Dyskinesia of the pancreas, bile duct( DZHVP) and pancreatitis

Dyskinesia is a violation of the function of the bile ducts, in which the muscles of the gallbladder and bile ducts are not working properly. Such a pathology leads to a violation of the timely supply of bile to the duodenum.

There is no concept of dyskinesia of the pancreas, although its diseases can provoke bile duct dysfunction. But there is a functional disease of the pancreas, like dyskinesia Fater's nipple. This is a motor disorder of the sphincter of the pancreatic duct. It manifests itself in a pain syndrome similar to inflammation of the pancreas - dull, paroxysmal, shingles are felt in the upper abdomen. The problem can arise due to the use of certain food, significant physical exertion, and also with a viral infection. The attack lasts no more than 3 hours, during this time the pain from the upper abdomen can spread to the back and chest.

In addition to recurring pancreatic pain, an increase in the concentration of amylase and lipase in blood is 1.5-2 times for this pathology. With ultrasound examination, an expansion of the pancreatic duct to 3-5 mm is found.

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Pancreatitis and biliary dyskinesia( DZHVP)

Dyskinesia of bile ducts is considered to be one of the key reasons for the development of dangerous forms of pancreatitis. Violation of the stable operation of the biliary tract leads to a general hormonal imbalance of the body and a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition. In addition, it provokes the development of severe complications associated with the expansion of the pancreatic duct.

Pancreatitis, one of the causes of which was dyskinesia biliary tract, occurs in more complex forms than inflammation caused by other pathological disorders. The reason for this is the insufficient supply of bile to the duodenum, as a result of which the patient experiences severe pain in the region of the right hypochondrium and constant nausea.

For the qualitative treatment of the acute form of pancreatitis, it is first of all necessary to eliminate disturbances in the work of the bile ducts, and only then to proceed to the treatment of the underlying disease. Otherwise, the treatment of a positive result, in practice, will not bring.

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