Bulbit: signs, symptoms, causes, treatment, diet, photo

There is a huge number of diseases of the digestive tract. Some of them are quite common, therefore almost every person has at least some idea about them. Such diseases, of course, include gastritis, ulcer. But the disease bulbit, the patients find out only when the doctor makes a diagnosis. A word frightening, shocking. In order not to lose consciousness, after hearing it from the mouth of a gastroenterologist, one should be educated about this disease. This is especially true for those who have at least some problems with the stomach. After reading the information, having looked at the photo, it is possible that many will be able to protect themselves from this scourge. Bulletin of the stomach: what is it?

Not every patient knows what bulbit is, how he manifests himself in life and what he looks like in the photo. The medical term "bulbus duodeni" in translation means "bulb of the duodenum".By attaching the suffix "it" to this basis, they are called a disease, which means inflammation of this very bulb of the DPC.To be more clear, it should be noted that this disease is one of the possible manifestations of duodenitis, so they are often confused when making a diagnosis. Usually there is a disease in the presence of chronic gastritis. Sometimes it happens vice versa, first there is a bulbite, the photo of which is represented nearby, and very soon gastritis will be discovered if timely treatment has not been started. Due to the fact that two diseases occur almost all the time together, their presence is called a stomach bulbitis.

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Bulbits can occur at almost any age. The disease is more common in adults, but is sometimes found in children who have excessive mobility of the duodenum, which is usually transmitted genetically. With such a pathology of the duodenum, loops are formed in which the food stagnates.

The causes of bulbite

Considering the causes of the appearance of bulbita, physicians note that this disease develops most often in cases when the mucosa of the bulb of DPC is infected with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Toxic products of vital activity pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori affects this part of the digestive tract.

No less common cause of the appearance of the disease is the violation of peristalsis of the intestinal walls. As a result of improper work, stagnant food is collected, which is saturated with hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. They cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, corrode it. With such an inferior work of the intestine, its contents can not be pushed forward. It not only stagnates, but it can also return back to the stomach.

The cause of chronic bulbitis can be the emotional imbalance of a person and constant stresses that lead to nervous exhaustion. All these processes cause vasospasms, which leads to microcirculation disorders. In the body, an excessive amount of catecholamines is produced.

Acute bulbitis often occurs in those who abuse alcohol. Drinks containing ethyl alcohol affect negatively on the intestinal mucosa and stomach. The same effect is exerted on these organs by medicines taken in large quantities.

Other less common causes of bulbitis are:

  • giardiasis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infection with worms;
  • ingestion of a foreign body in the cavity of the stomach;
  • irrational food.

Symptoms and signs of bulbitis

In most patients, the symptoms of bulbits are very similar. At the very beginning of the disease, there is a noticeable aching pain in the place where the bulb of the DPC is located. With this, the pain periodically increases, then he gives in the right and left hypochondrium, it is felt in the navel. The first painful sensations appear an hour after eating. Among the other signs of bulbitis, which appear with pain, is nausea. If during the development of the disease in humans, the contents of the intestine return to the stomach, an eructation occurs, vomiting may occur. In vomit masses are often present bile, then the mouth feels unpleasant bitterness. At a late stage of the development of the disease, new signs of bulbitis are noted. Patients may have:

  • permanent headache;
  • malfunctioning of the immune system;
  • low working capacity;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • obsessive feeling of hunger;
  • disorders of the vegetative system;
  • weakness in the muscles;
  • trembling in the body.

Treatment of bulbitis

Only after diagnosis and examination, a gastroenterologist is allowed to start treatment with bulbite. The choice of methods of therapy and medications will depend on the type of disease and the cause that caused it.

When a stomach bulbitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms Helicobacter pylori is detected, the doctor prescribes treatment with antibiotics. Such therapy should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body. With the wrong dosage of antibiotics, you can get a dysbiosis instead of this disease, which is equally difficult to fight with.

If the cause of the disease are parasites, then it is necessary to conduct a course of antihelminthic therapy to rid the body of "uninvited guests" of the intestine.

Persons who have received the disease due to CNS disorders will first have to treat this area with sedatives to forget about bulbits forever.

In the presence of severe pain, the patient is recommended to take the prescribed medicine from the group of antacids, the drug for the fastest normalization of the production of hydrochloric acid, a drug that regulates the general motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutrition and diet with bulbite

Patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases must eat properly. Diet and proper nutrition in the bulbite and after its treatment is an opportunity not to be subjected to relapses of the disease in the future. Changing their eating habits, adjusting the diet, filling the menu with useful products, you will be able to forget about the bouts of pain and exacerbations of the disease. It is not superfluous to know that patients suffering from bulbits are forbidden from drinking alcohol. The same applies to hobbies for smoking. He will have to be eradicated from life, so as not to suffer from new attacks of pain.

When selecting products and making a menu with a bulbite, preference should be given to easily digestible dishes. These can be cereals, soups, casseroles, compotes, stewed vegetables. All food should be consumed in a warm form. Do not allow the reception of hot food, which will irritate the stomach and bulb of the duodenum.

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