How to treat follicular sore throat at home

Follicular angina is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of pustular follicles in the tonsils. Often the disease is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication. If the first signs of angina do not resort to treatment, then the probability of more serious consequences is quite high. As a rule, the disease can develop into a purulent sore throat and a longer treatment period. Therefore, it is recommended to know how to quickly cure purulent sore throat at home, in order to recover as quickly as possible.

Related articles:
  • Angina in an adult: treatment with antibiotics
  • Quick and effective relief from sore throat in children
  • Quickly and simply get rid of purulent sore throat at home
  • Angina - which doctor to go to?
  • Treats sore throat at home with folk remedies - quickly and efficiently

Symptoms of follicular sore throat

Callousing of angina with bacteria of pyogenic type( staphylococci, streptococci).In the body, "pests" can penetrate through contaminated food, poorly washed dishes, when coughing or sneezing a sick person, etc. So, what is the symptomatology of follicular sore throat?

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  1. Severe chills.
  2. Heat.
  3. Pain in the lymph nodes under the jaw.
  4. Difficult swallowing.
  5. When swallowed, there is a pain in the ears.
  6. Weakness and poor health.
  7. The unbearable pain in the throat.
  8. The tonsils are covered with white-yellow spots of a purulent character the size of a pinhead.
  9. Pain all over the body.

Important: in the first days of home therapy of the disease should adhere to bed rest, especially for children.

Treatment of follicular sore throat at home

Before deciding how to treat follicular sore throat at home in an adult or in children, it should be understood that with increased body temperature a person loses a lot of moisture, so the patient needs a lot of fluid.

Liquid in this case will not only help avoid dehydration and lower the temperature, but also get rid of signs of intoxication of the body. It is more expedient to use non-acidic juices, cranberry fruit drinks and berry jelly. The temperature of the liquid must correspond to the body temperature.

Of no small importance during the treatment period is the consistency of food. Food should be soft and frayed, without seasonings and pepper.

Remember: of a person who is ill should be placed in a separate room, give him personal utensils. After each meal, the dishes should be thoroughly washed.

Throat Rinse

There are several effective types of rinsing:

  • juice from cranberries with honey;
  • warm, freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • infusion of pomegranate crusts( 20 g for a glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour, strain, then cool, and rinse the inflamed throat 7-9 times a day);
  • garlic infusion( 100 g of rubbed garlic pour 100 ml of warm water, infuse for 6 hours);
  • beet juice( grate 1 large beet, squeeze out liquid, add to it 1 tablespoon 6% vinegar, insist, filter and rinse the inflamed throat).

Inhalation on the basis of pine buds and eucalyptus oil

Take the buds of a young pine( 4 tsp brew 200 ml of water and boil for half an hour), thyme grass( 2 tsp brew 200 ml boiling water, insist 45 minutes) and 15 drops of eucalyptusoil. With this mixture, do inhalation.

Read it! How to treat a sore throat at home with folk remedies - quickly and effectively.

Drug based horseradish

Take a small piece of horseradish and finely chop it. Brew 80 ml of boiling water and close the lid tightly. Stand for 20 minutes. Filter and add sugar to the infusion( pinch).

Drink medium for a day, making small sips. This drug is especially effective in case of loss of voice.

Mixture based on horseradish and honey

Take the horseradish sheet, finely chop it and add as much honey. Use a mixture of 2-3 grams every hour.

Propolis - healer with angina

This remedy is one of the most effective at a different stage of the disease. Take a small piece of propolis and slowly chew it. Follow the procedure after eating. For one day you need to eat 5 g of the remedy. Burning and a slight numbness of the tongue is absolutely normal.

Remember: during illness should not strain your eyes by reading and watching TV.

Collection of herbs in follicular angina

Take 3 parts of chamomile flowers, part of lime flowers, 2 parts of oak bark.20 grams of the mixed product, brew 1 glass of freshly boiled water. Maintain at minimum heat for 8 minutes. Tighten the lid and leave to stand for 1 hour. Filter( preferably several times) and mix with 15 ml of honey.

