Diarrhea in the second trimester of pregnancy, diarrhea at 15, 16, 20, 22, 24 weeks

In pregnancy, diarrhea occurs as a result of a violation of the absorption of water into the blood vessels from the intestine. Diarrhea is caused by increased movement of food through the large intestine or damage to its mucous membrane. By the stage of development of the fetus, you can divide the period of pregnancy into three parts. In the period from the 13th to the 24th week, the fetus grows to more than twenty centimeters, it has fully formed internal organs, the structure of the body, and the first hairs appear on the head. We can say that at the end of the second trimester the baby is the most protected from all negative influences.

Diarrhea in the second trimester of pregnancy, if it continues for a long time or is acute, significantly affects the overall condition of the mother's body. Given that at this time a woman experiences a double load, the immune system with diarrhea in the second trimester can not stand and give a crash. In this case, even minor violations of the rules of healthy eating and even physical stress in the preparation of the body, can provoke diarrhea and, as a consequence, affect the health of the child.

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Among the causes of diarrhea in the second trimester can be called:

  1. Deterioration of the functional capacity of the gastrointestinal tract to digest food.
  2. Strong emotional experiences.
  3. Poisoning of expired or substandard products.
  4. Intestinal infection.
  5. Cluster invasion.
  6. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the intestine and stomach.

Diarrhea at weeks 15, 16, 20, 22, 24 weeks

Depending on the term of the second trimester, the effect of diarrhea on fetal development may be of a different nature. On the 15th week.the baby's liver is already starting to produce bile, and the pancreas produces insulin, which turns glucose into energy. Diarrhea at the 15th week of pregnancy caused by an infection can affect the normal functioning of these organs, provoking congenital diseases of the liver and pancreas.

The greatest danger is diarrhea in pregnancy 16 weeks. It is during this period that the formation of the fetus and placenta is completed. With diarrhea at the 16th week, when viruses and bacteria penetrate the protective barrier or if dehydration of the female body occurs, the effects of diarrhea on normal fetal development can be very negative.

Until the end of the 20th week.second trimester in the child's brain formed nerve cells responsible for improving the basic senses - taste, smell, touch, hearing, perception of light. The child feels the state of the mother, reacts to sounds from outside, responds to the stressful situation with increased activity. Diarrhea in pregnancy of 20 weeks, caused by a nervous breakdown, can affect the quality of the child's feelings. Loss of fluid with diarrhea at this time may contribute to fetal injury due to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid.

By the 22nd week.the second trimester marked a rapid growth of muscle and bone tissue. During this period, a woman should increase the intake of foods rich in calcium and iron. Diarrhea at the 22nd week can be triggered by excessive intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, iron-containing drugs. In this case, you need to see a doctor to adjust your diet or replace vitamin complexes.

By the 24th week.the child completes the formation of organs and systems in full, and the weight is about 500-600 grams. When the fetus moves, short-term contractions may occur, which means the preparation of the uterus for future childbirth. On the 24th week of pregnancy, diarrhea can be caused by fetal pressure and amniotic fluid on the sphincter. In any case, self-medication can not be done in any case, especially since until the end of the second trimester, it is forbidden to take medications.

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