Diet and nutrition for inflammation of the pancreas

The peculiarity of nutrition of all patients diagnosed with pancreatitis is the replacement of animal protein by plant. Diet in inflammation of the pancreas is divided into postcrisis, which lasts for a short time, since it does not provide a full-fledged supply of the body with the necessary substances( 5P) and the usual( 5).Products with a lot of carbon are not used, because the sick body can not cope with them.

Irritants are excluded from the menu( mucous membrane) at first, allowed in small doses with persistent remission. Unacceptable in the patient's menu is rough fiber, which is difficult to digest, even to a healthy stomach.

Prohibited diet products for pancreatic inflammation

Complete ban is imposed on the following categories:

  • coffee( even, decaffeinated)
  • mineral water with gas, sweet
  • fruit - sour apples, citrus fruits( except bananas), pears, plums, gooseberries
  • vegetables -onion, white cabbage, horseradish, radish, corn, sorrel, celery, spinach, tomatoes, rutabaga, garlic, radish
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  • dairy - with increased fat content
  • meat - smoked and fatty sausages, pork, lamb, fat beef, goose, duck, fatty fish
  • and cereals - legumes, barley, corn, millet
  • pastries - fresh rye and white bread, pasta from soft wheat, fresh pastries

These foods diet should never include the symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas, in order to avoid attacks. Nevertheless, in a state of remission, patients often experiment with small doses without abusing these products. For example, adding a spoonful of peas to a salad or eating a little pulp of a fresh tomato, removing the peel and seeds.

Authorized products of the diet for inflammation of the pancreas

Diet-based products provide adequate nutrition for symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas. This reduces the risk of exacerbations of other organs, supplying the body with the necessary micronutrients and vitamins, minerals. The following groups of products are allowed for a diet with pancreatitis:

  • cereals - rice, pearl barley, oats, buckwheat
  • vegetables - carrots, turnips, zucchini, eggplant, cucumber without seeds, potatoes
  • fruit - kiwi, non-acid apples, mango, melon, watermelon, strawberry, currant, papaya
  • drinks - mineral water without gas, fruit broths, weak tea with herbs
  • meat - low-fat veal, rabbit, poultry
  • fats - creamy, olive, sunflower oil( little by little)

Pancreatic inflammation of the body

Pancreatitispancreas) due to many reasons, but a leading role among them is played nutritional factors( malnutrition).In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, a special pancreatic diet No. 5p is prescribed, which clearly lists lists of prohibited and permitted products.

The diet prescribes increased protein intake, compared to the normal diet, but not in fatty or fried form, preferably in the form of boiled lean meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, cottage cheese and other dairy products. At the same time, they limit the consumption of carbohydrates, including sugar. It is not recommended to eat sweet foods( jam, coffee, cocoa, sweets and chocolate, other confectionery products).

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate the consumption of fats, but their amount consumed must also be limited. Oils( both animal and vegetable) are used only for cooking.

Dysfunction in the inflammation of the pancreas can lead to flatulence( swelling of the intestine), acute or dull pain, nausea, heartburn, that is, another aggravation of the disease.

Food should be taken in small portions, but often( 6-7 times a day).Careful adherence to the diet with inflammation of the pancreas is a prerequisite for the successful treatment of exacerbation of pancreatitis.

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