Pancreatitis - ICD code 10

ICD 10 is a generally accepted international classification of diseases, which is also observed in our country( the 10th revision).

Due to the fact that medicine has more than forty different classifiers of pancreatitis, there is a significant difficulty in the process of diagnosis, clinic, pathogenesis and treatment of this disease. In this regard, and was adopted( ICD 10), which is used for the exchange of experience by specialists from different countries in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

In accordance with the rules of international classification, pancreatitis is divided into acute( K85) and chronic( K86).

The acute forms of the disease according to ICD 10 include diseases such as:

1. Abscess of the gland;

2. Acute and infectious necrosis;

3. Recurrent( acute), subacute, purulent, hemorrhagic pancreatitis and BDU( without additional clarification).

Acute pancreatitis is divided into idiopathic( K85.0), biliary( K85.1), alcoholic( K85.2) and medicinal( K85.3).

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Chronic pancreatitis( CP) according to ICD 10 refers to other diseases of the organ of the pancreas( K86).

It includes such pathologies as HP of alcoholic etiology( K86.0) and other CP( K86.1).

Acute pancreatitis

This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the pancreas due to the activation of digestive pancreatic enzymes. Most often, this disease occurs in patients with cholelithiasis or chronic cholecystitis, as well as due to alcohol abuse.

The main symptoms of the acute form of the disease include nausea, vomiting and cutting pain in the upper abdomen.

Chronic pancreatitis

This is a chronic destructive process directly in the pancreas, due to which the internal and external tissues of the organ are replaced by connective tissue, which is why its basic functions are lost( ICD 10).

Causes and prerequisites of a chronic disease: alcoholism, excessive use of medicines, malnutrition and chronic diseases of other organs of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease are similar to the symptoms of an acute form of the disease: vomiting, nausea, pain in the upper abdomen and a rapid decrease in total body weight.

This disease is quite unpleasant and painful, therefore it will be necessary to apply a large amount of effort to neutralize the negative effects of it on the body.

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