Cholecystitis and gastroduodenitis after removal of the gallbladder

How are gastroduodenitis and cholecystitis related? Diseases can be independent pathologies, and may be concomitant symptoms to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So, for example, inflammation of the gallbladder is often accompanied by symptoms of gastritis and duodenitis. And that's why.

Cholecystitis leads to an increase in the motor functions of the walls of the organ described. As a result, in some areas, spasm occurs, the bile output is blocked, digestion processes are disrupted. They provoke other pathological changes: acidity changes in the stomach, undigested food stagnates in the duodenum, and this causes inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. This is why gastroduodenitis and cholecystitis often go in pairs.

Inflammation of the gallbladder can be associated with the development of infection. She gets there from the liver, causing dangerous stagnant phenomena. Gastroduodenitis and cholecystitis can be linked by feedback. Sometimes infection in the gallbladder gets from the gut. And if the intestine is infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria, cholecystitis will certainly occur.

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Gastroduodenitis after removal of the gallbladder

Often gastroduodenitis occurs after removal of the gallbladder. Why is this happening? You can answer this question by learning how two designated bodies are related to each other.

The gallbladder is the organ in which bile accumulates, concentrates in it, and then gets into the duodenum, helping the food to be digested better. She actively participates in the process of fat splitting. When the gallbladder is removed, a large number of biochemical reactions take place inside the body, the system of regulation of the bile secretion is disrupted, and the muscles of the duodenum responsible for the motor-evacuation function are lost.

Since bile is nowhere else to accumulate and turn into concentrate, its consistency becomes liquid. Mixed with the contents of the intestine, the mixture becomes a favorable environment for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, bile acids are transformed into strong aggressors with time, as a result of such changes, acute gastroduodenitis develops. As the duodenum partially loses its motor functions, part of the food mass is thrown back into the stomach and, as a consequence, gastritis appears. If the necessary recommendations are not observed, the inflammation proceeds continuously, the gastritis degenerates into a chronic stage, the inflammation through the pyloric department is transferred to the duodenum. This is why, after removal of the gallbladder, gastroduodenitis always occurs.

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