Types of stomach polyps: 1, 2, 3 and 4

The concept of polyps of the stomach includes various formations of a non-epithelial nature, developing on the mucous membrane, as a result of inflammatory, tumor, regenerative changes. Based on morphological studies, these neoplasms are distributed on:

  • hyperplastic;
  • adenomatous( hyperplasia);
  • adenoma;
  • proliferation of glandular epithelium, the so-called borderline lesion;
  • early cancer.

The highest probability of the degeneration of initially benign proliferation of mucosal cells into a malignant tumor( cancer) exists for glandular polyps of the cardiac department of the stomach. Next on the frequency of overgrowth can be called antral and pylorus sections of the stomach.

Among the various theories explaining the causes of the development of adenocarcinoma of the stomach as otherwise called glandular cancer, the most common causes are inflammatory, a violation of the normal process of recovery of cells of the mucosa( hyperplasia) and the theory of embryonic dystopia. Given the greater degree of likelihood of malignancy, regardless of the type of polyps of the stomach, it is recommended only surgical intervention by polypectomy or perforation. When determining indicators for endoscopic polypectomy, the most popular and widespread is the classification of Yamal, which, according to the shape of the mucosal neoplasm, divides them into four types.

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Types of stomach polyps:

  1. Type 1. Small flat elevations of plaque-shaped.
  2. Type 2. Hemispherical formations with a wide base without a leg.
  3. Type 3. The polyp is round or oval in shape on such a short stalk that it seems seated on the mucosa.
  4. Type 4. Features a well-formed long leg, which can be several centimeters.

Polyp type 1 in the stomach

This type is determined at the very beginning of the disease when performing an X-ray study on the treatment of another disease. There are they are single, and multiple nature, but because of the small size, as a rule, there is no symptomatology. At the same time, if morphological features refer to adenomatous appearance, there is always a danger of their development into adenocarcinoma( cancer).Concomitant diseases in type 1 polypeptides in the stomach are mainly chronic atrophic gastritis and infection of the stomach with microorganisms Helicobacter pylori.

Against this background, neuroendocrine tumors are formed. In this case, first of all, a disease is treated, against which a polyp of the first type develops. With early diagnosis, effective drug therapy, combined with a rigid diet and folk remedies. It is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet and exclusion of irritating factors. The patient must be under constant medical supervision.

To ensure accurate detection of the smallest benign tumors, as well as to conduct a biopsy study to exclude the development of cancer, the most reliable method is gastroscopy. X-ray studies with a polyp size of less than 5 mm do not give a 100% guarantee of determining their malignancy. Removal of small tumors is carried out with the help of a point coagulator, but it is necessary to perform biopsy research.

Polyp of the stomach 2 types

Polyps are 2 types, they can be of various sizes and different histological forms. Microscopic analysis of these tumors shows that they consist of an atrophied or hypertrophied mucosa with an overgrown covering epithelium and glands connected by a stroma. They are divided into adenomatous, angiomatous, granulomatous, which are determined depending on the predominance in the tumors of glands, blood vessels and granulation tissue.

Among all types of polyps, hemispherical formation without a pedicle is the least common. The main symptoms of this disease are blunt aching pain in the epigastric region associated with eating a meal rich in coarse fiber or including in the diet of acute, highly salty, smoked or pickled products. In the course of the further development of the disease, the association of pain with food intake disappears, but when passing near the outlet and increasing the size of the build-up, there is an obstruction of the intestine or symptoms of an "acute" abdomen.

Almost half of patients have unpleasant effects in the form of eructations, nausea, heartburn, and vomiting. Usually these manifestations are associated with concomitant gastritis. The possibility of easy injury to the neoplasm during passage of coarse food causes hidden bleeding, revealed during the study of faeces. In fluoroscopy, the main symptom of this type of disease is the "filling defect" of the hemispherical shape with clear even contours on the background, which remains unchanged, the mucous membrane.

With adenomatous papillary neoplasm due to the penetration of a specific suspension between the villi, the contours become blurry, with seemingly corroded edges. With the degeneration of education into a malignant tumor, the contours become uneven with jags. In comparison with the environment, polyps have a brighter color, and when they are expressed, the color changes from light pink to dark brown, and they are stained.

A more accurate picture can be established by combining the X-ray method with the gastroscopy. If the tumor size exceeds 2 centimeters and there is no border of the transition of formation into the gastric mucosa, the surface is uneven and bumpy, whitish in color, this indicates the possibility of polypoid cancer. Accurate data can be obtained by examining a sample taken with biopsy.

The danger of the use of electroexcitation with a diathermic loop for removal of a tumor without a leg is the possibility of bleeding of the site of removal and perforation of the wall of the stomach. Therefore, the most safe and reliable treatment for this disease will be surgical polypectomy.

Polyp 4 types

Like other types of polyps, this type can have different histological and morphological forms, can be in the singular or plural. In terms of the risk of degeneration, the formation on the long stem is less dangerous than the wide base or short leg of large diameter. The presence of a foot is determined when the "filling fault" is displaced. The possibility of polyps falling out on a long stem in the duodenum and infringement of it in the doorkeeper, causes sharp, cramping pains, vomiting, the urge to nausea.

If the leg is thin, then the removal of a small protrusion on the mucosa is performed on an outpatient basis with gastroscopy. Endoscopic polypectomy was widely used in the treatment of type 4 polyps. The follow-up examination is carried out 10-12 days after the operation. In the future it is necessary to conduct surveys not earlier than once a year, with the mandatory observance of recommendations for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

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