How to reduce the vegetative crisis - symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

A sudden strong sense of fear accompanied by tachycardia, chills, increased sweating and a whole host of unpleasant symptoms is usually called the vegetative crisis, the second name is panic attacks.

For the first time the problem arises most often at the age after 20 years, after 30 there are already isolated cases of the first appearance of a vegetative crisis. The disease significantly complicates the life of patients, as to anticipate when a new attack will occur completely impossible.

Causes of the

Crisis The causes of the initial onset of the vegetative crisis have not been fully investigated. The collection of anamnesis and diagnosis of patients with recorded signs of panic attack made it possible to identify several similar violations:

  • Pathology of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Endocrine diseases, most often this concerns problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Organic disruption of the central nervous system caused by a tumor, trauma, hemorrhage.
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  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Prolonged intake of certain groups of drugs.
  • Constant psychoemotional stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Social reasons. The first attack of panic attacks often occurs after the violence, children are susceptible to this ailment in families where physical punishment is practiced.
It is believed that the most affected people are those who enjoy all the benefits of civilization, intellectually developed, responsible and disturbing from nature.

There are almost no people among people living in remote areas in the villages of patients with a vegetative crisis.

Signs of the disease

The main sign of the onset of the vegetative crisis is a feeling of intense fear, which appears quite suddenly .

What causes the next attack until the end can not be predicted, so after several attacks a person becomes anxious, afraid to stay alone or on the contrary avoiding public life.

The secondary sign of a vegetative crisis is a strong fear of death or mental disorders.

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For MORTAL from vegetative-vascular dystonia Elena Malysheva recommends a new method based on the monastery collection of Father George.

It consists of 16 useful medicinal plants, which have extremely high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of VSD, arrhythmia, hypertension, migraines and many other diseases. In this case, only natural ingredients are used, no chemistry and hormones! Read about Malysheva's technique ยป

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Symptoms of a vegetative crisis

When a seizure of a vegetative crisis occurs, there is a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood, which causes the following symptoms:

  • Increasing anxiety.
  • A sharp increase in heart rate.
  • Strong feeling of lack of air.
  • Headache, in which a vegetative crisis often occurs against a background of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Chills, tremors of the extremities.
  • Sweating, the appearance of a feeling of heat all over the body or cold.
  • Discomfort or pain in the left side of the chest.
  • Severe weakness, dizziness, fainting.
  • Fear of death.

The attack develops quite unexpectedly for the patient, can be accompanied by several listed symptoms or at once all, its peak reaches 10 minutes and ends:

  • Vomiting.
  • Rapid urination.
  • Act of defecation.
For some time, a vegetarian crisis, a person feels a slight weakness, drowsiness, then everything goes without the recorded effects.

Panic attack leaves a lot of stress in the person's soul, he is afraid of recurrence of the attack, thereby provoking his new appearance under the influence of the smallest unfavorable factor.

To trigger a new panic attack can completely minor changes:

  • Stay in an enclosed space.
  • High humidity or stuffiness.
  • Forced long, not planned waiting.
  • Threat of physical violence or punishment.
  • An unfamiliar situation.

Diagnostic methods

Patients in the vast majority of cases turn to a neurologist or a psychotherapist after several vegetative crises and beyond an attack.

Therefore, the physician must collect anamnesis and identify the presence of endocrine, somatic or psychoemotional disorders of .When talking with a patient find out:

  • The duration of the attack, the symptoms that arise during its development and after.
  • Presence of a provoking factor.

The diagnosis is exhibited only after the following diseases have been excluded:

  • Epilepsy, brain tumors.
  • Ischemia of the heart muscle, rhythm disturbances.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Neurotic disorders, depression.


The vegetative crisis is classified according to the severity of the condition and the predominant symptomatology.

