Putrefactive dysbiosis

A man, regardless of his age, likes to eat deliciously. In this case, very often you have to use a heavy food for the stomach. Poorly digested food falls into the intestines. If this continues for a long time, a person can develop putrefactive dysbacteriosis.

Oily, undigested food, promotes the development of opportunistic bacteria. To deal with putrefactive processes and dysbacteriosis, you need to see a doctor who, in addition to treatment, will appoint the right diet food.

Since putrefactive dysbacteriosis is a kind of disease, as an additional food, the patient is prescribed phytotherapy. The patient must take decoctions prepared from the following plants:

  • Cowberry;
  • Black currant fruits;
  • Caraway seeds;
  • Burdock;
  • Wormwood;
  • Celandine;
  • Nettles.

You can also use berries of mountain ash, currant and cowberry to quickly get rid of pathology. Sometimes doctors advise patients to eat sweet peppers and apricots.

To prevent putrefactive dysbacteriosis, food should be excluded from the diet:

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  • Flour products;
  • Potatoes and bananas;
  • Heavy food, such as mushrooms and seasoned cheeses;
  • Vegetables and fruits in raw form;
  • Chocolate, sugar, honey;
  • Products containing caffeine;
  • Alcohol-containing beverages;
  • Raw milk;
  • Bitter and sour dishes;
  • Water from the tap( if it is not boiled).

It's best if the diet is carbohydrate, then a microflora disorder will not be so noticeable.

To heal, in the first place the patient should by any means normalize the intestinal microflora. For this, beet is the best remedy. To stop the putrefactive processes that have arisen in dysbacteriosis, you should use the most accessible means, namely garlic. It is best to eat garlic during dinner. To "medicine" is better absorbed by the stomach, it should be sour with sour milk.

If desired, you can prepare garlic oil, which will also be useful in putrefactive dysbacteriosis. For cooking oil you will need:

  • One head of garlic;
  • 200 grams of vegetable oil.

Garlic must be crushed to make a mushy mixture. After this, the gruel should be poured with vegetable oil. The resulting oil should stay in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. To consume oil at a dysbacteriosis follows 3 times a day on 1 table spoon during three months.

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