Vesicles: causes, methods of treatment, diagnosis, types

Any changes in the condition of the skin can significantly worsen the feeling of a person's inner comfort. And neoplasms, like papules, vesicles and pustules, appearing in the upper layer of the epidermis and at the same time located in the face area - in the first place. Vesicle, referring to a variety of facial skin lesions, can be both a light cosmetic skin defect, and a manifestation of infection in the upper layers of the epidermis, which caused its stratification.

Today, there are several fairly effective methods of therapeutic effect on vesicles. However, in order to choose the most effective treatment regimen, it is first of all necessary to determine the causes that caused this phenomenon. This will avoid possible relapse after the course of treatment and the longest preservation of the result.

What is vesicles

Externally, such a manifestation as vesicles are relatively small tumors that protrude above the surface of the skin. Inside them is a liquid content, which can be transparent or slightly cloudy.

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Generated in the form of round neoplasms, the vesicles have the shape and size of a pinhead or pea.

Vesicles have a certain classification, based both on the specificity of the manifestation and on the site of localization of the vesicles. The causes of their occurrence are usually the penetration of microbes and infection into the upper layer of the epidermis, as well as the stratification of its upper layer. The sensations of each person may differ somewhat when they appear, but for vesicles of different forms or classes there is a marked similarity in the manifestations and symptoms of the disease.

Accompanied by an itch and a small burning sensation, the vesicles externally can be classified rather as a cosmetic defect. However, their appearance is usually associated with certain internal causes, so getting rid of them should begin with an understanding of the causes that caused this phenomenon.

The extracellular vesicles will be described by the specialist in the video below:

Classification of

Basic types of

Due to the available classification, it is possible to subdivide such a lesion of the epidermis as the vesicles. According to medical statistics, vesicles can occur in people at almost any age, but most often they are diagnosed in adolescence and young age.

Such neoplasms on the upper layer of the epidermis are classified as follows:

  1. Located inside the upper layer of the epidermis, or intra-epidermal .If you try to squeeze them out, there will not be a result, because their localization does not allow you to make the necessary gap in the thickness of the skin.
  2. Subepidermal , which are located in the upper part of the skin. Within each vesicle is a cloudy hemorrhagic fluid. And although they can be squeezed out, the final disposal of this kind of vesicles is rather complicated.
  3. Thrombotic vesicles .Their location is characterized by the presence in the stratum corneum and directly below it.
  4. Vesicles of , resembling rashes externally with smallpox.

The listed varieties have a number of differences both in manifestations and in the place of probable appearance. The method of treatment for them also has differences, which allow to influence the neoplasm in a greater degree.

Vesicles on the skin( photo)

Additional varieties of

There is also a kind of vesicle, like throat cold sore. It is manifested by the formation of similar globular formations that are localized in the throat region. Their appearance and fullness of the unclear hemorrhagic fluid are similar to those described above. Usually, throat colds cause severe burning and itching of the mucous throat, which significantly interferes with the normal life of the patient.

When the occurrence and subsequent development of throat herpes occur sequentially the following changes in the throat and nasopharyngeal region:

  • at first the mucous throat becomes especially sensitive, reddens and itch feels;
  • then on its surface the smallest bubbles are formed, filled with unclear content, which gradually increase in size;
  • further vesicles burst, their contents spread over the throat, causing severe erosion with increased burning and itching in the throat;
  • after the healing effect on the affected areas, the erosion is tightened.

Coxsackie virus, which is also accompanied by a lesion of the mucous membranes( mouth and other membranes) and palms of the hands with vesicles, is called pemphigus. When a given virus enters the body, which usually occurs through the gastrointestinal tract with food or drink, bubbles with turbid contents on the skin of the palms and mucous throat appear. In this case, the bubbles that form on the palms have a bright color and a slightly elongated shape.

Many patients do not attach importance to the appearance of bubbles with filling on their palms;however, this disease can have serious consequences for health in general and for the immune system in particular. Thus, with insufficient treatment of vesicles of this form, the probability of occurrence of meningitis, myocarditis is high. Especially dangerous is the disease during pregnancy, since in this case the risk of miscarriage is especially high.

About papules and vesicles with a positive sample Mantu will tell the video below:

How to identify a symptom in yourself

To detect a disease such as vesicles in your body, it is recommended to go through a complete examination of the body with any changes in the skin and mucous membranes immediately. This will make it possible in time to detect the initial stage of the pathological process, exclude the possibility of transition of the acute form to a variant with a chronic course and begin treatment.

To detect vesicles in yourself, it is enough to inspect your mucous membranes regularly to see the appearance of the smallest bubbles filled with air or cloudy liquid contents. Also, you should examine your skin, especially in areas that are more susceptible to external influences of the environment and often come into contact with clothing: it is in these areas that the skin has increased sensitivity, gradually thinning, and it can cause minor damage, becoming a "gate"to penetrate the infection.

About what diseases can cause vesicles in adults and newborns, read below.

Diseases and disorders

The appearance of vesicles on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes can become a manifestation of some internal lesions in the body. Most often such synaptic vesicles, vesicles, are formed with a decrease in immunity, which indicates a general weakening of the body.

Also vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes may appear due to the following causes and their combinations:

  • allergic reaction when taking or abuse of medicines;
  • inflammation in the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • autoimmune lesions of the body;
  • eczema in the initial stage;
  • acrodermatitis Aloppo;
  • dermatitis of various nature.

Also, the appearance of vesicles on the body can occur after an insect bite, the use of a cosmetic product that causes allergies.

On how to deal with fringed and other vesicles on the lips, face, mucous membranes, etc., read below.

Vesicles with chickenpox

How to deal with such a sign

Since the therapeutic effect can bring maximum benefit only if it is correctly selected depending on the variety of the disease, first of all it is necessary to determine the cause that caused this external manifestation. Therefore, preliminary comprehensive diagnostics will eliminate the risk of undesirable side effects in treatment and to achieve the prompt disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

The most effective treatment measures for the occurrence of vesicles include the following:

  • use of products that soothe the skin and remove such unpleasant manifestations of the disease as itching and burning;
  • with the appearance of vesicles on the face skin usually does not require special medication, as they pass themselves after a while;
  • formation of vesicles on the mucous membranes already requires medical treatment. Usually, antibacterial drugs are used to stop the development of infection within the body;
  • for the detection of vesicles in a child should immediately contact a medical institution for examination and the appointment of an individual systemic treatment.

A rise in body temperature during the formation of such vesicles on the body or mucous membrane also requires medical intervention, since it indicates the activation of the pathological process in the body. The most dangerous cases are the cases of detection of this disease due to scratching from the animal, with shingles, dermatitis and scabies, as there is an increased multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, which requires immediate medication.

On transport vesicles the video will be described below:

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