Itching in the intimate zone in women and men: causes, photos, treatment with folk remedies

Itching in the intimate zone is a physiological sensation caused by the reaction of nerve endings to their irritation, expressed in the need to scratch the itchy place. In this issue we will tell you about the causes of itching in the intimate zone in women and men, the child, during pregnancy, his treatment, show photos of the disease, give useful advice on recovery.

What is itch in the intimate area in men and women

Itching in the intimate area in both sexes is a physiological sensation caused by the reaction of nerve endings to their irritation, expressed in the need to scratch the itchy place. Thus, itching is either a sign of external influence on a certain area of ​​the skin of any substances, or one of the symptoms of an unidentified disease - general( systemic) or cutaneous.

This skin irritation signals a certain malfunction in the body. Without accurate diagnosis, it is extremely undesirable to try to get rid of itching yourself, using home or pharmacological agents, as these actions can reduce the severity of itching and other signs, masking the true state of the patient. In turn, a change in the clinical picture leads to improper treatment and deepening of a pathological process that has not been detected.

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The causes of discomfort in the intimate area range from a banal reaction to allergens to severe venereal disease and internal diseases.

About what it shows and why the itch in the intimate zone starts, this video story will be told:

How to identify a symptom in yourself

Identification of this symptom does not cause difficulties in itself - when skin discomfort, tingling and a desire to comb a particular place appear. But, not all patients pay attention to an unpleasant sensation, scratching for a long time, until the itching becomes too intense or other symptoms of any pathology appear.

Therefore, if within 3 to 5 days the need to scratch does not go against the background of standard medical measures at home, the need for consultation with the therapist( primarily) is beyond doubt.

About what diseases accompany and how to remove a strong itch with secretions and without in the intimate zone in women and men, read below.

Possible diseases and disorders

Localized skin itching in different parts of the trunk, including the region of the genito-urinary organs, can signal the onset or development of the following pathologies.

Thrush( candidiasis)

Thrush( candidiasis) is provoked by yeast-like Candida fungi. For this fungal infection typical itching in the genital area, swelling, burning, pain with intimate contacts.

  • Women have a light discharge, reminiscent of a curd with an acidic odor.
  • In men, in addition to itching, the irritated head of the penis and the foreskin flush and blush against the whitish plaque.

All patients are characterized by irritation and pain in urination and sexual intimacy.

Various inflammations of

Various inflammations affecting the internal and external reproductive organs and the urinary system, which are often combined and provoked by harmful microbes such as staphylococcus, E. coli, proteins, streptococcus, fungi, mycoplasmas:

  • adnexitis,
  • cystitis,
  • vaginitis,
  • cervicitis,
  • vulvitis,
  • bartholinitis,
  • colpitis,
  • endometritis.

In this case:

  • In addition to itching, patients are troubled by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge, menstrual irregularity.
  • In inflammation of the appendages( adnexitis), the uterus( cervicitis, endometritis) itching develops due to the prominent exudate irritating the mucous membrane.
  • Discharges that have an unpleasant fishy smell indicate the probability of bacterial vaginosis( Gardnerella), which causes abnormal growth of Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria

Infections with intimate contact

Infections in which infection occurs during intimate( and household) contacts: genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

Main symptoms other than sensation of itching:

  • edema of the genitals,
  • redness of the mucosa and skin,
  • discharge,
  • similar to yellowish foam,
  • soreness of the vulva,
  • irritation of the penis head,
  • pain in the testicles,
  • burning and soreness with urination.

Genital herpes, which is activated by the fall of the immune defense, neurological disorder, in addition to burning and swelling of the mucosa, manifests itself as the formation of itchy blisters on the skin of the head of the male organ, the vulva, around the anus, the urinary canal, the cervix, which, after opening, are transformed into ulcers. Possible temperature, headache, an increase in lymph nodes.

Parasitic lesions of

  • Lice parasitizing in the pubic region cause mild itching of the skin. In the places of bites appear grayish spots up to 10 mm, sharply pale with pressure on them, microscopic hemorrhage, peeling. On the clothes - dark spots.
  • If infection with scabies occurred during intimate contact, parasites - itchy itching - affects, above all, the inguinal region, perineum, folds under the buttocks. Intensive itching arises, as the body's response to toxins of tick extracts and excreta. A particular symptom is the increase in itching at night and the presence( not always) of tick-borne subcutaneous channels that look like greyish traces on the skin with a bubble on the end.

Dermatomycoses( fungal infections)

Fungi Microsporum, Epidermophyton floccosum, Trichophyton cause dermatitis in the intimate area, including ringworm and inguinal epidermophyte.

