Skin granuloma: causes, treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

Granulomatosis is a whole group of dermatological diseases. On the skin, the granuloma is an infiltrate, limited to a small hearth. This infiltrate includes fibroblasts, epithelioid cells, eosinophils, lymphocytes, multinucleate cells. So, let's find out what kind of disease, granuloma, is it possible for her to treat granulomas with folk remedies or antibiotics.

What is granuloma skin

Granulomatous inflammation provokes various disorders in the immune field. A special role here is played by local cellular immunity, which reacts pathologically to the irritating factor. The exact mechanism of occurrence is not clear until now, but if the granuloma develops against the background of the inflammatory process, then the cause is the accumulation of the pathogen. Phagocytes do not have time to digest it.

The removal of the granuloma from the cheek will be described by the video below:

Classification of

It is difficult to classify granulomatosis even for professionals. It is important to take into account not only the stage and form of the disease, but also the morphological and immunological criteria. That is why there are many classifications of this disease.

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Granuloma on the skin of the pyogenic type( photo)


Epstein divides them by the etiological factor into:

  • immune;
  • is infectious;
  • developing after injury;
  • appearing under the influence of a foreign body;
  • not associated with tissue damage.

According to Kaufman and Strukova

Two Russian scientists Kaufman and Strukov proposed dividing the granulomas into 3 types, which include several subtypes.

  • The first group includes histological forms( lesions with necrosis, multinucleated cells, etc.).
  • The second group includes pathogenesis( non-immune, immune granulomas).And
  • And in the third disease is divided by etiology( medicamentous, unidentified, infectious, etc.).

According to Johnson and Hirsch

More detailed classification includes such features as the presence of necrosis and purulent processes, the presence in the tissue of certain cells and their severity, types of pathogens. All these morphological features are divided into 4 categories of the disease, and they were deduced by Johnson and Hirsch:

  1. The histiocytic or sarcoid granuloma has a characteristic feature: the accumulation of multinucleated cells and histiocytes in the infiltrate. Fibroplasts and lymphocytes surround such neoplasms, which prevents their fusion. They are located only around, but they do not meet inside. Appear this form of the disease is capable of both in sarcoidosis, and after a normal tattoo.
  2. Tuberculoid granulomas accompany not only tuberculosis, but also other pathologies of infectious nature. These include rinoskleromu, syphilis, actinomycosis. The tubercle itself consists of Pirogov-Langhans cells, as well as from multinucleated giant and epithelioid cells. Infiltration is extensive.
  3. Necrobiotic .They develop after lipoid necrobiosis, lymphogranuloma, or with an annular granuloma. Sometimes this form of the disease provokes profound changes in the vessels. If this is how the body reacts to a foreign body, macrophages accumulate around it.
  4. Mixed type may include several etiologies or features typical of other forms of granulomatosis.

Further separation

Additionally secrete several kinds of granuloma:

  • pyogenic,
  • venereum,
  • eosinophilic,
  • migrans subcutaneous,
  • postoperative,
  • odontogenic subcutaneous,
  • ligature,
  • breast,
  • tooth,
  • navel( neonates),
  • lips,
  • face.

About the symptoms and the causes of the formation( education) of granulomas in an adult and a child we will tell you further.

How to identify

It is not always possible to determine granuloma by yourself. It is usually concentrated in the dermis region, and on the surface of the skin the tubercle may not be so noticeable. On the epidermis there are symptoms usually in the presence of a foreign body, when the cyst breaks, which provokes a multiple granulomatous reaction.

  • In the presence of sarcoidosis, up to 30% of the body can be covered with papules. If they are small and have a purple hue, this indicates the development of a subacute stage. Typical localization is the forehead, eyelids, cheekbones, folds near the nose and mouth. If the disease is chronic, then the tubercles become plaques. Rarely, but sometimes mucosal changes, ichthyosis, hypopigmentation, alopecia, subcutaneous nodules or hyperpigmentation can sometimes be observed. The acute form of sarcoidosis is manifested by more extensive granulomas and in 80% of cases it lasts about 2 years.
  • Ring-shaped granuloma has a special form of dermal papules - they form semirings or rings. Detect such neoplasms more often on feet and hands. All this is accompanied by the formation of subcutaneous nodes, erythema.

In half the cases patients suffer from itching. If the rash focuses on the face, then a prolonged course is characteristic.

As indicated by the symptom

Granulomatosis can be formed by the following types of pathogens:

  1. Foreign bodies exogenous: syphilis, zirconium, hair, silicon, talc, starch, filaments in seams, aluminum, parts of insects, tattoo pigment.
  2. Infectious agents: cryptococcosis, fungi, sporotrichosis, chromomycosis, histoplasmosis, candidiasis, blastomycosis.
  3. Foreign bodies endogenous: defeat by plants, sebum, calcium, leishmaniasis, cholesterol, calcium.
  4. Other diseases( sarcoidosis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid nodules, etc.).

A predisposing factor may be even allergies, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus and a number of other endocrinological disorders.

Granuloma can occur as a result of sexual diseases, as described by Elena Malysheva in the video below:

How to deal with the problem

The granuloma itself does not affect the internal organs in any way and does not provoke not only diseases but even dysfunctions of the body systemscauses. So, the treatment of face granuloma is directed solely at combating the cosmetic defect. This form, moreover, tends to manifest periodically, so much attention is paid to the prevention of relapse.

Treatment includes a wide range of physiotherapy procedures:

  • phonophoresis,
  • PUVA-therapy,
  • demarcations,
  • cryotherapy,
  • laser therapy,
  • magnetotherapy.

Corticosteroids are administered individually as injections or ointments. Among other medicines, the basis of therapy is:

  1. Dapsone.
  2. Ointment Dermovate.
  3. Elidel.
  4. Isotretinoin.
  5. Niacinamide.
  6. Hydroxychloroquine.

Therapy should begin at the earliest stage, as it is long-term. In severe cases, it takes from 2 to 3 years to get rid of the disease.

In addition, measures are necessarily taken to treat the underlying disease if it is clear and accurately diagnosed. The prescriptions here are purely individual, but in practice it is useful to all patients to take additional funds that improve microcirculation. This is mainly due to vitamins.

How to remove granuloma from the finger, will tell the video below:

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