In terms of severity, a seizure of a vegetative crisis is subdivided:

  • The lung lasts up to 15 minutes, one or two leading symptoms predominate and there is no post-crisis asthenia.
  • The average can last from 20 minutes to one hour, there are several signs and a violation of overall well-being during the day and more after a panic attack.
  • Severe seizures are characterized by the appearance of several long-term symptoms, syncope, convulsions are possible. Asthenia is recorded for several days. Such a form of vegetative crisis requires a clear division with an epileptic seizure.

The leading symptoms are divided into:

  • Sympathoadrenal with a predominance of headache, pulsations in the head, with pale and cold skin, trembling of the limbs, a sense of anxiety and fear.
  • Vagoinsular crises are characterized by the appearance of irregularities in the heart, a feeling of lack of air, dizziness, wet skin, pain in the stomach.

Alcoholism often leads to complications in the background of certain diseases and the vegetative crisis is not an exception. Currently, alcoholism can be successfully treated with various drugs and one of the most effective are the drops of "Kolme".Instructions for use, the price of drops of "Cole" from alcoholism.

More detailed reviews of the drops of "Colme" from alcoholism can be found here.

Any manifestation of alcoholism, in the long run, can lead to an abscess. Methods of treatment of alcoholic abscesses are given in the next section: http: // bolezni-nevrologii /alcogolizm/ alkogolnaya-abstinentsiya-simptomy-lechenie.html.

Treatment of the vegetative crisis

Before proceeding with the prescription of pharmaceutical preparations, the physician should evaluate the following indices:

  • Duration of the disease.
  • Severity of symptoms.
  • Awareness of the patient about the nature of the disease.
  • Previous use of medicines and their response to the body.

Medication for

Let's talk about how to get rid of an autonomic crisis.
Dosing of a vegetative crisis should include the appointment of different groups of drugs, which depends on the leading symptoms of the disease, namely:

  • If the heart is abnormal, take Valocordin, Corvalol, Anaprilin.
  • When a feeling of anxiety, fear, it is necessary to chew the Relanium tablet, Clonazepam.
  • The basis of the treatment regimen is the use of antidepressants prescribed by a doctor. It is also necessary to fully treat the identified physical diseases.
All these measures are also applied in case of emergency medical care in case of autonomic crises.

Non-pharmacological treatment of

Patient suffering from vegetative crises, it is necessary to teach yourself how to control the upcoming changes in overall health. To achieve this, it is usually recommended:

  • Teach the patient proper deep breathing. This type of breathing saturates the body with oxygen, which prevents the development of severe symptoms. Also helps enrich the brain with carbon dioxide - for this purpose a paper bag is used - it is inhaled and exhaled.
  • At the onset of the first signs of an attack, it is desirable to change the situation - to leave the premises, transport.
    Having taught the patient to control the severity of the attack, the doctor removes the anxious anticipation of the next attack, which also reduces the likelihood of its occurrence.

Complications and prognosis

In most cases, a panic attack is not limited to one episode, so the patient develops a persistent expectation of the next crisis, which forms an alarming state. In patients with a vegetative crisis, the following problems are often observed:

  • Phobias - a person tries to avoid those places and situations that can lead to an attack.
  • Depression - a long wait for a new attack adversely affects the overall psycho-emotional background.
  • Increased fatigue and reduced social activity are also complications of panic attacks.
  • The prognosis of the disease is favorable, if the patient does not delay the visit to the doctor, undergoes a comprehensive examination and receives additional help from the therapist.


Preventive measures used in the inter-attack period will allow the patient to avoid another occurrence of a panic attack. In the first place among them go:

  • Compliance with a healthy lifestyle. It has been proven that alcohol abuse, drug addiction and smoking add to the severity of the attack.
  • Phytopreparation with sedative effect - motherwort, peony, mint, valerian.
  • Formation of stress resistance. This can be achieved using the methods proposed by the therapist.
  • Sufficient physical activity - sports, regular walks in ecologically clean areas.
Cope with a vegetative crisis with a strong desire of a person is possible, the main thing at the same time follow the recommendations of a professional neurologist or psychiatrist.

Video, which describes the technique of an ambulance in a vegetative crisis or, as they say, during a panic attack:

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