Esophagitis, duodenitis and gastritis

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are diverse in their own manifestations, and are also directly dependent on the causes that cause them. Symptoms of these diseases are quite diverse and are combined with negative consequences for human health.

Incorrect nutrition, that is, irregular intake of food, as well as consumption of acute and fatty foods, and even bad habits and stresses are the main causes of the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common problem of most diseases of this area is inflammation of the mucous membrane in the main organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Among others, we pay attention to duodenitis, esophagitis and gastritis.

Duodenitis is a disease in the digestive tract such as the duodenum, or rather its membranes. According to statistics, men are three times more likely to suffer from this disease than women. Duodenitis is primary and secondary, and still proceed in acute and chronic form. In any case, duodenitis brings a lot of discomfort to the patient.

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Esophagitis in general can be characterized as damage to the mucosa of the esophagus. As a rule, this is due to reflux. Note that esophagitis, as a rule, is secondary. It can also be acute, chronic and subacute.

Gastritis in turn is an inflammation of the mucosa of the wall of the stomach cavity. According to statistics, the disease manifests itself in more than 50% of the adult population of the planet. Gastritis occurs, like duodenitis in two forms.

What is common in the symptoms of esophagitis, duodenitis and gastritis?

All these diseases are manifested by pain in the epigastric region. With them, heartburn occurs after eating. With esophagitis, heartburn also appears after smoking, drinking alcohol or drinking coffee.

In most cases, with esophagitis, duodenitis and gastritis, there is also a lack of appetite, although in some cases, on the contrary, they are manifested by sudden attacks of hunger. Acute forms are also often characterized by excessive separation of saliva, as well as signs of nausea and even in some states of vomiting. Often inflammatory processes of the mucosa of the digestive tract are accompanied by violations in other organs, which are characterized by headaches, dizziness, apathy, vegetative dystonia, palpitations and others.

Despite the fact that these diseases are inflammations of different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, the symptoms they almost completely coincide.

However, in some cases, esophagitis can be completely asymptomatic. In addition, all these diseases can occur, both at the same time, and are concomitant syndromes of each other. In addition, it can occur due to duodenitis, or, conversely, inflammation of the gastric mucosa may be caused by inflammation of the esophageal mucosa.

Diet for the treatment of esophagitis, duodenitis, gastritis

Surprisingly, the diets that are used in the treatment of the above gastrointestinal diseases are absolutely identical. And, more precisely, experts always appointed dietary table number 1.

General dietary recommendations for esophagitis, duodenitis or gastritis:

  1. absolute exclusion of cigarettes and alcohol;
  2. rejection of fast food products;
  3. cooking on steam or in the oven;
  4. 6-way fractional power mode;
  5. use of frayed dishes;
  6. exception from the diet of acidic, acute and salty.

A more accurate diet is usually prescribed by a gastroenterologist, after a complete diagnosis.

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