Biliary reflux-esophagitis - symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and therapy of this disease are due to its specificity. Depending on the cause that triggered the pathology, the clinical manifestation of reflux esophagitis will depend. The very concept of reflux means a reverse throw into the esophagus of the contents of the stomach due to the weakened sphincter. In this case, the mucous membrane loses its protection from the action of hydrochloric acid on it, and therefore is exposed to the influence of a chemical and physical stimulus.

The biliary form of the disease is a chronic inflammation of the esophagus, triggered by the casting of gastric contents on an ongoing basis. In this situation, the membrane is damaged by hydrochloric acid from the duodenum and stomach. Under the influence of such aggressive influences, the process of inflammation begins.

Biliary reflux-esophagitis differs from GERD by the presence of bile in pathogenesis. In addition, this form of ailment has characteristic symptoms, which differ from other manifestations of the disease.

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The development of biliary reflux esophagitis occurs when the balance of the standard motility of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. In the case of such an ailment, bile is excreted in the duodenum, which irritates the mucous membrane of the organ. As a result of this action, the sphincter opens and the cast from the duodenum is provoked into the stomach. Then the bile begins to irritate him, and so the contents are thrown into the esophagus and signs of the onset of inflammation begin to appear.

Often the cause of the formation of biliary reflux-esophagitis becomes ulcer of the intestine, as well as diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

Symptoms of biliary reflux esophagitis

  • A feeling of stomach fullness in the process of eating or at the end;
  • Belching with air and acid;
  • Sensation of bitterness in the mouth;
  • Nausea and severe heartburn;
  • Alternation of constipation with diarrhea;
  • Flatulence;
  • Aching in the sternum with stiffening during eating;
  • Anemia and weight loss;
  • Weakness of the body.

All of the above signs are a warning signal for the beginning of treatment of biliary reflux esophagitis. In this case, the pain occurs relatively rarely and is associated with eating.

Treatment of biliary reflux esophagitis

After the detection of symptoms of the disease, doctors start complex therapy, consisting of a combination of medicines and proper selection of food. Usually, in establishing the diagnosis, gastroenterologists prescribe the treatment with drugs aimed at achieving the following results:

  • Cessation of gastric irritation;
  • Restoration of the standard function of digestion with the assimilation of nutrients;
  • Stabilization of gastrointestinal motility.

The following basic rules can help you get rid of the annoying symptoms of the disease:

  • The introduction of a ban on sauces and other harmful products;
  • For the treatment of biliary reflux esophagitis, it is necessary to exclude sharp, smoked and salty dishes. In this case, you can cook food on a couple and in the oven, and cook;
  • Distribution of daily ration for six servings, which should be consumed at regular intervals;
  • The temperature of the food should be warm, so as not to irritate the stomach;
  • Large pieces of ingredients should be ground;
  • With care, it is necessary to use dairy products and choose those that contain the least fat content;
  • Preference is best given to cereals, low-fat broths, dried bread.

In addition, it is important to minimize the number of slopes and physical activity. Also, when treating biliary reflux esophagitis, it is forbidden to go to bed immediately after meals.

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