Diverticulum of the rectum in humans, symptoms and treatment of diverticulosis, diet and nutrition

Diverticulosis of the rectum is a disease in which pathological protrusions appear in the walls of the organ, in which an inflammatory process can begin at any time. The causes of this disease are various factors: age over forty years, malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, weakening the walls of the digestive tract, as well as obesity and infection. The most common diverticulum of the rectum occurs in people who, with constipation, begin to excessively get involved in laxatives. Usually this situation is preceded by the treatment of functional disorders of the digestive system, conducted independently, without prior consultation with a specialist. In fact, with the frequent appearance of constipation, it is not just medicamental therapy that is required, but also a complete revision of the diet, as well as a correction of the way of life.

Symptoms of rectum diverticulum

This disease is conventionally divided into three types, each of which can end at any time with the stage of inflammation. Accordingly, the initial signs of them will be different, as well as the methods of elimination:

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  • Asymptomatic diverticulosis of the rectum. Usually, the ailment at this stage proceeds without any signs and is discovered by chance, in the course of research aimed at detecting pathologies of other organs. The onset of the development of pathology can be detected in the case when the diagnosis of possible pathologies in the rectum by colonoscopy or in operative intervention is carried out;
  • Uncomplicated diverticulosis of the rectum in humans is more pronounced, the main symptoms are constipation, not passing a long time, pain, localized in the left half of the abdomen, a febrile condition against which the temperature can significantly increase;
  • With diverticulosis of a complicated form in the rectum, inflammation begins due to a large accumulation in the diverticula of fecal masses. The pain in the abdomen becomes acute, meteorism and fever are noticeable. With this form of diverticulosis of the rectum, internal bleeding may occur due to the fact that hard feces damage the neck of the saccular formations to which a large number of blood vessels are attached. If the bleeding is massive and prolonged, then it is not possible to dispense with surgical intervention.

In addition to the stages described above, the disease can cause complications such as abscesses, fistulas, peritonitis and bowel obstruction. These exacerbations of the pathology require surgical intervention, and in the absence of an adequate response, people's lives are threatened.

Treatment of a diverticulum of a rectum

The doctor-gastroenterologist is engaged in therapy of the given disease after correct statement of the diagnosis. An obligatory condition for diagnosing is the delivery of fecal and blood tests, as well as intestinal examination with accessible instrumental methods. In itself, the treatment of rectal diverticulosis should be carried out depending on the form of development of the pathology:

  • The first stage of the disease, when signs of an illness is practically not observed, is usually eliminated by adjusting nutrition and lifestyle changes. It is enough that in the daily diet of the patient there are vegetables and fruits rich in vegetable fiber. In addition, the menu can be supplemented with probiotics, which contribute to the normalization of microflora. Too heavy food and dishes that cause constipation should be ruled out, otherwise the diverticulosis of the rectum will go into a complicated form;
  • The second stage of the disease involves a complex treatment, during which patients are prescribed antispasmodics and antibiotics. It should be carried out against the background of the appropriate diet;
  • The third stage can also have a couple of therapeutic options. If the bleeding, in spite of the pains, is of a one-time nature, it is quite possible to get treatment in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist. Usually, hospitalization occurs if after three days of home therapy an uncomplicated stage of the disease does not come an improvement. But if the bleeding is prolonged and massive, and signs of inflammation have begun, surgical intervention can not be avoided.

Any method of therapeutic effect in this pathology should be carried out in a complex manner and only after diagnostic examination and consultation of a specialist. The admission of medications prescribed for this disease is carried out only against a background of special dietary nutrition. The diet for diverticulosis of the rectum should be the most sparing. From the diet of a sick person all products that can irritate the mucosa of the digestive organs are excluded. Also, all patients who have this pathology, it is recommended to strengthen the drinking regime. This will help normalize the stool and soften the stool.

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