Honey and propolis for the treatment of stomach cancer

The causes of gastric cancer can become chronic gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastritis, in which gastric juice contains increased or zero acidity.

There are two reasons why there may be problems with acid-base balance in the digestive tract: dysfunction of the duodenum;indigestion. In the stomach is a muscle that separates the gastric juice and alkaline medium of the duodenum. If the muscle is damaged, then alkali from the intestine gets into the stomach. The mixing of acid and alkali leads to flatulence and eructations, which are the true signs of imbalance in the digestive system.

It is necessary to restore the balance in the gastrointestinal tract in order to avoid stomach disease, and if the diagnosis of "cancer" has already been put - begin treatment.

In folk medicine, there are methods that provide effective treatment for the gastrointestinal problem, for example, treatment with honey and propolis. For the treatment of cancer and prevention, honey is the safest, most effective and affordable remedy. In honey, there are many useful substances that are needed for metabolic processes in the body and restore weakened immunity, and immunity is needed to fight cancer cells.

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Recipes from honey for the treatment of cancer

Mix 250 grams of honey and half a bottle of "Cahors", add 150 g of squeezed juice from the leaves of aloe.

Prepared mixture to hide from sunlight for five days in a cool place so that honey does not ferment.

Take the wine-honey tincture take thirty minutes before meals three times a day with small twenty-gram glasses.

Tincture is drunk until there are tangible improvements.

Propolis in gastric cancer

The chemical composition of propolis is diverse and depends on the region of production. One of the components of propolis is phenethyl ester of caffeic acid. FEKK has a pronounced antioxidant properties, it fights cancer metastases. If you compare the antioxidant properties of the vitamin "C" and propolis, then the vitamin "C" clearly loses.

Recipe for stomach cancer and for prophylaxis:

Shredded propolis, in quantities of up to twenty grams, poured into glass containers and poured with pharmacy alcohol, then hidden from the sun for seven days. Shake the vessel daily. Add forty drops in warm milk and drink for an hour and a half before breakfast, lunch and dinner( three times a day).The course of treatment with propolis can continue until complete recovery.

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