Polyps in the rectum - symptoms and treatment, signs of polyposis, how to treat with candles?

Often when a routine examination, polyps are found in the rectum. Symptoms at the first stages of neoplasm development are not manifested in any way. The patient complains of general malaise, severe flatulence, mild nausea, permanent constipation, but these signs can easily be taken for any other malaise associated with the gastrointestinal tract, so treatment is delayed.

But any delay is very dangerous. And all because some polyps are able to malign, regenerate and transform into cancer, so it is so important to know what other additional symptoms may indicate the presence of the described pathology, what treatment should be used to protect themselves and achieve full recovery?

Characteristics of polyps in the rectum

What signs of polyps can be diagnosed at an early stage? Identify the presence of a small tumor, diameter up to 2 cm alone is impossible because of the absence of symptoms, its appearance can be seen only when a person once a year undergoes a routine procedure of endoscopic examination.

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When polyps in the rectum grow to large sizes, the symptoms begin to appear vividly:

  • In feces, when emptied, bloody streaks or well-marked traces appear. Mucus is mixed with blood. Its number only increases with time. If the polyp has grown in the rectum, the blood has a bright red color, it is not black, not brown, namely scarlet. And this is the first symptom which should force to address for the help to the surgeon-proctologist.
  • Growing up, the polyp fills the whole lumen of the hollow organ. Therefore, the patient begins to feel the presence of a foreign body either in the anal canal or in the ileum( this is near the pubis).The feeling of this discomfort is not constant, but paroxysmal, appears from time to time. This is the second symptom.
  • As the polyps in the rectum grow, they close the lumen, the stool masses on the way to the exit, they face an unexpected obstacle, so there are prolonged constipation.
  • If the polyp in the rectum has a long thin leg, its head falls out through the anus. This is a clear symptom.
  • When stooled, stool masses can strongly tighten the growth, in this case there is severe pain, and this is another characteristic symptom.

Similar signs of polyps in the rectum can be taken for the appearance of hemorrhoids or cancer of the described part of the large intestine, so it is so important not to engage in self-treatment and in time to seek help from specialists. They will make every effort to put the right diagnosis and develop a strategy of therapy, knowing how to treat the polyp of the rectum, you can achieve full recovery.

Features of treatment of polyps in the rectum

If the polyps in the rectum are detected by symptoms and examination, treatment should be extremely radical. There are several variants of the operation. When a single neoplasm with a well-defined pedicle is diagnosed, endoscopic treatment is selected. It is carried out without tissue incisions, under stationary conditions. The patient is placed on his side and injected through the anus, the sigmoidoscope - a metal hollow tube with a camera and a strong flashlight at the end. The camera connects to the monitor, so the surgeon does not work blindly.

Inside the syringe-scanner, the necessary tools are introduced: a metal loop or tongs. The first device is selected when it is possible to put a loop on the head of the polyp and tighten it on the foot. As soon as such manipulation is performed, a current flows through the loop to the tightening point. With the help of a polyp in the rectum is cut off, and the vessels are sealed, so bleeding does not occur.

If the polyp is large and has a wide base, instead of a loop in the sigmoidoscope, the forceps are inserted and the new growth is chiseled to pieces in pieces. Instead of forceps today, a laser beam is often used. But in this case it is not possible to take a biopsy for the study. And it must be carried out necessarily. Histology is designed to detect or disprove the signs of transformation of the benign nature of the build-up into a malignant tumor. When the worst predictions are confirmed, the treatment takes on a completely different character - the polyp is cut out along with the intestinal wall.

Recto-manoscope is a versatile equipment, often with the help of it is produced and drug treatment( only in the earliest stages).Through the metal tube are inserted candles from polyps of the rectum( "Chistobolin").The procedure of administration is carried out once or twice a day after the cleansing enema. The enema is prepared from salt, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Conservative treatment can be effective, but it must necessarily be under the supervision of a doctor.

How to treat diffuse polyposis of the rectum is solved after revealing the exact location of the neoplasms. If the pathology extends to the large intestine, a decision is made to remove the entire affected area. In this case, the anus is sewn to the small intestine. This operation should be carefully prepared. The patient is put on a diet in advance, he is advised to switch to vegetarian food, drink juices that can soften the stool masses. To facilitate the postoperative period, it is worthwhile to apply anti-inflammatory suppositories in advance from polyps of the rectum, which contain Diclofenac or Ibuprofen.

Forecasts for such operations, in which biopsy shows negative results, are almost always positive. With the right removal, the polyposis of the rectum is completely eliminated, and with it all painful symptoms go away. Relapses in this case are extremely rare.

It is possible to achieve full recovery if it is possible to establish the reasons for the formation of polyps in the rectum and to eliminate them, preventing the re-occurrence of symptoms. Parallel to this, a therapy is provided that helps to strengthen immunity, the patient is advised to completely stop taking alcohol, smoking, change completely his gastronomic habits and learn to eat properly. Every year the patient will have to undergo an endoscopic examination. Those who are interested in the question of how to treat this disease should strictly monitor their health.

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