Rinse 5-6 times a day. To this broth instead of honey you can add a pinch of salt. From this, the remedy will be no less effective.

Effective medication based on raspberries and honey

Take a handful of raspberries( you can dry), 5 ml of vegetable oil, 20 ml of honey, 5 g of ginger powder. The mixture is poured into 750 ml of boiling water. Stand up all night, wrapping the container in a warm towel. Filter and eat warmly 2 times a day( on an empty stomach - in the morning, before going to sleep - at night).

Means based on the onion shell

Take 2 tsp.peeled onions, pour 500 ml of water. Boil and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Filter with gauze.

Important: in no case remove pustules from tonsils.

Bitter onion in the fight against follicular angina

Take 1 large onion, twist it in a blender. Squeeze the juice and take 5 ml every 6 hours.


Take 20 g of figs and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Cook at minimum heat for 10-12 minutes, allow to cool and filter. Eat 125 ml every 5 hours.

How to treat purulent sore throat in a child at home


Pick up the black radish and remove the top, make a groove, enter the honey, cover with a peg and stand for 3 days. The received liquid to drink on 20 ml every 3-4 hours. After a while, even the heaviest sore throat will recede.

Honey and jam from berries

In enameled dishes enter 100 ml of honey and 1 tbsp.l.jam from a raspberry. Stir and on minimum heat, stirring regularly, bring to a boil. Pour the contents into the throat. Lay the baby and wrap it warmly.

Important: should not be able to bring down body temperature below 38.5 ° C. At high rates, antipyretic agents should be taken. The most common medications are those containing ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Than else it is possible to treat a follicular angina


In a glass of warm water add 1 tsp.soda and 5-7 drops of iodine. Rinse every hour.

Rinse with tea rose decoction

Take 1 tbsp.l.dried tea rose and fill it with a glass of boiling milk or water. Bring to a boil and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Cool and rinse with a decoction of the throat.

Rinse with sage broth

Take 40 g of dried sage and pour it with 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, stand for 10-15 minutes. Enter a tablespoon of salt and rinse 5-6 times a day.

Interesting! Find out in our article which doctor to apply for angina.

Propolis to the aid of

10 g of propolis, pour 100 g of alcohol or vodka. Stand in a dark, cold place for 7 days. Filter and 1 tsp.infusion, stir with 3 tsp.water. Lubricate the tonsils with solution overnight. After the procedure, try not to eat or drink for 1 hour.

Beet - an effective medicine

Take 0.5 kg of red beet, grate it on a grater or twist it in a blender. Squeeze the juice and add to it 1 tbsp.l.vinegar. Defend the mixture for a day. Rinse and consume 1 tsp.solution 5-7 times a day, washed down with hot milk.

Rhodiola rosea

Take 50 g of pink rhodiola( root).Pour in 500 ml of boiling water. Stand for 7 days in a dark, cool place. Filter and 1 tsp.add 150 grams of warm boiled water and rinse the throat, without interruption, for 15 minutes.

Rest for 1 hour and start again. Repeat the rinse until the pustules are tightened.

Sage and Calendula

Inflammation of throat perfectly heals the next infusion: calendula leaves and sage( 3: 1 ratio) in an amount of 20 g brew 250 ml of hot water and stand for a quarter of an hour. With this infusion, rinse the inflamed throat.


In the first stage of the disease, chew a quarter of lemon( along with the peel).Then try not to eat anything. This is necessary in order that all the useful substances contained in the lemon, could fully affect the sore throat.

The procedure should be repeated every 4 hours. You can cut the lemon slices and alternately dissolve them. This procedure should be carried out every hour until you feel relief.

Important: follicular angina is prone to new manifestations of the disease. To prevent a man from feeling sick with sore throat, the rules of prevention should be followed. In the first place - it's tempering the body. Beware of hypothermia, smoking, drinking cold and alcoholic beverages in hot weather.

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