Analyzes for stomach cancer: hemoglobin, ESR and other indicators

Oncological diseases in the modern world are found regrettable often. Therefore, the question of identifying this group of diseases is very relevant. This article will focus on the methods of diagnosis and the necessary tests to determine the presence of stomach cancer.

The importance of conducting tests for stomach cancer is very high. Their results can reveal an oncology at an early stage, which will enable( in choosing the right treatment strategy) to increase the chances of recovery. As you know, any deviations in the work of human organs and inflammatory processes in the body immediately affect the molecular level, reflecting on the chemical composition of the blood.

Oncological diseases in this sense are also no exception. It is based on the emergence of cancer cells, rapidly developing under favorable conditions and also rapidly perishing, poisoning the body with decay products. It is the detection of these products in the body and suggests the presence of the disease, however, for this it is necessary to conduct research.

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What tests for stomach cancer help diagnose? The simplest, or, as they say, the basic, analysis is the study of blood.

Blood test for stomach cancer

As already mentioned, cancer affects the processes occurring in the body, causing changes in the biochemical composition of the blood. It can be detected at the stage of the blood test. Based on statistical data, the most frequent changes in blood tests for stomach cancer are:

  • at erythrocyte sedimentation rate( ESR);
  • on the number and quality of leukocytes;
  • on the number of erythrocytes;
  • at the level of hemoglobin.

With gastric cancer, ESR is increased, and this is a clear sign of the presence of an active disease in the body.

An increase in the number of white blood cells also signals the presence of infection, with changes not only quantitative, but also qualitative - among the leukocytes, young forms predominate.

Analysis for stomach cancer shows changes in the quantitative composition of red blood cells, or, in other words, red blood cells: their number falls sharply due to the negative impact on them of the decay products of cancer cells.

Hemoglobin in the body carries out an important mission to deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues, and at the same time it is directly related to iron, since it is its complex compound with the protein. Hemoglobin - an integral part of red blood cells, and therefore reducing their number leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in stomach cancer.

The consequence of this is a metabolic disorder within the cells and a negative change in their function.

Thus, in the analyzes for gastric cancer, it is possible to identify increased values ​​of ESR and the number of leukocytes, as well as a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and the level of hemoglobin.

For diagnostics it is possible to use and coprogram, however, this method can work only in the late stages of the disease. In this case, stomach cancer will be observed black stool.

It is also worth noting that all of the above features of the blood test are inherent not only to stomach cancer, but also to many other inflammatory diseases. Therefore, as a rule, a basic blood test gives only a general picture of some kind of inflammatory process in the body. For a more accurate determination of the cause of the detected deviations, a more detailed survey based on a variety of methods is needed.

But this will be discussed in the next article on the conduct of ultrasound.

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