Diffuse pancreatic enlargement in an adult, what to do if increased in size, what does this mean, what kind of treatment and diet?

There is no doubt that the fact that human nutrition is one of the important components of his life. But excessive passion for harmful, fatty foods, sweets and alcohol - this is a direct path to the development of pancreatic diseases. It is a small organ that has a width of 2.5 to 5 centimeters, a length of 7.5 to 15 centimeters, and its weight does not exceed 70 grams. It performs two main functions - the production of digestive juice and hormones( insulin, etc.).In case of problems with this body( increase in size, etc.) and violations of its function in humans, there are other accompanying negative consequences: obesity due to poor processing of consumed fats, muscle atrophy due to lack of protein and other serious problems( for example, diabetes mellitus).

Despite the fact that the size of the pancreas in adults varies significantly, a noticeable increase in the size of this organ can serve as a bad symptom. Changing the parameters of the body by more than 2-4 centimeters is a sign of pathology and requires treatment. If there is a suspicion of an increase in the size of the gland, an ultrasound of the pancreas is recommended to establish an accurate diagnosis. Indications for the conduct of ultrasound can be prolonged, as well as regularly recurring pain in the area of ​​hypochondrium in the left side, a sharp decrease in weight in the absence of diet, permanent disorders of the stool.

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What does diffuse pancreatic enlargement mean?

Pancreas enlargement is an alarm signal that indicates the presence of health problems. If you do not start treatment on time, then you can join such dangerous diseases as obesity and diabetes. That's why, if as a result of the surveys, it turned out that the organ is enlarged in size compared to the norm, we should not leave this fact without attention.

Based on the results of ultrasound examinations, doctors often diagnose a diffuse increase in the pancreas. This means that the density is increased or decreased or, in other words, the echogenicity of the organ structure, it is possible to change the shape and size of both the whole organ and its parts - the head, body or tail. Sometimes this is due to the presence in the gland of formations or diseases such as fibrosis and lipomatosis. If diffuse reductions in tissue density are found in combination with an increase in organ size, the patient will most likely be diagnosed with pancreatitis.

As the main causes leading to diffuse organ changes, it is common to distinguish the following factors:

  • Significant errors in nutrition.
  • Drinking alcohol-containing beverages.
  • Administration of medicines without medical supervision.
  • Stress and hereditary factors.
  • Diseases of other gastrointestinal organs.
  • For help with a doctor should be consulted in the event that a person suffers pain in the left hypochondrium, weight loss and stool disorders.

Diet with increasing pancreas

As a rule, even with a slight increase in the pancreas, a certain treatment regimen and diet are required. The essence of nutrition is that food intake should be divided into equal parts. The patient should eat small portions and at least 6 times a day. From the diet it is necessary to exclude all fried, sweet, fatty and spicy dishes, since they bear a colossal load on the organ, which is in a pathological condition.

Most often, adults with pancreatic diseases are recommended diet number 5, which provides products that do not irritate the digestive system as a whole. After all, on the course of the disease, even an ordinary swelling of the abdomen will be negatively affected. It is desirable to use oatmeal, as well as dishes and broths based on oatmeal.

Only strict adherence to diet in combination with the treatment scheme will help bring the pancreas back to normal and give the patient the opportunity to forget about many health problems.

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