Dysbacteriosis in colitis and its treatment

The human digestive system can have various diseases, the most common is colitis. It is born on the background of inflammation, which is formed in the mucosa of the large intestine. It can be caused by inflammatory processes that occur in the gastrointestinal tract or the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

Dysbacteriosis and colitis are two compatible concepts. Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the microflora in the intestine. It must be maintained, as it consists of beneficial bacteria. They are the vanguard of human immunity, able to improve the digestion of food and allow to stop the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in colitis is a time-consuming process! The most acceptable and optimal variant of improving a person's condition is the use of live bifidobacteria. Preparations for prescribing should be agreed with a specialist, since therapy of a certain form of colitis caused by dysbacteriosis does not always go well, or recovery is a short-term phenomenon.

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When treating dysbacteriosis in colitis, it is necessary to verify the diagnosis accurately. To do this, it is necessary to take an analysis of stool and undergo procedures that allow you to examine a certain area of ​​the gut, and then establish the form of the disease. This is a long process that requires perseverance, and the gastroenterologist must concentrate on various directions in order to successfully get rid of it:

  1. first, an important and basic function of a specialist is to find out the causes that triggered the emergence of dysbiosis and colitis in order to eliminate them later. This disease can cause a prolonged use of antibiotics and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Treatment of dysbacteriosis is aimed at restoring motor functions of the intestine and reducing inflammatory processes by taking enzyme preparations;
  2. in the second turn it is recommended to remove acute displays of a dysbacteriosis at a colitis and to normalize digestion. To do this, it is recommended to resort to maintaining a proper and rational diet, which will include vitamins, microelements, useful for the digestive system. Treatment is reduced to adherence to diet( table number 4), which normalizes the work of the intestines and reduces the growth of putrefactive processes in the body;
  3. the following direction is characterized by correction of the composition of the intestinal microflora, for which it is necessary to take nonabsorbable antibacterial drugs, probiotics, which restore the biocoenosis in the intestine and are able to relieve colitis;
  4. in conclusion, it is necessary to strengthen the protective forces of the body by the intake of herbal preparations or immunomodulators.

The diet for dysbacteriosis should be balanced, contain a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The use of liquid should vary within 2 liters per day. The ideal option for the treatment of colitis is the intake of 1 cup of water half an hour before meals, it is advisable to consume mineral water without gas. A prerequisite for the diet is to observe a strict diet! To combat dysbiosis in a disease such as colitis, glutamine and arginine must be present in the human diet, which have immunostimulating and anabolic effects.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in colitis can be performed by taking probiotics, which contain living beneficial microorganisms that allow normalizing the intestinal microflora.

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