Erotic ulcer bulbitis

Ulcerative bulbitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the duodenal gut adjacent to the stomach, which is usually accompanied by the formation of erosions. The main causes of ulcerative bulbitis are the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Usually, the primary cause of this disease is the infected urinary tract, which is directly related to the duodenum. Also, the erosive-ulcerative bulbitis may occur after an irregular diet, poor heredity, poisoning, helminths or constant stress.

Symptoms of

In the initial stages, ulcerative bulbitis is not particularly manifested, and the disease itself can develop over a long period and does not have any effect. As a rule, erosively ulcerative bulbitis is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • Exacerbation of pain on an empty stomach;
  • Frequent occurrence of heartburn, after eating;
  • Pain after eating;
  • Frequent burping;Constipation;
  • Bloating;
  • Vomiting;
  • Aching in the navel.

Treatment of

Initially, the doctor must correctly diagnose the disease, which is determined after a laboratory examination and examination of the patient. Only after establishing or confirming the diagnosis the doctor can prescribe the necessary course of treatment. Ulcerative bulbits require adherence to a strict diet, namely, from the diet of the patient, products that provoke an increase in the level of acidity are excluded. That is, the patient is strictly forbidden to eat fatty, spicy and fried, as well as raw vegetables, coffee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages. You can eat extremely exceptionally well-cooked and crushed food, and in small portions. Also, the ulcerative bulbite makes you completely give up smoking and physical exertion.

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Ulcerous bulbitis is treated in a complex, such preparations:

  • Antibiotics, which are able to fight with bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
  • Preparations with enzymes that improve the digestion process;
  • Drugs, normalizing the motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Drugs, to reduce spasms.

Please note that antibiotic treatment can lead to dysbiosis, and this will require additional treatment. That's why doctors, in addition to all of the above drugs prescribe drugs pro or pribiotikov. Also, the doctor may prescribe a herbal tincture, which will contribute to a more effective treatment course, a disease such as ulcerative bulbitis.

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