Treatment of hemorrhoids with tinctures from herbs field and hemlock

Hemorrhoids have to face a lot of people. This is due to their lifestyle. The appearance of hemorrhoids is associated with stagnation of blood. It is for this reason, it is not enough to use suppositories and ointments, it is necessary to use tincture from hemorrhoids.

From ancient times, people used to prepare such folk remedies:

  • Birch leaves;
  • Field harvester;
  • Blueberries;
  • Dandelion.

It is possible to manufacture a medicinal product at home, it is enough just to determine the plants that will be used for treatment. It should also be noted that the recipes of traditional medicine, it is best to use only with mild hemorrhoids. In severe forms, therapy is not possible without examination and doctor's advice.

Benefits of infusions with hemorrhoids

If you look at medical works of several centuries, you can see how a large part of the scientists of that time are studying the useful properties of a field keeper. Modern man, also uses this wonderful plant.

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The tincture of the field keeper is quite effective for hemorrhoids. This is due to the elements of the plant:

  • Essential oils;
  • Starch;
  • Resins;
  • Tanning agents;
  • Tetracycline Alcohol.

The tincture from this plant is not prepared at home, as it can be bought without any problems in any pharmacy. It should be borne in mind that an average of 40 drops is taken at a time. The interval between taking the medicine is 4-5 hours. The course of therapy is 3 weeks.

After using the medicine in the body, the following changes begin to occur:

  • The amplitude of the heart contractions increases;
  • Blood folds much faster;
  • Blood vessels become elastic;
  • There is a drop in blood pressure.

The same heredity of hemlock used for hemorrhoids has the same popularity. Despite the fact that the drug can be purchased at the pharmacy, most patients prefer to collect such a plant on their own.

For a quick recovery, you need fresh raw materials, which are not difficult to find in the field. For the medicine it is best to collect inflorescences and leaves. To prepare the medicine you will need 30% of the filled capacity of the crushed plant. The rest is filled with vodka. After this, the medication should be insisted for 15 days. It is best to store the container with raw materials in a dark place inaccessible to children. This is due to the fact that the plant is poisonous.

Take the tincture should be one hour before meals. At the same time, the fermented milk products should be excluded from the diet. Fruits with a high content of vitamin C should also not be on the patient's table. On the first day the patient can drink only one drop of medicine. The number of drops is added daily for 1 piece. Thus, it is necessary to reach 15 drops.

Treatment of hemorrhoids tincture hemlock can take several months. It is also recommended to combine non-traditional medicine with classical medicines.

One of the most readily available components for the preparation of medicines is birch. To prepare a medicine from this tree, it is necessary: ​​

  • To rip off 10 handfuls of leaves and pour them 5 liters of boiled water;
  • In order for the medicine to be ready, it should be insisted for 20 minutes;
  • After this, the broth cools down to 30 degrees;
  • The prepared infusion is poured into the bath together with the leaves;
  • The bath should be taken for 15 minutes.

Tinctures of herbs from hemorrhoids

Those who do not want to collect herbs and other ingredients, you can go to the pharmacy. It is enough to buy yarrow and make a medicine out of it. For the preparation of the medicine it is necessary: ​​

  • For 200 milliliters of boiled water take 2 tbsp.spoons of dried plants;
  • For complete preparation, the product should be infused for at least 55 minutes;
  • Drink medium for 1 tbsp.spoon with an interval of 4 hours before eating.

With the arrival of the summer, every person sees the dandelion flowers every day. This unique plant will also help fight hemorrhoids. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to perform the following steps in sequence:

  • For 1 glass of chilled water, take 2 hours spoons of the crushed root of a dandelion;
  • Drug, must be infused for 8 hours;
  • Drug should be taken after a meal, with an interval of 10 hours.

Drugs can be prepared not only from rootlets and flowers, you can also use berries. In medicine, bilberry is widely used. In this berry contains a large number of microelements necessary for the normal development of the body. Also, it is able to anesthetize, relieve inflammation and eliminate blood loss. To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • About 40 grams of dried blueberry fruit;
  • Berries are poured with 1 glass of boiled water;
  • The drug is infused for 2.5 hours;
  • From the resulting raw materials, enemas are made.

What should I do before using tinctures from hemorrhoids?

Despite the fact that you can get rid of the disease with the help of infusions and broths, it is recommended to visit a polyclinic. This is necessary for the specialist to carry out a diagnosis confirming the diagnosis.

Of course, you can use the tincture and without consulting a doctor, but then it will not be known what kind of hemorrhoids the patient suffers, and also at what stage the disease is.

Only after the doctor confirms hemorrhoids 1 or 2 degrees, you can start therapy with the help of folk remedies. Otherwise, the therapy will be futile. In addition, time will be missed and the disease can move into a heavier form.

If infusions have caused undesirable symptoms, you should also visit a proctologist or other specialist. In order not to fight hemorrhoids, it is best to warn it in advance.

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