How to cure hemorrhoids once and for all( completely), is complete cure possible?

Faced with such a disease as hemorrhoids, you want to quickly recover and forget its unpleasant manifestations forever. Pain, wounds, cracks, burning, ulcers, bumps - this all makes life unbearable, hinders both her personal sphere and her work. Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids forever? What can I do to prevent him from reappearing? These questions are asked by many, once faced with this problem.

Factors affecting the disease set. Its main cause is stagnation of blood in the anus, which occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Microcirculation begins to break and a problem arises. First it manifests itself in small bells - itching, discomfort. Further, the symptoms begin to increase and as a result, nodes appear that drop out at the slightest strain.

Is hemorrhoids treated forever? Efficiency is interrelated with the degree of defeat. The less attention you paid to hemorrhoids, the further you started the disease, the more difficult it is to get rid of it completely. And the more likely it is to never forget about it forever.

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Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids forever?

The answer is obvious - a complete treatment for hemorrhoids is possible, but with many factors in mind. You can get rid of it forever if:

  1. Start treatment earlier. Having detected hemorrhoids at an early stage, you can get by with little blood - the treatment will be quick and painless. The more advanced the stage, the more power will be invested and it is very possible that it will not be possible to forget about it forever.
  2. Correctly to eat - to exclude the aerated drinks, fat, fried, sharp, not to overeat. A balanced diet strengthens the body, gives it strength - wreaths and sosudiki keep in the tone, and defecation is easy.
  3. Forget about smoking and try not to take alcohol. As you know, smoking negatively affects the composition of the blood, disrupts its circulation, which contributes to the formation of hemorrhoids. Alcohol destroys the body, and every holiday with abundant libations leads him to a state of severe stress, forcing all systems and organs to work at the limit.
  4. Active way of life. When we move little, the blood stagnates. Very many, having a sedentary job, prefer to rest on the couch. This prevents you from forgetting about hemorrhoids forever. Stagnant during the work day, the blood needs to be dispelled. Walking, running, active sports( tennis, badminton, skating, skiing, swimming) stimulate blood flow, enhance metabolism, promote health and purification, strengthen muscle tone. Motor activity affects the mental state of a person - relieves stress, gives a good mood, revives vitality. Physical activity will help to heal hemorrhoids forever.
  5. Complete rest. The modern world is full of stresses and overloads. Naturally, the body needs a good rest, which provides a complete recovery. It is necessary to avoid mental and physical overloads, lifting weights - this will help to forget about hemorrhoids forever. A healthy sleep of at least 8 hours a day and a uniform distribution of the loads will help the therapy. During the day, it is advisable to alternate the motor activity with a state of rest. If the work is sedentary, it is necessary to be distracted at breaks in order to restore the circulation of blood - you can walk, do unpretentious gymnastics. Remember that we live once, and you do not need to completely drive your body - you need to take care of it.

Following these recommendations, you can cure hemorrhoids and forget about this problem forever.

How to cure hemorrhoids completely in the early stages?

Exacerbations are characterized by the onset of symptoms, which may differ at different stages of the disease. Their treatment is also different.

Having diagnosed hemorrhoids at the very beginning of development, it is enough just to cure it forever. The problem is that the onset of the disease is virtually asymptomatic. The blood flow is broken, which the body symbolizes with mild discomfort, itching, mucus secretion. Cones formed in the rectum are soft and almost imperceptible. As a rule, these symptoms are written off for digestive problems, this attitude prevents the treatment of hemorrhoids forever.

Meanwhile, at this stage it is easy to cure hemorrhoids completely. Comprehensive treatment will be required to:

  • strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, bringing them into tone, restoring blood circulation - Flebodia, Troxevasin;
  • control of physical activity and inactivity - do not sit in one position for a long time, try to maintain during the day normal blood flow.
  • strengthening of the muscles of the anus and blood dispersal - gymnastics - you need to squeeze and unclench the muscles of the anus, do it better twice a day;

Cure for hemorrhoids forever in the later stages of

When the knots begin to interfere with normal life - there is pain, bleeding, difficulties in defecation, getting rid of the problem becomes harder for ever. Exacerbation can occur as a result of constipation, lifting weights, stress. It is impossible to do self-medication here - a survey and doctor's recommendations are necessary. Complex complete treatment is based on:

  • relief of symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids - Relief, Detralex, Procto-Glivenol preparations in the form of ointments, creams, suppositories;
  • removal of inflammation - Ibuprofen, Levomecol, Ichthyol;
  • stop bleeding - Vikasol, Thrombin;
  • vascular reconstruction, improvement of blood flow - Troxevasin, Venoruton, Heparin;
  • facilitation of defecation - Senadé, Mikrolaks.

The last stage is associated with the loss of nodes and the possibility of their jamming. The patient has to constantly limit himself in actions, avoid stresses and learn how to adjust cones on his own. Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids forever in this case? Medications completely get rid of the problem, unfortunately, will not work. A complete return to normal life will require surgical intervention.

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