  • Inguinal dermatomycosis often develops in the groin, where skin friction occurs and a warm, moist environment is formed, especially when hygiene is disturbed. Infection is possible from people, animals and things where fungi have been preserved.
  • The epidermophytosis in the inguinal zone is manifested by obsessive painful itching, the appearance of spots of pink color in the form of rings, bubbles with exudate, which spread, in addition to the groin, on the scrotum, the perineal zone in women, and the inner thigh. Rashes usually do not affect the male sexual organ.
  • Ringworm is a highly infectious fungal infection in the groin that develops with the spread of a highly itchy reddish-brown rash with pronounced relief on the genitals and buttocks. The rashes are in the form of a ring covered with scales and blisters.


Infection of humans with parasites in the intestines, liver, bile ducts by simple worms often causes severe itching in the anal and intimate area caused by the immune system reaction to the introduction of foreign microorganisms and toxins released by worms and larvae.


Eczema of external reproductive organs, including penis, scrotum, labia, inguinal folds. The primary signs:

  • pain,
  • cracks,
  • puffiness,
  • , confluent and wetting after opening of the vesicles,
  • intense painful itching, which intensifies towards night.

The causes of eczema are different - neurological disorders, diabetes, gout, allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, helminthic lesions( oxyuriases).

On how to treat the itch in the intimate zone, this video will tell:

Allergic reactions

Allergy to protein connections of the sperm of an intimate partner in women. Occurs quite rarely with the incompatibility of the microflora of the reproductive organs and is expressed in obsessive itching, puffiness, burning of the vulva after intimacy. To clarify the cause, they are allergic to semen.

Allergic reaction of the mucous in the intimate area often develops on drugs, food, chemical compounds in gels, antiperspirants, tampons, gaskets, soap, washing powders. Negative manifestations, including pruritus, occur with a pronounced sensitivity to active substances of birth control pills, latex and spermicide condoms, lubricants.

Systemic diseases

Diabetes mellitus is often a provocateur of discomfort and itching in the intimate area, and very pronounced. In addition to the groin, the areas of the skin of the buttocks, abdomen, in the bends of the elbows, knees can be strongly itched. Along with itching, with diabetes mellitus, anomalous thirst, lethargy, frequent urge to urinate.

  • Dysfunctions and liver diseases, including hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, lead to a decrease in the outflow of bile, accumulation of bile acids, fats, bilirubin in the blood, which irritate the nerve receptors, causing an itchy sensation on the skin, but usually not only in the zonereproductive organs( so-called cholestatic itching).
  • The drugs that contribute to the development of cholestasis, causing skin itching, include steroids anabolic, estrogens, antibiotic erythromycin, phenothiazines.

In addition, itching in the intimate area occurs in the presence of other pathologies:

  • dysfunction of the gland of the thyroid and gonads;
  • diseases of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis( violation of useful microflora) of the intestine;
  • hemorrhoids, proctitis, tears, fistulas in the anal area, which often develop pain, itching in the vulva in women, because they have anus and genitourinary organs located next to each other;
  • kraurosis or dystrophic changes in the genitalia, more common in women after 45 years.

The main reason is a decrease in estrogen secretion. In addition to itching, it is accompanied by irritation, dryness, narrowing of the vagina, tingling, burning.

  • pathological formations of different kinds( myoma, cyst, polyps, fibroma) in the zone of the ovaries, uterus, vagina;
  • infectious lesions in which intoxication with poisons of harmful microorganisms adversely affects all systems, including reproductive organs;
  • neurological disorders - stress, nervous system depletion, depression, neuropathy, meninges.

Other factors

Dermatitis resulting from:

  • non-compliance with basic hygiene standards;
  • skin friction against synthetic fabrics;
  • wearing tight clothing, creating a "greenhouse effect" of excessive moisture and overheating;
  • rough shaving of the intimate zone, groin injury;
  • of a wrong diet, causing beriberi, allergies, worsen the regeneration of skin cells.

About reddening and itching in the intimate zone in women and men and their treatment at home using folk remedies and methods of traditional medicine, we will describe below.

How to deal with such a sign

To eliminate itching in the genital area, first of all, try to exclude possible provoking factors - to adjust nutrition, change or cancel the use of contraceptive medications and other medications, hygiene products. Hidden infections are often manifested after a long time after infection. A sign of such diseases is itching, which is characterized by an increase in ovulation and menstrual bleeding in women.

Because the causes of itching in the genital area and groin are numerous and varied, the diagnostic program provides:

Pediculosis, scabies Basic preparations for scabies: Spregal, Benzyl benzoate, Sulfur Ointment, Crotamiton, Permethrin, Lindan.

