What are the pains with stomach cancer, character( strong, in the back) how it hurts?

Pain in stomach cancer can be divided by the time of occurrence and by nature. By the time of the onset of the symptom, one can presumably say where the primary tumor is localized. The earlier the pain appears after eating, the closer to the esophagus is the cancer. So, with cancer in the bottom of the stomach, this symptom appears 30-60 minutes after eating, and if the porcine is struck, then they appear after 1.5-2 hours.

Pain in stomach cancer can also be classified into primary and secondary. Primary caused by direct damage to the stomach, and secondary - occur with metastasis. Their localization depends on the specific organ where the cancer cells spread. They can occur with damage to the intestine and pancreas, lungs, ovaries and regional lymph nodes.

It should be noted that the pains caused by stomach cancer can be divided into three groups:

  • The painless course of stomach cancer in which initially a palpation of the stomach reveals a tumor and the patient's pain does not bother
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  • Atypical course - no pains and formation is not palpated
  • Actually painful form, which is manifested by pains, which is discussed in this article

Nature of pain in stomach cancer

The nature of this syndrome can also be different. With this in mind, the following types are distinguished:

  • Nozzles
  • Drilling
  • Cutting
  • Expanding
  • Pressing and other

This depends on the subjective perception of these sensations by the person. Therefore, in each case, they are perceived individually. Any kind of diagnostic information the nature of pain usually does not represent. As a rule, it is the appearance of pain that causes a person to consult a doctor, which leads to loss of precious time and late diagnosis.

Severe pain in stomach cancer

Severe pain in stomach cancer is observed when nerve trunks are involved in the oncological process. They are mainly located along the large and small curvature of the stomach. Therefore, if the tumor is initially localized in these parts, the syndrome occurs earlier. If the primary tumor has struck the gatekeeper or body, and then has again passed to these sites, then unpleasant sensations appear later.

It should be noted that the presence of a strong pain syndrome of varying severity always indicates the neglect of the disease. The insidiousness of stomach cancer, like that of another oncological process, is that in the early stages, as a rule, he does not manifest himself clinically at all, or there are atypical complaints. This can be unmotivated weakness, weight loss, headaches, loss of interest in the environment and other manifestations.

How does the stomach ache in cancer?

Pains have no characteristic manifestations and a certain pattern. The peculiarities of the syndrome are:

  • Long time remaining
  • Not associated with a feeling of hunger, as in peptic ulcer
  • Does not decrease after eating
  • No seasonality in appearance( again unlike peptic ulcer disease)
  • In intensity they can be both moderate andsignificant

Pains against stomach cancer are combined with other manifestations that lead the doctor to think about a possible oncological disease. Such symptoms are:

  • No moral satisfaction after eating
  • A feeling of fullness of the stomach that causes discomfort
  • Poor appetite
  • Aversion to fish and meat
  • Nausea and vomiting that do not bring relief
  • Increased irritability
  • General weakness and loss of vitality
  • Weight loss
  • Anemia, revealed laboratory
  • Sometimes the body temperature can rise, especially with a decrease in immunity against the background of cancer intoxication

Back pain in stomach cancer

Back pain in stomach cancer, as a rule, occurs when the pancreas is affected by the tumor process. This organ is located retroperitoneal, close to the spine. Therefore, when it is involved in the pathological process, the syndrome is localized in the back, and this pain has a shrouding character.

Usually, this situation is observed in the third and fourth stages of stomach cancer, that is, with a late diagnosis of this disease. They join pain, localized in the epigastrium, greatly exacerbating the patient's condition. Therefore, when there are uncomfortable sensations in this area, you should immediately consult a doctor for a detailed examination.

The appearance of back pain in gastric cancer often leads to diagnostic errors. In such patients, the syndrome is perceived as a manifestation of neuralgia or sciatica. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs does not give the desired result, since the pains do not completely stop, but only a few subsided.

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