Nevus choroida and iris of the eye: photo, danger, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis

It is the melanin that gives the shell of the eye a certain color and its saturation. The same cells are the cause of the formation of moles, which form on a limited area of ​​the body.

Nevus occurs on the conjunctiva or the choroid. The first is a transparent tissue covering the eye from the outside. And the second - the choroid of the eye.

Causes of

formations Nevuses in the eye appear for the same reason as other moles, that is, because of the concentration of melanin. Results:

  • hormonal change,
  • stress,
  • infection,
  • inflammation,
  • hormonal contraceptives,
  • genetic factors.

Types of

Education is divided into stationary and progressive. The first view does not change its color and size. This type is not inclined to the appearance of new tumors. Threats to health in most cases they do not represent.

Progressive change their size, color. Usually, nevi have a yellowish changing border and can lead to poor eyesight.

Conjunctiva mole

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This kind of mole is found in 5% of people. It appears outside or inside the film.

The location of the nevus is different: cartilage, eyeballs, transitional folds, tearful month. In one case they rise above the surface, in the other they are flat.

Photo of a nevus of the iris on the eye

There are several types of conjunctival nevuses:

  1. Nevusnye outgrowths. These are pinkish or red spots. They consist of capillaries, pass through the entire shell.
  2. Pigmented nevus of conjunctiva. They are similar to a mole. Arise because of an overabundance of melanin.
  3. Cystic. It is formed in the process of fusion of lymphatic vessels. When the increase starts to resemble the honeycomb.

Nevus of choroid

This type is found in 2-10% of people. It is often prone to degeneration into a malignant aggressive tumor.

Birthmarks are formed from cells of the supervascular plate, but may eventually spread into the deeper layers.

The location of the nevus is more often behind the widest part of the eye, but in rare cases is formed in the equatorial region. A typical species has clear or dense outlines, sizes up to 0.6 cm, monochromatic color of gray or gray-green color.

Progressing may be of a different shade, the choroid vessels are squeezed. This species is divided into typical, suspicious or atypical. Urgent treatment requires only the latter type.

Sometimes, when diagnosed, a melanocyte of the choroid is found. This large-cell nevus, localized on the disk of the optic nerve.

The prognosis for this form is favorable. In 90% of patients will be randomized, however, with small tumors, there are small visual impairments and an increase in the blind spot.

What is the danger of pigmented nevi in ​​the eye?

For many years nevus did not behave in any way. But with a combination of circumstances, they can be transformed.

For the following signs, it is necessary to contact the ophthalmologist as soon as possible:

  • restriction of the field of vision or decrease in its quality,
  • appearance of sensation of foreign body in the eye,
  • change in color and size of the nevus.

Many are interested in: is it possible to prevent the transformation of a birthmark into a malignant tumor? It is easy to do this if you undergo yearly examinations and avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation.


Before the doctor collects an anamnesis. With hemorrhages on the mucosa, foreign body senses, cosmetic defect, additional tests are prescribed. The doctor examines the mucous membrane.

Instrumental methods include:

  • ophthalmoscopy, which involves examining the retina, nerve with the help of light. The latter is indicated by the fundus;
  • ultrasound, with the help of it evaluated the deep structure of the eye;
  • is a color duplex study helping to assess total blood flow;
  • fluorescent angiography, which allows to detect retinal angiomas.

Methods of treatment

With benign education, usually treatment is not prescribed. With a progressive nevus, electroexcision is used. This is a surgical method of action, in which an electroscalpel is involved. Simultaneously with the procedure, the plastic of the defect is performed.

In children, nevi are treated only in extreme cases, if there is a process of intense progression.


Almost always with a timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. Rebirth in melanoma with the help of modern medicine techniques is not allowed.

In the case of a stationary type of nevus, treatment is not required, since the risk of transformation is minimal. In any case, patients should be under medical supervision.

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