Treatment of Crohn's disease - history, methods, recommendations, clinic, etiology and pathogenesis, new in medicine, how to treat, whether it is possible to cure in children?

Crohn's disease is a fairly serious inflammatory pathology of the digestive organs. Treatment requires constant supervision of a specialist and, often, surgical intervention. This is the only way to achieve full recovery or the onset of prolonged remissions.

Very much interfere with therapy with her stressful conditions, arising from the fear of the patient, which appears due to misconceptions about the clinic, etiology and pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. Numerous, not justified, rumors give the patient confidence that this disease is more terrible than oncology and can not be cured.

To ensure that these myths do not interfere with the patient to undergo the appropriate course of therapy, one should heed reliable information about this pathological inflammation that occurs in the digestive tract.

Etiology, pathogenesis and clinic of Crohn's disease

To correctly start treating inflammatory pathology, a specialist compulsorily compiles a medical history in which all information about the onset of the disease, its course, diagnostic studies and prescribed courses of therapy should be taken into account.

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The etiology and pathogenesis of Crohn's disease is not fully understood, there are only assumptions that in the development of pathology an important role is played by such factors as autoimmune, genetic and infectious. In children, as well as in adult patients, the etiology of the disease is unknown, although here experts are more inclined to the hereditary and infectious causes of this pathology.

And among the pathogenetic theories is still widespread and lymphatic. It follows that the disease begins because of inflammation of the lymph nodes and follicles, as a result of which there is edema, which provokes granulomatosis of the intestinal wall. This reason can presumably contribute to the development of Crohn's disease in both children and patients in the older age group.

In the history of the inflammatory disease that has arisen in the digestive tract as a pathology described by Crohn, its clinical picture must necessarily be present. It is taken into account in prescribing the medicines needed to select the most appropriate method of treatment for a particular form of the disease.

The most frequent clinical manifestations of this illness are hypochromic anemia, fever, weakness and weight loss, abdominal pains, accompanied by a loose stool with blood impurities. And in children in the history of Crohn's disease there is also a significant lag in physical and sexual development. All these signs contribute to the right choice of concomitant treatment methods that relieve the patient of severe symptoms and help improve the quality of life.

Medical recommendations for Crohn's disease

Very often, patients who have a history of this disease, ask a question about whether it can be cured and what therapies are worth using for this? Yes, it's real. But for this it is necessary to take into account some factors, among which such as the degree of activity and the duration of the period of exacerbation of this pathology.

The following actions are recommended for the treatment of Crohn's disease:

  • During the period of exacerbation, complete rest is required;
  • Mandatory drug therapy with antibacterial, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the use of immunosuppressants;
  • Operative intervention in the presence of appropriate indications;
  • Diet and partial intravenous nutrition through amino acids.

With the strict adherence to all these recommendations, the question of the curability of Crohn's disease should be the patient's disappearance by itself. Of course, complete recovery will not follow, but the periods of remission will last for years.

Also in the case when the patient is diagnosed with Crohn's disease, in order for the treatment of this pathology to be the most effective, specialists are recommended to completely get rid of addictions if they are present in the life of the patient, and the beginning of a healthy lifestyle with mandatory sports exercises,diet and avoidance of stressful situations.

New in the treatment of Crohn's disease

In order for the therapy of this disease to give a positive result, it must be complex and directed to increase the walls of the digestive tract of regenerative processes, eliminate the occurrence of complications and compensate for metabolic processes in the body.

Modern medicine offers completely new methods for the treatment of Crohn's disease. Among them, extracorporeal hemocorrection, which gives an opportunity for selective influence on individual links of immunity, proved very well.

It should also be noted extracorporeal immunopharmacotherapy and lymphocytapheresis, which contribute to the purification of blood from immune complexes and autoantibodies. All the innovations designed to treat Crohn's disease make it more effective and safe for drug therapy.

In addition to the above, the American scientists offer for the additional therapy of this autoimmune disease the use of such new drugs as:

  • Linolenic acid in conjugated form. It is intended to reduce the level of inflammation;
  • Stem cells that need to be injected during the main therapy. Thus, it is possible to restore the normal functioning of immunity and accelerate the healing process of the damaged intestinal mucosa.

Timely and adequate treatment of Crohn's disease gives patients the opportunity to lead a familiar lifestyle, as well as a gradual adaptation to the disease. The prognosis for the occurrence of possible complications depends on the chosen method of therapy and the rigor in the patient's compliance with all the recommendations of the specialist.

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