Possible consequences of head trauma

1 Classification of craniocerebral injuries

Craniocerebral trauma( CCT) is a complex of contact( soft facial and scalp tissues, bones of the skull and facial skeleton) and intracranial lesions( brain substance and its membranes) having a single mechanism and the same prescription of formation.

There are 2 forms of CCT:

  1. Open. Due to severe mechanical damage to the head, resulting in a violation of the integrity of the skull. As a result of this injury, the meninges are damaged. There is also the risk of infection.
  2. Closed. The soft tissues of the head are damaged without violating the integrity of the skull.

Unlike the open form of CCT, the closed one is considered less dangerous, since the contents of the cranium do not come into contact with the external environment.

Depending on the shape of the head injury and the force that provoked mechanical damage, head injuries vary in severity:

  1. Light degree. It does not pose a particular danger to the life of the patient. As a rule, mild skin does not break the integrity of the skin, but it can form a hematoma. After injury, the victim may experience mild dizziness, headache and nausea. Sometimes there are cases when the victim has amnesia of varying degrees of duration.
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  2. Average degree. With a bruise of this severity, bone fractures at the base and the cranial vault can be diagnosed, as well as extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage. After such an injury, the patient experiences severe headache and nausea. Vomiting may occur. The victim may have a memory lapse, a tachycardia or a bradycardia. Depending on the area of ​​the head, which hit, the victim has a focal symptomatology. There are pupillary and oculomotor disorders, loss of sensation, weakening of motor function of muscles and problems with speech.
  3. Heavy. Violation of the integrity of the craniocerebral box, the emergence of intracerebral hematomas and damage to the brain tissue. In addition to the symptoms inherent in moderate severity, in severe form, the patient may experience neurologic symptoms in the form of epileptic seizures.

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2 Consequences of craniocerebral trauma

With closed CCT caused by a mild mechanical impact on a flat surface, as a rule, a violation of the integrity of the skin is not observed. There is a probability of loss of consciousness, but it is short and can reach several seconds. The presence of such sensations as headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, indicates a concussion of the brain. Some period of the patient will be noted a violation of the interaction between different parts of the brain. The patient's condition improves within 24-48 hours after receiving the injury.

In case of concussion or brain contusion, the consequences will depend on the severity of the lesion. Depending on what area of ​​the brain was subjected to mechanical effects, there are corresponding consequences.

As a result of a bruise, a small vessel vomit may break, resulting in the formation of small hemorrhages.

If there is a rupture of the brain tissue with bone fragments of the skull, a concussion occurs. In such a situation, the consequences of a head injury occur instantaneously. The victim loses consciousness for a long time. Having regained consciousness, the victim may experience partial or complete loss of memory, as well as local neurological symptoms. Some consequences of a head injury of this type can manifest themselves after a certain period of time in the form of epilepsy or sudden coma.


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If, as a result of the injury, the brain is squashed by the cranium due to cerebral edema, hemorrhage or indentation of the skull bones inside, the affected person, in addition to headache and nausea, has a change in the process of heartbeat and drowsiness.

The consequence of tension and rupture of axons( non-branching processes of neurons that are responsible for carrying signals to the muscles) leads to diffuse axonal damage, which manifests itself in the form of coma. A coma can last up to 3 weeks. There is a possibility that it can go into a vegetative state. While a person is in a coma, he has changes in the activities of vital functions. Their rhythm changes. Further prognosis of the patient's condition will depend on his age and the severity of the injury.

Consequences of head injury may occur even after a complete recovery course, especially if the degree of damage was severe. As a rule, there are disorders from the central nervous system. They manifest themselves in the form:

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  • temporary or permanent loss of sensitivity of the limbs;
  • movement coordination disorder;
  • reducing the quality of vision;
  • mental disorders.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to behave very carefully. It is necessary to avoid pressure and unnecessary movements. It is very important not to infect the infection, because meningitis or encephalitis may join the head injury, which will complicate the treatment process.

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