Severe gastritis and its treatment

Probably more than half the population suffers from a disease such as gastritis, which has been spreading lately at a tremendous rate. But many of those who have this disease, do not even suspect that they have such a pathology of the digestive organs.

This is not surprising, because, despite the variety of forms and types of this disease, the symptoms of it often are so greasy that a person simply waves them aside, considering these signs as banal.

The most initial form of this disease, on the symptoms of which just does not pay attention, is a superficial gastritis. It has 3 stages of activity: mild, moderate and severe.

If the first 2 do not carry enough serious problems, and properly selected therapy allows you to forget about this disease forever, then the third stage, or severe gastritis, is the beginning of the transition of the disease into a chronic form, which is difficult to get rid of. The clinic of expressed gastritis is manifested in the following:

  • Infiltration of the walls of the stomach captured all the mucous membrane and reached the muscular plate;
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  • The proportion of cells that have a dystrophic character has become very high.

It is determined which stage of the disease is present in the patient, with a visual examination, which is carried out with the help of such a diagnostic study as FGDS.

Causes of pronounced gastritis

This degree for this pathology of the stomach can occur when the digestive organs have long been affected by negative factors. They are always referred to as:

  • Bile from the intestines, which severely damages the glandular cells of the stomach;
  • Action of non-steroid drugs that the patient has been using for a long time;
  • The acidity of the digestive enzyme, which is necessary for the digestion of food.

In all three cases, the result is one - cells affected by the development of a pronounced stage of gastritis are unable to self-restore naturally, and this leads to disturbances in the digestive process and a great vulnerability of the mucous membrane.

Symptoms and treatment of severe gastritis

Symptomatic in this form of the disease is diverse. The very first signs of gastritis, which passed into a pronounced stage, are associated with disorders occurring in the process of digestion. Among them, the patient will have the following:

  • Appetite completely disappears;
  • The mouth is very unpleasant aftertaste, which has a bitter hue;
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • State of nausea, from time to time changing into vomiting.

Also expressed gastritis is always accompanied by large disturbances in intestinal motility, and, accordingly, to constant flatulence and problems with stool.

Treatment of severe gastritis begins with a thorough initial examination, diagnosis with the help of FGD and the patient's necessary general tests. After all this is done, and it is revealed that the patient really has a gastritis, which is in a pronounced stage, the doctor chooses the most correct method of therapy, which consists not only of taking medications, but also a suitable diet.

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