Stages of pancreatic cancer 1-2-3-4, inoperable swelling symptoms of the last terminal degree of oncology, complications

There are stages of tumor development, accepted by specialists of cancer centers for the convenience of diagnosis and treatment. Classification of pancreatic cancer has four stages. The zero stage is characterized by cell division in one layer. Neoplasm can not be discerned, the body does not respond to it, the symptoms are completely absent. From the next stage( according to the general classification) the disease becomes distinguishable, diagnoseable, resectable. Cancer of the pancreas of the 4th degree can not be operated, treatment is as difficult as possible, since the metastases are distant from the hearth.

Pancreatic cancer in stage 1

The tumor at this stage is resectable( does not exceed two centimeters in diameter).The extent of pancreatic cancer first and second has the highest survival predictions. The disease is recognized at a time when it has not yet reached the limits, is localized in the tail, head or body of the gland. All types of operations are permissible, a particular type is chosen by the attending physician, complex treatment together with a healthy lifestyle allows you to live a long time.

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Cancer of the head of the pancreas of the 2nd stage

At the 2 nd stage, lymph nodes, border organs( without metastases) are already affected, intoxication is minimal. This stage is suitable for surgical treatment:

  • resection with radiotherapy and chemotherapy
  • pancreatectomy - distal( body and tail removed) or total( the whole body with the head)
  • Whipple operation - parts of adjacent organs and lymph nodes

Of the total number of patients with this diagnosis(including head tumors) is only half operable, lethality is 10 - 2%, and a five-year survival rate is predicted to be 30%.Survival doubles the postoperative course of 5-FU.

Pancreatic cancer 3 degrees

Annually in Russia from 450 thousand newly ill with oncological diseases 300 thousand die( in Europe the figure reaches 2.7 million).At stage 3, cytokine therapy is used instead of chemotherapy( there is no toxic effect), the effectiveness of which reaches 2/3.Physicians created two gene preparations of IFN-IFN and TNF-T, which were tested at the Institute of Oncology of St. Petersburg. They trigger the self-destruct mechanism in the affected cells, while simultaneously increasing the immunity of the healthy.

Nerves and vessels in stage 3 are affected by the disease, but, the tumor has not passed to neighboring organs. By classification, the disease is severe, many operations are fraught with severe diabetes, which reduces the quality of life( duodenal resection, ectomy of lymph and spleen).Palliative type operations predominate, cleansing the bile duct or shunting it. Shunting eliminates the reoperation in a year( every fifth patient needs it).Chemotherapy reduces the tumor( temporarily), life expectancy does not increase. Combination treatment prolongs life for a year, prevents metastases, suppresses the focus of neoplasm.

The last 4 stage of pancreatic cancer

The last stage( according to the general classification) is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of( uncontrolled) cells of the organ. Intoxication of their bodies is observed maximum, the disease is completely started. To treat Stage 4, few clinics are taken, fatal formations reach the lungs( melanoma, multiple myeloma), bones, brain, liver. The size of the neoplasm can be anything, the life span of the last stage does not exceed five years.

Treatment will only improve health, relieve pain, without it, life expectancy is dramatically reduced to months. Survival of pancreatic cancer Stage 4 below 4% active activities increase threefold, among them are: Whipple's operation( excision of lymph nodes, bile, parts of the stomach, pancreas head, duodenum).Strenate or drain the bile duct( less often shunted), chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, carboplatin, Campto, Gemzar.

Unsafe pancreatic tumor

The most difficult cases occur in pancreatic head cancer. In this situation, the doctor, as a rule, refuses to surgical intervention. The thing is that the pancreas is closely intertwined with other organs and this leads to the development of metastasis in most of them. In addition, it is extremely difficult to cut out only the affected cells. In order to determine the stage of the disease, a comprehensive examination is necessary.2, 3 and 4 stages are inoperable. In the second stage, a number of organs are affected, and the third one shows a lesion of the entire abdominal region.

The terminal stage of pancreatic cancer is the last. It is an uncontrolled process of increasing the growth of cancer cells and spreading them around the body. Treatment at the terminal stage is impossible. If the disease has reached this degree, then a marked manifestation of symptoms. The palliative method is the only one in the treatment of the disease in the last degree. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy can significantly improve the quality of life.

Complications of pancreatic cancer

A number of complications develop in pancreatic cancer. These are diabetes mellitus, disorders of trophic character, dysfunction of the gallbladder, malabsorption syndrome. In the vast majority of patients, the tumor extends to organs such as the liver, lungs and lymph nodes. The most serious complication that can occur is hepatic-renal failure. In such a situation, the patient experiences pronounced lethargy, refusal to perform treatment, severe pain, unwillingness to eat. Diuresis is also observed, and in the urine, cylinders, erythrocytes and protein are found. In the most severe cases of cancer, the patient develops a delusional state that requires psychiatric intervention. Often this condition leads to the death of the patient. To ease the patient's condition, you can transfer it to hemodialysis. All treatment is aimed at combating intoxication, shock and prevention of other complications.

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