Sigmoiditis - symptoms( signs) and treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon

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Every human body is strictly individual, and the state of its health will directly depend on the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organs. Mostly this applies to the digestive system. A lot depends on the correct and balanced activity of the sigmoid colon, in particular, the person's well-being. Sigmoiditis is an inflammation of the sigmoid colon, and has a very unpleasant symptomatology.

Symptoms of sigmoiditis depend on the course of inflammation - a chronic or acute form. Sigmoiditis of the acute form will manifest itself with symptoms such as:

  • Intensive painful sensations that are localized in the ileum on the left side.
  • Spasmodic painful sensations that are given in the lower back and left leg.
  • Flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen.
  • Frequent diarrhea, accompanied by stench and blood, mucous and purulent impurities.
  • Feeling of nausea and vomiting that do not bring relief.
  • An increase in the body temperature regime, which is accompanied by symptoms of a general intoxication of the body, for example, weakness, pale skin and others.
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Chronic inflammation of the sigmoid colon mainly begins to manifest with dysbiosis in the alternation of diarrhea with constipation. For such a sigmoiditis, a constant sensation of raspiraniya in the abdomen and a painful symptom that manifests itself in the act of defecation and gives into the perineum is characteristic. The patient with inflammation of the sigmoid colon has insomnia, rapid overfatigue, excessive nervousness and irritability. In the chronic type of sigmoiditis, the process of absorption and digestion is disrupted, and if such a state continues for a long time, the patient will lose much weight, and he will have common signs of intoxication. Chronic inflammation occurs with a period of remission, when symptoms have subsided. However, if unfavorable factors act, then exacerbations of sigmoiditis symptoms are observed periodically. Relapses of the disease are:

  • Stress, too much physical activity.
  • Violation of diet rules.
  • Subcooling the body.
  • Injury.
  • The emergence of acute infectious diseases.

In the case of exacerbation of chronic sigmoiditis, the symptoms are expressed in different ways and mainly depend on the causes that caused the inflammation.

Treatment of symptoms of sigmoiditis

Therapeutic measures and treatment of inflammation of the sigmoid colon are quite complex and lengthy, which requires the strictest observance of the patient's prescribed regimen. The principle of treatment of sigmoiditis will consist in taking medication, bed rest, with exacerbation and remission in compliance with a specialized diet. To conduct drug treatment of symptoms of sigmoiditis, a specialist can prescribe the following:

  • Antibacterial drugs, for example, Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline and fluoroquinolines.
  • Spasmolytic and anesthetic drugs.
  • Drugs that have an astringent and enveloping sedative effect.
  • Candles with methyluracil, corticosteroids and microclysters with chamomile broth. It should be noted that the latter is used in the case of an acute course of sigmoiditis.

In case of an exacerbation, the patient is recommended in the process of treatment compliance with bed rest and a certain diet. After the acute signs of inflammation of the sigmoid colon subsided, the patient should take prescribed medications to treat symptoms for several months, which help restore intestinal microflora, for example, Bifiform or Lactobacterin.

In the process of treating symptoms, phytotherapy is a good result. It has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility in the treatment, and can have astringent, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In the event that the infectious process became the cause of inflammation of the sigmoid colon, in addition to complying with a strict diet, the treatment of simtomas, consisting in a specialized drinking regimen and vitamin therapy, is prescribed.

Herbal preforms with sigmoidal help to subside inflammatory processes, improve intestinal activity, and reduce the severity of signs of the disease. In addition, they help in getting rid of symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, the general state of intoxication and so on. It is recommended to take tea from the collection of medicinal plants. Take in equal shares plantain, celandine, chamomile leaves, dill seeds and wild rose berries. All this you need to brew 1000 ml of boiling water and allow time for infusion for 6 hours. Infusion is consumed in 100 ml of order 6 times in 24 hours. The duration of treatment with sigmoiditis is 4 weeks. Then there is a break for 7 days, and then the treatment is repeated again. To fix the effect, and completely get rid of the symptoms, it is recommended to repeat the treatment three times.

If there is such a symptom as a prolonged diarrhea, juice from the plantain leaves will help. It has a pronounced astringent effect. The juice is squeezed out of the leaves in a crushed form. A tablespoon of juice is bred in 300 ml of boiling water and taken for half an hour before eating.

If you follow the correct tactics of treating the symptoms, you can achieve positive results of full recovery from sigmoiditis. The patient should have patience, since the treatment is very long and has strict limitations. If you strictly follow all the medical prescriptions, then it is possible to return to a full life.

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