practically not introduced. For example, cottage cheese is allowed to eat in small amounts every day, since it contains a lot of protein and calcium. The same applies to cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt. Such derivatives of sour milk have a positive effect on the work of the intestine and normalize its microflora. Many believe that if you drink kefir, the expiration date of which is over, it will cause a fixing effect and stop diarrhea. But this statement is completely erroneous, since a regular sour-milk drink from can not become a living kefir, prepared on special ingredients after a long-term storage.

Lactic acid bacteria, necessary for the body during diarrhea, can be obtained from yoghurts. They are used in diets intended for solving gastrointestinal problems. Yoghurts contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins that regulate the digestive organs. With diarrhea the intestine is best helped by 2 components contained in yogurt - lactobacillus and calcium. The first contribute to the restoration of impaired microflora, and the second replenishes its reserves lost by watery excrement.

From all of the above it follows that the derivatives of both sour and fresh milk during diarrhea contribute to the restoration of normal bowel function. But only to abuse them in order to avoid the occurrence of negative consequences should not be. It is enough to consume a small amount, but daily.

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