Treatment of hearing loss of 1 degree: conductive, sensorineural, sensorineural

With hearing loss there is a worsening of hearing and there is a noise in the ears, which prevents clearly distinguish between speech and sounds. Development of hearing loss is possible at any age, in older people nerve fibers in the cochlear atrophy, and hearing becomes worse to some extent in everyone.



With conductive hearing loss, tumors, malformations and sulfur plugs lead to hearing loss. Violation and conduction of sound waves when passing into the inner ear through the outer and middle parts of the hearing organ.

These disorders can occur after otitis and damage to the auditory ossicles. This type of hearing loss is very amenable to the treatment of .

The image indicates the areas where conductive hearing loss occurs


Sensorineural hearing loss is characterized by damage to the auditory nerve due to diseases of the inner ear. This affects the sound-receiving apparatus.

The specific factor of sensorineural hearing loss is the lack of effective treatment, which gives a hundred percent effect, and the inability to restore hearing in a chronic type.

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When treating this type of hearing loss, it is important to notice changes in time and seek advice.

Subacute flow has a longer period of 1 to 3 months, but healing is reduced to 30-60%.If a person seeks help after 3 months, deafness becomes chronic and does not make sense in treatment.

With mixed hearing loss( sensorineural), correction is performed using a hearing aid, performing surgical interventions and drug treatment.

Symptoms and causes of

Symptoms of hearing loss are deterioration in hearing and tinnitus, whether permanent or intermittent. Noise is like whistling, squeaking, ringing and rumble, it interferes with patients and often causes headaches. There may be dizziness and impaired coordination of movements.

Among the main causes leading to hearing loss and development of hearing loss include the following:

  • infectious and viral diseases( influenza, otitis, parotitis);
  • problems with the immune system, weakening of immunity;
  • autoimmune diseases with internal ear damage;
  • meningitis and labyrinthitis;
  • syphilis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system( atherosclerosis, thrombosis);
  • craniocerebral and acoustic trauma( occurs with a sudden increase in pressure in the inner ear);
  • exposure to toxic substances( chemicals, antibacterial agents, salicylates, preparations for malaria);
  • are often stressful and nervous overexertion.

The risk factors for deafness include:

  1. . Anomalies in the structure of the hearing organs.
  2. The elderly.
  3. Oncological diseases in the field of hearing organs.
  4. Hereditary factor and otosclerosis.

Diagnostic methods

The main way to diagnose hearing loss is an audiogram, or the ability to perceive various sounds. According to the perception of sound waves, the degree of disease is established. At 1 degree of hearing loss, the threshold is increased by 20-40 dB and the patient perceives speech at a distance of up to 6 m.

Additionally, studies are conducted to determine the cause of hearing loss. For example:

  • revealing the cause of infectious processes;
  • impedance measurement;
  • otoscopy;
  • methods for detecting tumor formations;
  • tuning forks.

Deafness treatment of 1 degree

Sometimes, to effectively influence the causes that have contributed to the development of hearing loss, especially bilateral, patients have to not only change their way of life and attitude towards themselves, but also change their sphere of activity.

Treatment should be performed after thorough diagnosis in a hospital. It is necessary to find out the cause of deafness, cure the underlying disease and hearing will return.

For some types of disease, or ineffective treatment, surgery is indicated. During which implant implanted, responsible for the perception and transmission of sounds on active neurons. This electronic device has a microphone and amplifier, which allows people not to be detached from the outside world.

Children are shown classes with speech therapist and psychoneurologist.


Use drugs that improve cerebral circulation, able to stimulate metabolic processes in nerve cells and improve hemodynamics( actovegin, trental, tanakan).Additional drugs in complex therapy are hormonal drugs, diuretics and B vitamins.

Children are given drugs with phospholipids and B vitamins, vascular drugs and nootropics, diuretics based on herbs.


Electrostimulation and oxigenobarotherapy are used. They conduct acupuncture, apply to acupuncture, use magnetotherapy and phonoelectrophoresis. Children undergo microcurrent reflexology according to the scheme.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease. It is necessary to increase immunity and eliminate infection. Here, the use of garlic and berries of cranberries, cranberries will help.

Improvement of catabolism in the brain tissue is realized by sprouted wheat grains, seafood and blueberries.

Thus forget about the cause of hearing loss in a short period, which increases the chances of complete hearing restoration.

How to diagnose hearing loss look in our video:


With regular examinations at the ENT doctor, observing the sound mode, excluding injuries and irritating factors of hearing loss can be avoided. It can be cured after the first symptoms, completely restore the hearing and avoid hearing aids.

Only chronic course and late referral can lead to significant or complete hearing loss.

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