Reflux-esophagitis 2 degrees and its treatment

In case of misconduct, obesity and non-compliance with the principles of healthy eating, a person puts himself at risk of developing reflux esophagitis, an inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, which, in the absence of measures taken to eliminate irritant factors, can enter complex, severe formsand even lead to death. The earlier the disease is detected, the more chances for complete recovery.

In order to understand how the disease proceeds and to determine more clearly the methods of its treatment, the classification of reflux-esophagitis by degrees is adopted.

Stage 1, almost no one notices, because the symptoms are very poorly expressed and do not cause anxiety to the patient. Only in the 2nd stage of the development of reflux esophagitis symptoms in the form of heartburn and discomfort after eating are intensified, which can cause to attract attention and begin treatment.

Symptoms of reflux-esophagitis 2 degrees

As mentioned above, the first symptom of the disease is heartburn. At 2 tbsp.may erupt, nausea, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. This is especially pronounced immediately after the patient has eaten, with inclinations or prolonged exposure in a bent position.

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Despite the fact that these symptoms of reflux-esophagitis of the 2nd degree are already noticeable, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis on their own. Therefore, you need to immediately consult a doctor for examination: take tests, make an X-ray and, if necessary, endoscopy of the esophagus mucosa.

Removing symptoms simply by getting rid of heartburn with the help of pills is a wrong choice, as the very process of the disease can become worse, and it will be cured, if possible, but more difficult.

There are two types of reflux esophagitis 2 degrees:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

The acute form is more pronounced in symptoms and is formed from short-term effects of stimuli, as a consequence of infectious diseases and a shortage of a number of vitamins.

In chronic form, the disease has a more calm character of percolation, but is caused by a prolonged and constant exposure to stimuli. Most often it is the release of the contents of the stomach, which has hydrochloric acid in its composition. The esophagus is not adapted to the aggressive action of acids, so its mucosa becomes inflamed to varying degrees.

Treatment of 2 degrees of reflux esophagitis

To 2 degrees of reflux esophagitis, which is considered to be the initial one, in treatment it is possible to confine oneself only to dietotherapy and folk remedies in the form of herbs and decoctions. It is also recommended to leave bad habits for full and speedy recovery.

The first principle when feeding patients with reflux esophagitis is to take small amounts of food at least 5-6 times a day( fractional), exclude sharp, rough, hot food. That is all that can irritate the affected mucous membrane. To this number include some fruits( for example, oranges, tangerines).Vegetables with disease of the esophagus 2 degrees are better for eating stewed, and fruits - in the form of compotes and kissels. Instead of tea it is good to drink broth of a dogrose. Preparing it yourself is not at all difficult. To do this, two tablespoons of dried fruit is poured with a liter of boiling water and is infused for several hours. Then the infusion should be filtered and drunk during the day.

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