Gastric adenocarcinoma, symptoms, prognosis, treatment, tubular, mucinous forms of cancer, stage 3, 4

The term "adenocarcinoma" refers to a common neoplasm of the stomach, which is of a malignant nature. The main places of localization of such a tumor are the pyloric and antral gastric parts.

The main reason for the emergence of this oncology of gastroenterology is the use of foods that contain a large number of nitrites. In the process of digestion, nitrites break down into harmful substances, the action of which is directed to the destruction of the gastric mucosa. After some time such an effect, the functional GIT is broken and adenocarcinoma appears, which is also called a glandular cancer.

This type of stomach tumor, as a rule, affects people of middle age. Metastasis of glandular cancer is observed in 90% of cases. The only effective way to treat the disease is a surgical operation.

Gastric adenocarcinoma 3, 4 stages

Forecasts of gastroenterologists who diagnosed in stage 3 or 4 the stage of gastric adenocarcinoma, in most cases, are extremely disappointing. Patients with advanced glandular cancer are almost on the verge of death and very serious treatment is needed to prolong their life cycles.

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Stage 3 development of adenocarcinoma is characterized by a large-scale lesion of the entire thickness of the walls of the stomach. In the lymph nodes, metastases begin to be introduced, which causes critical abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive tract. The chances of recovery in 3 stages are 10-20%.

In 4 stages, metastases begin to move more actively and affect the organs closest to the stomach. Here, the chances of survival are practically reduced to zero. Only in 5% of cases the patient can save a life and that only as a result of expensive treatment.

Symptoms of adenocarcinoma of the stomach

Recognizing the symptoms of glandular cancer is quite difficult because of the diffuse nature of their clinical manifestations. Many of its signs coincide with the signs of a number of other diseases. This includes nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite, etc.

Stomach with adenocarcinoma becomes elastic and is in a state of constant tension. In 90% of cases metastases appear, which try to infiltrate the lymph nodes and nearby organs, however this situation can be observed in other types of stomach cancer. That is why in order to exclude any mistakes in the diagnosis of the patient, it is necessary to apply to experienced specialists who can determine as accurately as possible the presence of adenocarcinoma in the patient's stomach.

Treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma

In most cases, treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma is performed by the method of surgical removal of a malignant tumor. However, this method very much depletes the patient's body, therefore, experts recommend to do without it when it is possible and to try to eliminate the disease with the help of a complex of physiotherapeutic preparations.

Another effective method of getting rid of adenocarcinoma gastroenterologists consider tomotherapy. With the help of a special device, the doctor can carefully monitor all the cardinal changes that occur during procedures that are aimed at eliminating the tumor-like processes. This method allows to perform radiation therapy without affecting healthy tissues. Tomotherapy is used in those cases when adenocarcinoma needs to be urgently removed.

Prognosis for adenocarcinoma of the stomach

As a rule, the prediction of adenocarcinoma is positive. To implement the forecast, a program called "five-year survival" is used. According to her conditions, the patient can be considered healthy if he lived 5 years after the complex treatment of the disease in a hospital.

The concept of "general statistics" in the case of detection of oncology does not exist as such, since each person is individual and it is impossible to predict how his organism will lead in this or that case of treatment. Experienced specialists believe that about 20% of patients survive. The level of survival depends on the stage of development of the disease. So, for example, only 5% of patients have a chance to survive to the last degree of glandular cancer.

Tubular adenocarcinoma of the stomach

Tubular adenocarcinoma of the stomach means tubular structures of a branched type connected by their tissues with a fibrous stroma. This form of tumor is reactive in nature and, if detected, requires immediate surgical removal.

The tubular tumor of the stomach is considered to be a very specific cancer disease because it has an illogical degree of development. Many experts believe that for proper treatment of such a disease requires a long and thorough diagnosis, which will determine at least a small pattern of growth of cancer cells and appoint the patient appropriate treatment. However, in a number of cases, the diagnostic study is carried out only superficially, since tubular adenocarcinoma carries an increased deadly threat to the patient and requires an early removal.

Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the stomach

The diagnosis of "mucinous adenocarcinoma of the stomach" is rarely used in medicine. A similar type of tumor differs from the others in that in the mass of malignant formation a large amount of mucin component is observed.

This malignant tumor is very dangerous, since it can not be influenced by radiotherapy. In addition, there is a very high probability of occurrence of new formations of this kind even in cases of complete recovery of the patient. That's why experts recommend immediately resorting to surgical intervention and not to allow the impact of metastases on the lymph nodes and closely related to the gastrointestinal organs.

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