Ecstasy pills: types, how it works, symptoms of consumption, dependence development

Amongst psychostimulants, along with cocaine, ecstasy is also widely known. The action of this drug is based on the activation of serotonin production, this hormonal substance is more known as a hormone of happiness. It affects the higher cerebrospinal functions, including pleasure and mood. Serotonin causes an overflowing feeling of happiness and love. Studies have shown that in people with a depressed and constantly depressed mood, serotonin levels are seriously reduced. If a person is in love, serotonin is elevated.

Ecstasy - a description of the substance

This drug was created as an effective tool for treating pathological psychological conditions such as depression, depression or isolation. In the eighties of the last century, ecstasy is actively used and promoted as a magical drug that quickly eliminates isolation, depression, depression and low self-esteem.

Externally, the drug looks like multi-colored tablets with various patterns, graphic prints or logos. The basis of ecstasy is amphetamine, but in the final composition there are often impurities like ephedrine, caffeine, methamphetamine, ketamine, cocaine, dextromethorphan, etc. And it depends on the composition of how the drug works in each case. Club youth sincerely believe ecstasy spreaders that tablets are absolutely safe, in fact the picture is much sadder.

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Application of

The use of ecstasy tablets, as a rule, takes place in a club environment. Young people swallow the drug in the form of pills. Some crush the tablets into powder and inhale through the nose, dilute and inject intravenously. Spread the drug in nightclubs, night parties, in transitions or bars.

The effect after consumption is maintained for approximately 3-4 hours. All this time a person experiences a tonic effect, his perception and sense of time is distorted. It is very dangerous combination of tablets with alcohol, since such a mixture can have unpredictable consequences for health.


When active substances penetrate the tablets, a powerful serotonin release occurs in the body, but at the end of the effect a person experiences a feeling of fatigue and severe irritation.

Narcologists distinguish such properties of ecstasy:

  • The ability to evoke a feeling of love and emotional good nature towards others, even unfamiliar;
  • Deep feeling of euphoria, when everything around seems unusually beautiful;
  • Tablets destroy all psychological obstacles, discomfort, embarrassment and stiffness disappear during communication;
  • A person literally splashes with activity, which affects all areas of the body - mental, psychological, physical, etc.

But this is only one, the bright side, so-called.positive properties of the drug.

There are also negative effects from using ecstasy like:

  • Hyperplasticity and dilated pupils;
  • Sleep disorders, overexcitation and excess anxiety;
  • The cardiovascular system is overloaded, which is manifested by increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, as well as heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Heat stroke, fever, fever, and convulsive contractions;
  • Twitching of the eyelids, spasm of jaw muscles, muscle tension;
  • Dizziness and dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • Dehydration;
  • Difficulty breathing.

A drug addict using ecstasy pills loses focus on traditional organic needs. He does not want to drink, there is sleep, it all becomes unimportant. But abstinence after use, in comparison with alcoholic hangovers, is many times stronger and can last for several days.

Street names

Ecstasy in the club environment has other names:

  1. Ex-Ti;
  2. Wheels;
  3. Tablets;
  4. Cadillac;
  5. Ecst;
  6. Love;
  7. Smile;
  8. Kalachi;
  9. Bagels;
  10. Drives;
  11. Vitamin E;
  12. Slippers, etc.

Types of

Ecstasy can be called almost any tablet preparation on an amphetamine basis. In addition, they add other psychoactive or stimulating components. Therefore, it is difficult to determine in advance which effect will result from the use of a certain tablet.

The most common types of ecstasy are multicolored and multiform capsules or tablets. There are about 1000 different species. Take them orally, although some of them smoke or sniff, rarely injected intravenously.

Characteristic symptoms of consumption of

Typical symptoms of the use of tablets appear about 20 minutes after ingestion:

  1. Tingling sensation throughout the body;
  2. In muscular tissues of the legs and hands, there is a persistent tension;
  3. Hyperpotency;
  4. Intensive palpitation;
  5. Tremors in the lips;
  6. Drying of oral mucosa;
  7. Light feeling of nausea;
  8. Changes in breathing.

Outwardly, after ecstasy use, a pupil's enlargement, unusual unconstrainedness and emancipation, activity and excessive sociability, a sense of euphoria, love and an acute need for trusting relationships can be noted. After using ecstasy, there is an incredible delight, invulnerability, a burst of energy and energy.

Dependence development

Initially, the drug of ecstasy is used in small amounts, however, over time the body develops a habit and the standard dose already ceases to cause a former delight, and the duration of the action is markedly reduced. In the narcological industry there is no concept of physiological dependence on ecstasy. People for whom the use of such drugs for relaxation and emotional stimulation is quite common, experience a strong mental need for drug use. They consider these pills as the only way to fully relax. Therefore, we can consider that dependence on such narcotic drugs is psychological, despite the existing consequences for the body.

If you use ecstasy constantly and for a long time, then gradually the level of intelligence decreases, brain activity slows down, a person becomes dull. Serotonin receptors are destroyed, which provokes a melancholic and depressive state. It is not uncommon for esctazists to commit suicidal actions in this state, because they can no longer experience pleasure and joy from life.

Over time, the addict needs to increase the dosage to get a full psycho-emotional effect. In such a situation, the destructive effect of ecstasy multiplies repeatedly. Increased likelihood of an overdose, which against the background of severe intoxication and organic overload often ends lethal. Death tablets are ecstasy for people suffering from cardiovascular or kidney pathologies, diabetes and mental disabilities.
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