For pubic lice: Sprays Paranitis, Nyuda, Pax, emulsions Medilis, MediFox, Nittifor, Shampoos Pedilin, Chigiya
Helminthiases Use effective and low-toxic drugs, the dosage and duration of administration differ depending on the type of helminthiosis, age and weight of the patient:

Diseases transmitted at intimate contacts Treatment is performed after the specified diagnosis, using antibiotics, immunity stimulants, means for normalizing the microflora of the vagina and intestines, vitamin complexes, physiotherapy.
Atrophy of the vulva and mucosa Itching in the genital area, developing with a lack of estrogens, is eliminated in the treatment of the underlying disease. Apply hormonal agents with estriol. Medicinal preparations with lactobacilli.
Inguinal fungus Ointments Clotrimazole, Mikosolon, Triderm, Accriderm GK for two weeks. Serno-tar ointment 3 - 5%( up to 20 days).Antihistamines with sedative component Dimedrol, Pipolphen, Diazolinum, Suprastin.

Local treatment is used: lotions of calcium chloride - 10% solution, solution of silver nitrate( 0.25%) and resorcinol( 1%), iodine solution 1%( 5 - 7 days).In addition, antifungal ointments Mikoseptin, Mikozolon, Sinoflan.
Itching against cholestasis in hepatic pathologies Cholestyramine( Questran) accumulates and absorbs bile acids that are secreted with feces. The therapeutic effect is observed within 3 - 4 weeks after the beginning of application.

Naltrexone( Vivitrol, Antakson) shows a noticeable antipruritic effect in the chronic form of cholestasis, especially in patients not responding to other drugs.

Additionally used Phenobarbital( inside at a daily dose of 60 to 120 mg), Rifampicin( maximum per day 600 mg).
Allergic reactions of a different nature Antihistamines, preparations that relieve itching and inflammation: Akriderm Genta, Elidel( contraindicated in fungal infection), Sinaflane, Beloderm, Psilo-balm, Nizulin. In severe cases, corticosteroids.
Thrush Candles, ointments: Poliginax, Antifungol, Livarol, Yenamazol 100, Terzhinan, Kandibene, Ginezol, Kanesten, Ketokenazole, Pimafucin, Kanison, Clotrimazole, Gino-travogen Ovulum, Vetozoral, Clion-D.

Dosing and Administration: Inside with a light course of a single dose of Fluconazole( Diflucan, Forkan, Flukostat) 150 mg.

In severe form, frequent recurrences of candidiasis of the genital organs - Fluconazole 150 mg orally daily for seven days or 1 every four days( 3-4 weeks).And also Itraconazole( Orungal).

Baths with herbal infusions and decoctions( chamomile, marigold flowers, oak bark).Soda solution( 1 tablespoon per liter of boiled water).
Ureaplasma Antibacterial agents( several months): Doxycycline, Josamycin, Spiramycin, Ornidazole. A course of immunostimulants is mandatory.
Chlamydia Antibiotics Azithromycin, Zitrolide, Macropen, Rulid, Clarithromycin in combination with drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora.
Genital herpes antiviral drugs Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Foscarnet.
Inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs in women Treatment is carried out using complex antibiotics taking into account the type of pathogen and accompanying pathologies, probiotics, restoring the normal flora of useful microorganisms of the vulva.
Inguinal eczema Antihistamines Tavegil, Telfast, Dimedrol, Erius, Zodak, Claritin, Diazolin, Suprastin.

Glucocorticosteroid hormones for suppressing inflammation - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Betamethasone. Sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosorb, Enterosgel. Ointments with antibiotics and steroid substances Beloderm, Advantan, Elokom, Celestoderm, Baneocin, Triderm.

Trimistin, Sinaflan. Physiotherapy: magnetotherapy, UV irradiation.
  • urine and blood test( general and biochemical, if necessary);
  • determination of the amount of sugar, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, total protein and liver enzymes in the blood;
  • bacterioscopy in case of suspected skin lesions of itchy itching;
  • feces analysis for enterobiasis and other helminthic invasions;
  • bacteriological studies of vulvar secretions;
  • cytology of smears;
  • determination of the amount of estrogens in the blood;
  • for suspected neoplasm biopsy and histological examination;
  • PCR polymerase chain reaction for the detection of urogenital infections.

After receiving the results, the specialist is able to prescribe a purposeful and effective treatment of the detected pathology.

The main directions in the therapy of pathology-provocative itching in the intimate area:

About traditional methods of treating itch intimate meths rassezhaet this video:

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