Ointments and suppositories after the operation to remove hemorrhoids, postoperative treatment - laxatives, Levomecol, vaseline and sea-buckthorn oil

The operation to remove hemorrhoids sometimes leaves not the most pleasant consequences, the patient will have to cope with it with a medicamentous method. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and healing-promoting drugs accelerate rehabilitation after surgical treatment and help prevent relapse of prolapsed nodes.

Surgical intervention leaves scars and wounds in the anal passage that need to be healed. Without medication with ointments, this process will last 2-3 times longer than significantly hampering the patient's toilet.

Ointments after the operation of hemorrhoids

Ointment Solcoseryl promotes the healing of postoperative wounds. Particularly useful is the use of her after surgery by the Longo method, when the nodes are cut together with the mucosa. The action of the ointment is aimed at restoring the functioning of the blood vessels, accordingly it prevents the development of relapse. A good result of the drug also shows after laser surgery, when you need to cope with burns. In this case, it stimulates the recovery of epithelial tissue.

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Levomekol ointment after removal of hemorrhoids is indicated to patients not only because of the acceleration of healing of scars. Ointment works very well as a means, whose action is directed to the disinfection of wounds due to the antibiotic in its composition. The human intestinal tract is filled with bacteria, some of which are pathogenic. When defecating, microorganisms can get into the unhealed seam and cause it to fester.

Levomekol ointment is widely used for hemorrhoids dressings, as a preparation that promotes the regeneration of mucous membranes and skin. You can apply the drug for up to a year, since Levomekol is applied topically and does not enter the blood. Thus, the antibiotic content in the ointment does not harm the body.

Oil-treated naphthalan ointment handles hemorrhoids. Resins contained in its composition, heal and dry the place of operation. The use of this ointment has an effect on the vessels: it expands them and at the expense of this reduces pain symptoms. However, you can apply the drug no longer than a month, because the essential substances in the composition of the remedy are very toxic. As a rule, you can achieve a good effect after 2 weeks, using an ointment during a hemorrhoids dressing.

Candles after operation of hemorrhoids

Candles after the operation for removal of hemorrhoids are shown to all patients without exception. In the postoperative period, defecation should be done as gently as possible, so as not to disturb the healed tissues. Very popular are topical preparations, such as suppositories.

Treatment after surgery to remove hemorrhoids necessarily includes glycerin suppositories, since they provide a mild outflow of stool. Glycerin promotes the absence of constipation. If you did not visit the toilet for 2-3 days, then after installing the candle for an hour you can clean the rectum.

Glycerin as such is not harmful to the body, since it participates in almost all metabolic processes. However, the candles are in contact with oxygen, which contributes to their oxidation. As a result of this process, the contents of the candle decomposes to water and carbon dioxide, which can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

To neutralize irritation from a candle, doctors recommend using Vaseline oil. It can be used as an ointment or taken internally. Glycerin is recommended for pregnant and lactating women if constipation is observed no longer than 3 days. Another useful property of the candles is the increased blood flow in the anal passage.

Sea buckthorn does not require a neutralizer in the form of petroleum jelly, but has a coloring effect. Such candles from hemorrhoids after the operation are absolutely hypoallergenic and can be used regardless of the presence of constipation.

Sea buckthorn not only softens the stools, but also produces a disinfecting effect. Putting a candle, you can skip applying the ointment, because the sea buckthorn will save the anal canal from any infection - it's not for nothing that it is called a natural antiseptic.

Candles after the operation of hemorrhoids will protect against possible complications: bleeding, anemia and even relapses. They strengthen the venous walls and virtually eliminate the possibility of bleeding. Candles with sea-buckthorn must be placed not before, but after going to the toilet: in the morning, and just before bed.

Laxatives after removal of hemorrhoids

Vaseline oil after the operation of hemorrhoids can serve not only as a neutralizer, but also as an independent laxative, combined with ointment and suppositories. Surgery to remove hemorrhoids involves the mandatory use of drugs that have a laxative effect.

One of the most effective drugs in the postoperative period is Dufalac. It should be noted that Dufalac - the drug is strong enough, because they can treat even prolonged constipation. Healing after removal of hemorrhoids is due to a 2-3 month intake of laxatives.

After the operation, the anal opening narrows significantly, and to not damage the hemorrhoids the preparations are taken systematically. After 1-2 months, the laxative can be used as needed.

With a laxative, suppositories and ointments after the operation, a diet is prescribed. Properly eating, you can gradually stop taking laxatives before to protect yourself from getting used to.

Plastic after hemorrhoids

Plastic surgery after removal of hemorrhoids, indications are rare, with complications managed to cope with conservative treatment. Ointments, suppositories and laxatives are not able to deal with such problems:

  • Narrowing of the anal ring, when medical extensions can not fix the problem, and the patient suffers frequent constipation.
  • Appearance of suppuration and fistulas that can not be removed by piercing.
  • Unaesthetic appearance of the anus in the form of pieces of superfluous skin, new dropped out nodes and improper scarring.

Plastic surgery does not affect the possibility of recurrence of hemorrhoids, but in some cases can speed up recovery.

Sanatorium treatment after hemorrhoids operation

Sanatoriums do offer their services in the fight against hemorrhoids, however, one should not hope for the effect of these procedures only. The main benefit that you can get from the resort is an unobtrusive regime of the day, when you can spend a lot of time in a lying position.

In addition, patients attend special physical exercises, which will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of a person after the surgery. In the sanatorium, your diet will be as close as possible to the prescribed diet, but laxative preparations still have to be stocked up. About ointments and suppositories also need to be remembered, since defecation even in the walls of the health-improving institution will be painful at first.

Author's programs of sanatoria can offer patients a variety of medications, but before using them, consult a proctologist. The body already gets a lot of postoperative drugs, including antibiotics, and there is no need to overload it. Enjoy the clean air at the resort and do not forget about the basic medical therapy.

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