Whether it is possible to drink at a hemorrhoids, whether it is possible to use alcohol - beer, wine, vodka, influence spirton on sites after excision and at treatment

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For people suffering from such a delicate disease as varicose veins in the pelvic area, the questions: whether it is allowed to drink with hemorrhoids, compatibility of alcohol and pathology of the veins of the rectal region and in general whether alcohol affects the disease are extremely relevant. As is known among the factors causing the disease, along with malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, the leading place is occupied by bad habits, including alcohol abuse.

How does it affect the hemorrhoidal nodes seen from the mechanism of the relationship with the human body. Binge helps:

  • dilate the blood vessels;
  • raises blood pressure, adversely affecting the cardiovascular system;
  • weakens intestinal motility, provoking the appearance of constipation;
  • decay products cause toxic poisoning of the body, contributing to the violation of the intestinal wall and the appearance of ulcers. In addition, drinking alcohol is accompanied by eating heavy, spicy, spicy and fatty foods. Therefore it is not surprising if after hemorrhoids hemorrhoids got out.
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What effect does alcohol have on hemorrhoids?

Inflammation of cones after a feast, which lasts two or three days is quite often. Inflammation of the nodes after alcohol, perhaps not only after its intake in very large quantities, but also in the case of concomitant factors aggravating the problem. It can be a hobby for a computer, movement only on the machine, physical power loads.

The reasons why you can not drink with the disease are:

  1. Strengthening stagnant phenomena, contributing to the formation of new nodes.
  2. A diuretic effect on the body provokes dehydration, causing difficulties with defecation.

Patients with alcohol dependence often suffer from heavy bleeding, so treatment of hemorrhoids in alcoholics is difficult. Opinions whether alcohol can be divided with hemorrhoids. Some sources allow its use, but in minimal quantities. It is advisable to neutralize its effect with plain water after alcohol.

Can I drink vodka with hemorrhoids?

Such a strong drink as vodka, even with small amounts, negatively affects a person suffering from varicose veins of the pelvis. Proceeding from this, the answer to the question: "Is it possible to drink strong alcohol?" - will be negative. More correctly, it can be used with hemorrhoidal nodes, but not in its pure form, but in the composition of drugs according to folk recipes.

Is it possible to drink beer with hemorrhoids?

Beer is one of the most popular and favorite drinks on the planet. However, in the process of fermentation, many by-products are produced( fusel oils, aldehydes, methanol), which, when ingested, harm health. But the main harm of beer with hemorrhoids is a strong dehydration of the body with its excessive amount, strengthening the manifestations of constipation during defecation. If you can not do without your favorite drink, then the output will be non-alcoholic beer. However, even such a beer in the pathology of veins is very rare and not more than one or two glasses.

Alcohol after removal of hemorrhoids

When treating the disease, alcohol is prohibited in the postoperative period. Being a serious factor in the development of complications, it can significantly complicate the process of recovery and even lead to the need for repeated surgical intervention. Drink after the treatment of the disease can later time and in small quantities. The necessary time, when cured in a disease can be determined on the basis of a complete absence of symptoms. The rehabilitation period after surgery is quite long and requires a sparing diet.

When removing hemorrhoids, alcohol, causing the expansion of the vessels of the rectum and the near-anoral area, can provoke bleeding, changes in the structure of the intestinal tissues. How much you can not drink after removing the hemorrhoids depends on the general condition, but in any case this period is very long and can not be less than six months. From what you can drink with hemorrhoids, if it becomes necessary, preference is given to "live" beer.

When deciding whether you can drink with hemorrhoids, many wonder whether it is possible to drink wine. A drink containing many useful elements strengthens the immune system, stimulates metabolism, and astringent and antitoxic properties are used in the treatment of intestinal disorders. Therefore, wine in limited quantities can be consumed in many diseases. White dry natural wine refers to those kinds of alcohol that you can drink with hemorrhoids. Whether it is possible to drink at hemorrhoids or it is impossible, each person defines for itself, having compared pleasure and harm from alcohol.

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