Odor from the mouth with intestinal dysbiosis

Unpleasant smell from the mouth, according to medical terminology - halitosis, is one of the symptoms of dysbacteriosis, and can significantly spoil the life of a person. Thanks to this symptom, communication with other people is difficult, which often spoils the image.

Predominantly, to the person who has a dysbiosis, it is very difficult to determine whether there is a smell from the mouth or not, since the receptors located inside the nasal cavity do not catch smells that come from the body. In the event that the patient doubts, he often just asks other people to check it. However, this is associated with a large number of inconveniences, so there is a way for self-determination of the presence of a symptom: it takes about three minutes to breathe through a medical disposable dressing. The smell that remains on the mask, corresponds to what is trapped nearby people.

It should be noted that in the case of intestinal dysbacteriosis, the smell from the mouth will look like the smell of stool. What to do with the odor with dysbiosis?

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If you have a dysbacteriosis, and the manifestation of such a symptom as a smell from the mouth began, then you need to fight it without fail. The management of the fight against such a symptom, initially, enforces hygiene rules. At a dysbacteriosis as a source of a smell from a mouth are pathogenic bacteria in a cavity of an intestine, and in this case it is necessary to spend careful cleaning of a teeth. So, the teeth are cleaned not only from the outside, but also from the inside, and also the chewing tooth surface is processed. The inclination of the brush should be approximately 45 degrees. With the help of dental floss, all hard-to-reach areas between the teeth should be treated.

If the teeth are in poor condition, have not been treated for a long time and there is a disruption of the intestine in the form of a dysbacteriosis, then a simple cleaning will not help. In this case, you should go to the dentist and put your mouth in order.

Also necessary to combat the drying of the mucosa. In the event that dry mouth begins to appear, then you need to take a few sips of non-carbonated water, thus rinsing it. It is worth noting that the drying of the mucosa and bad breath are the first signs of dysbiosis.

Rapid release of odor from the mouth with dysbiosis

To quickly get rid of the smell from the mouth that has arisen with dysbiosis, there are a large number of different aerosol fresheners, chewing gums, candies and other. Although they have quick efficiency, they have a short-term effect.

And what should I do if there is nothing at hand? For a start, you can try a cup of strong tea, then rinse your mouth and throat with clean water. Equally effective are apples and carrots. If you chew on coffee beans, then you can mute such an unpleasant symptom of the disease.

In the event that your activity is associated with a large amount of communication, then if there is a violation of the intestinal microflora, you should consume as much water as possible because it may dry out. You also need to include in your diet of porridge porridge.

Smell from the mouth is a problem that will require a binding solution. It is not necessary to go to extremes, it is enough simply to adhere during treatment of a dysbacteriosis of traditional methods of hygiene, which are familiar to everyone from childhood.

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