How are psychosomatics and headaches associated?

1 Syndrome in children

The psychosomatic syndromes of childhood include the following conditions:

  • non-localized and muscular headache;
  • is a migraine;
  • migraine headaches;
  • fever of unclear etiology;
  • psychogenic vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • fecal incontinence( urine);
  • wagon gear( care and vagrancy);
  • syndrome of pathological phantasies.

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  • Migraine headache characteristic
  • Beam headache
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All this is a typical mental pathology caused by age-related response characteristics and the device of the child's nervous system.

The most common psychosomatic disorders of adults are headaches, dystonia, heart disease, GI disease.

The vast majority of the population suffers headaches of one kind or another. Sometimes it is a marker of a physical illness, but in most cases, a headache is a symptom of masked depression, hypochondria, obsessive-phobic syndrome, unresolved internal conflict, reaction to stress, or too much information, psychological problems of an emotive nature. In this case, a headache is a symptom of a psychosomatic illness or an independent psychogenic disorder.

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Psychosomatic headaches are suffered by responsible people seeking to work for perfection, the locus of control over the situation in such people is shifted towards personal guilt for everything that is happening. Ambitious, demonstrative and emotional personalities are also susceptible to psychogenic disorders.

People in need of approval and praise, as well as easily suggestable subjects in more than 70% of cases have migraine headaches. Often, psychosomatic disorders suffer from immigrants from highly intellectual families, people who set a "high standard" for themselves, as well as people of an "artistic" character storehouse.

2 Classification

PGGB are divided according to the type of formation of reactions to psychoemotional stimuli:

  • external;
  • internal.

Internal is a type of nervous system response to psychogenic stimuli, regulated by the limbic system of the brain and subcortical centers, as a rule, are congenital or formed during early childhood.

External - rigid( strict) upbringing, forbidding external manifestations of emotions and "driving" stress into the interior.

On the factor that caused the attack, PGGB are divided into:

  • reactions to anger, resentment, rage;
  • reactions to prolonged emotional overload;
  • Iatrogenia( diseases caused by words);
  • depression, hypochondria;
  • intensive intellectual activity;
  • manipulative pain( a way of getting love, attention, caring).

In most cases, psychosomatics is the hyperreaction of the body to a stressful or iatrogenic factor. This is expressed in the change in heart rate( the number of heartbeats), BH( respiratory rate), the work of the digestive tract, in lowering the level of cerebral circulation, increasing the permeability of the wall and the inflammatory response of the vessels( vessel) of the cerebral vasculature.

In addition, organic pathology can trigger a mechanism of psychosomatic disorder, becausethe discovery of a disease is already a stressful situation.

3 Migraine

In duration they are:

  • chronic;
  • episodic;
  • everyday.

By the type of painful effects they are:

  • migraine, migraine-like pain;
  • pain tension( muscular and mental);
  • headache in anxiety disorders, depression, hypochondria;
  • cluster( cluster) headaches.

Tension headache occurs frequently, has a compressive-pressing character of moderate intensity, a sense of presence of an alien body on the head of the "hoop", "caps".


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Migraine is a recurring, rarely regular, one-sided( rarely bilateral) headache. Migraine is acute painful, often accompanied by aura, photophobia, hyperreaction to sounds and smells, nausea, vomiting. Migraine is one of the most severe forms of headache manifestations, it is difficult to control and stop, in severe cases deprives a person of working capacity.

The mechanism is completely unknown, it is believed that migraine is caused by a number of reasons: a violation of the serotonin metabolism( headache of discontent), increased activity of the hypothalamus structures, edema, inflammation and widening of the site of the vascular wall that presses on surrounding tissues.

Migraine-like pains simulate migraine headache, have a different mechanism of emergence and development.

Headaches for depressive disorders are often permanent, associated with mood swings, accompanied by dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.

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Cluster( beam) headache is a painful form of pathology, "hellish" pain. The causes of this type of pathology are descents with causes of migraine pain.

4 Signs of PGGB

The main sign of PGGB is the inability to relieve pain syndrome with standard therapeutic drugs( analgesics, antimigrete, NSAIDs).In this case, antidepressants give a good effect. In addition, the anamnestic appearance of the PGGB attack is associated with stress and fatigue, the pain can subside under the influence of positive emotional states, often accompanied by mood swings, depressed, tearful condition, has a different character.

Good results in the treatment of PGGB showed methods of acupuncture, manual therapy and physiotherapy. Also, depending on the condition, sedatives, antidepressants and muscle relaxants are prescribed.

The treatment of psychosomatics takes a long time. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. Often repeated courses are required.

5 Prevention of attacks

Prevention is reduced to the skills of expressing their emotions, the ability to express their position, adequate to assess their own abilities in achieving their goals and the ability to influence events, as well as the formation of a positive emotional status and its maintenance. A timely rest is needed. Do not neglect the massage of the collar zone and swimming. This will help relax the neck muscles, relieve the feeding vessels of the head and relieve the lion's share of pain. If the work is very stressful, make yourself a habit of drinking relaxing and vitamin teas. Take an hour of your time on foot in the fresh air.

A good effect is provided by autogenic training, relaxation methods, including listening to classical music, nature sounds( rain, waterfall, sea), relaxing baths with dead sea salts and coniferous baths, aromatherapy.

If there is no possibility and time for a long relaxation, for 15 minutes of relaxation came up with "Rainbow", a device that simulates the noise of rainwater.

Despite the fact that psychosomatic pains are considered to be not the most dangerous medicine, when they appear, one should consult a specialist. First, any pain sensations significantly reduce the quality of life. Secondly, prolonged pain syndrome is not always a sign of psychosomatics. Thirdly, depressive conditions, which manifestations are also headaches including, being untreated, can lead to sad consequences. With constant pain, you should consult a psychologist and a neurologist.

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